Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Lingering Peace Negotiation

December 31, 2016

The peace game has changed into an endless political competition that has never come to fruition but debated hotly once in a while. Afghan government put all its eggs in one basket to...

Fighting Extremism through Cultural Activities

December 29, 2016

As fragile security situation is dominating Afghan society, it is really important for Afghans to keep their spirits high and stand strong against such a situation. Their high spirits...

Justice System should Serve the Weakest

December 28, 2016

Different incidents in Afghanistan show that there are serious concerns regarding violence against women. Though there have been many discussions recently about the issue and...

Media and Access to Information

December 27, 2016

The role of media is paramount in today’s democratic world. Many intellectuals believe it to be the fourth pillar of the state along with executive, legislature and judiciary...

Cold Weather Adds Insult to Injury

December 26, 2016

With the approach of winter, the pain and sufferings of the individuals, who do not have a roof over their heads, increase and they seek shelter to survive the cold weather. The...

People Losing Confidence in the Government

December 25, 2016

The performance of a state or particularly a government can be gauged by the services, facilities and opportunities that it provides to its people. If it fails to provide the...

Afghan Youth can Change the Future

December 24, 2016

Though different sorts of problems have dominated the Afghan society, the performance, vigor and the spirits of Afghan youth have never disappointed. Among difficulties and...

57 Journalists Killed in 2016

December 22, 2016

The importance of media cannot be overlooked in today’s world. Without media, it is really impossible to think of timely information sharing. And, in addition to the chief...

Taliban must be Pressurized for Negotiations

December 21, 2016

There are serious concerns regarding the prospects of peace in Afghanistan. Insecurity is on the rise with many other social and political issues and there are no clear indications...

Corruption in Education must not be Tolerated

December 20, 2016

It is now a widely accepted fact that Afghanistan cannot survive without pursuit of modern education. A brighter and better future can only be guaranteed if Afghan children both...

The Dystopian World of Mankind

December 19, 2016

War and violence leave no room for hope and one will never heave a sigh of relief with the current crises. The tragic stories making the headlines in national and international media...

International Migrants Day

December 18, 2016

December 18 is celebrated as World Migrants Day around the world. The objective of the day is to highlight the issues that compel the people to opt for migration and then the problems...

Internal Differences within NUG

December 17, 2016

ince the formation of National Unity Government (NUG) in Afghanistan, there have been rifts and misunderstandings between the office of the President and that of the Chief...

Heightened Role of Women in Peace Process

December 15, 2016

Afghanistan can only play any considerable role in uplifting the position of women within the country, if women are allowed to participate in different spheres of life. They should have...

Support for the Least Advantaged

December 14, 2016

There are many parts of Afghanistan where the people are suffering from the dearth of rudimentary requirements of life. Because of decades of instability and improper attention to...

Superstitions are Misleading

December 13, 2016

Human beings possess different sorts of ideas, beliefs and feelings, which have their different sources. Not all the thoughts and beliefs are based on rationality and logic...

‘Stand up for Everyone’s Rights’

December 12, 2016

Stand up for Everyone’s Rights’ was the theme for this year’s Human Rights Day, which was celebrated on December 10, around the world. The Day called on everyone...

The Rampant Corruption in Afghanistan

December 10, 2016

Yesterday, December 09, was celebrated as the International Anti-Corruption Day around the world. The objective of the day is to highlight the evils that are related to corruption and...

Pessimism about the Role of Government

December 08, 2016

As the Afghan government has not been able to deliver much as far as major political and social problems in the country are concerned, people are becoming more pessimistic and they...

Drug Addiction Gives Rise to Social Evils

December 07, 2016

The issue of drug production and addiction persists as one of the most serious evils within Afghan society. Though there have been many instances when Afghan media and civil society and...

“Elimination of Violence against Women”

December 06, 2016

Though Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW) law in Afghanistan was passed by a presidential decree in 2009, it has not been implemented in its true spirit; neither, there...

After Heart of Asia Conference

December 05, 2016

At the end of Heart of Asia Conference in Amritsar, India, 14 regional countries, that are the members of the process, adopted a declaration and called for an immediate end...

The Sixth Heart of Asia Conference

December 04, 2016

The sixth Ministerial Meeting of Heart of Asia Conference is going on in Amritsar, India. The Conference being attended by more than 40 countries and leading international institutions...

Widening Gap between the Rich and Poor

December 03, 2016

The so-called development in Afghan society since the downfall of Taliban has not been even. There are different problems that suggest that development has not taken place in the real...

The Dearth of Rudimentary Requirements

December 01, 2016

Though human beings require different types of needs in their lives, the needs to live alive are the most basic and important ones. These include food, cloth and shelter. Provided...

Moderate Approach Should be Valued

November 30, 2016

Human beings, in their quest to understand the world and different phenomena in it, have gained knowledge and developed ideologies. These ideologies have, without any doubt, assisted...


November 29, 2016

Having been provided with enormous amount since 2001, Afghan government’s sincere efforts seemed infinitesimal if not none, for not having taken any sufficient proportional step...

Finding the Right Path

November 28, 2016

Our country is going through most fragile and crucial phase of its history. The incidents that have taken place and the ones that are taking place clearly indicate that we are going through...

Good Governance

November 27, 2016

There have been controversies regarding Afghan government and its capacity to deal with the challenges in the country. In fact, it has been observed that Afghan government has not...

The Unending Suffering of Afghan Women

November 26, 2016

Afghan women have been highly vulnerable to individual and collective violence. The patriarchal system, parochial mindsets and cultural restrictions took their toll on them...

Our Unconcern towards Social Evils

November 24, 2016

There have been many evils in human societies that have been disrupting the smooth development and improvement. Though there have been efforts to overcome them, they have kept on...

The Doubtful Future

November 23, 2016

The opinions of the people and intellectuals towards the socio-political scenario in Afghanistan appear to be divergent and there are not clear certainties in this regard. There are...

Government Must Curb Unemployment

November 22, 2016

The menace of unemployment is influencing almost every province of Afghanistan. Though Afghanistan has a very young population, which means that it has great potentials that can...

The Worth of Accountability

November 21, 2016

One of the key requirements of good governance is accountability. Not only governmental institutions but also the private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable to...

Ensuring Democratic Rights

November 20, 2016

Peaceful nations must stand for the advance of democracy. No other system of government has done more to protect minorities, to secure the rights of labor, to raise the status of women...