Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Treating Weaker Strata!

November 19, 2016

The rights of women and children are supported by International Community, and violating their rights means disobeying one of the international instruments that are Convention on the...

Preserving Water Reservoirs

November 17, 2016

Our world has been blessed with different resources that support us to live our lives with ease and comfort. Among these resources water is one of the most basic one. Enough water...

Paving the Way for Democracy

November 16, 2016

This is an undeniable fact that Afghanistan has not been able to acquire stable and true political system. Though we claim our country to be democratic, we lack all the qualities...

MPs’ Dismissal of the Ministers

November 15, 2016

As Afghanistan is going through a crucial period of its history, it is being tested in various ways. Currently, it is being tested regarding its internal political situation that...

On World Diabetes Day

November 14, 2016

Every year November 14 is celebrated as the World Diabetes Day (WDD) in various countries around the world. The Day was basically created by International Diabetes Federation (IDF)...

Improving our Ways of Living

November 13, 2016

With the rise of specialization and professionalism, human beings excelled in the formation of institutions and offices. They started sparing more time to these institutions...

The Anniversary of Sectarianism Victims

November 12, 2016

The martyrdom anniversary of Shokria Tabassom, a 13-year-old girl, was held on Friday in Kabul. Her death galvanized the nation and prompted a nationwide demonstration last year...

Trump’s Election as US President and Effects on Afghanistan

November 10, 2016

The much-hyped United States (US) Presidential Elections ended and Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, was elected America’s 45th president. The election result was unexpected...

Science for Peace and Development

November 09, 2016

Science has penetrated so deeply within our societies that it is difficult to imagine life without it. Science has ushered an era of learning, discoveries and inventions. However, there is much...

Stable Economic System is Vital for Political Order

November 08, 2016

It is very important to see the connection and interdependence of different systems within a state. Different systems like political, social and economic systems influence one another...

Juvenile Delinquents must be Treated Appropriately

November 07, 2016

Youngsters within a society are the backbone of the society. Their strength, potential and their positive energies can benefit the society to a great extent. The whole future and destiny of...

No End to Casualties

November 06, 2016

Terrorism is a midterm threat and we have commitments with the world to curb it because Afghan forces are fighting on the frontline of terrorism …. The Afghan forces have protected the dignity...

Political Integration is Vital for Afghanistan

November 05, 2016

As insecurity has persisted in Afghanistan, it has given rise to many other issues as well. Or it has incapacitated the government and the people to divert their attentions towards some other major issues...

Understanding Social and Political Changes

November 03, 2016

Social and political changes are inevitable and the societies that are able to understand these changes and guide them towards or closer to the intended destinations are the most successful ones...

Widening Disparities between the Rich and Poor

November 02, 2016

A recent report by Tolo news highlighted the widening gap between the rich and poor in Afghanistan and how that influences the poor, some among whom do not have anything else to do but collect garbage...

Government Inaction Strengthens Human Smuggling

November 01, 2016

Insecurity in Afghanistan, though itself a huge problem, has given rise to many other issues as well. Among the problems majorly caused by insecurity are issues of displacement...

Programs Worth $2.3 Billion Ineffective in Afghanistan

October 31, 2016

Afghan people show a certain level of optimism and hope when they hear about large sum of money being promised and even transferred to Afghanistan for support and assistance; however, they fail to see real...

Afghan Saffron Ranked the Best, Again!

October 30, 2016

The production of saffron in Afghanistan has proved to be very productive and positive. It has brought a new ray of hope for Afghan economy and a substitute for poppy cultivation. Moreover, Afghan saffron...

Bell the Cat

October 29, 2016

Do you really think that resuming reconciliation process will lead to political stability? The Taliban’s radical leader Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada still orchestrates deadly attacks against the...

Extremism is Causing us Troubles

October 27, 2016

In Afghanistan, one of the most dominant issues is extremism. It has given rise to intolerance, militancy and ultimately conflicts and wars. Without dealing with the issue of extremism, it would be...

Highlighting Key Issues

October 26, 2016

It is of immense importance for Afghanistan that it should highlight its key issues and make efforts in the right directions. Ambiguity and uncertainty in the ranks of high officials and leaderships regarding...

The Governed are More Important

October 25, 2016

In today’s world almost every society has a government and the subjects – the ones who can be termed as the governed. Much of the discussions pertaining to political philosophy and political science has...

Bleeding Amidst War and Violence

October 24, 2016

Despite the fall of the Taliban’s regime in 2001 and establishment of democracy, Afghan civilians are still bleeding as a result of war and insurgency. Disregarding human rights and humanitarian law, the...

A Better Strategy to Deal with Crimes

October 23, 2016

Crimes within a society are actually part of a very complex phenomenon. It is not only the individual behavior, thinking and decisions that are responsible for the crimes. Though they are committed through...

Alarming Rise in Child Casualties

October 22, 2016

As the war and insecurity continue in Afghanistan, civilians suffer the most; particularly the weaker among them, like women and children. Children are undoubtedly the most innocent and their lives must be protected...

Cases of Violence against Journalists must be Pursued

October 20, 2016

Recently, concerns have been raised again in the country regarding the unwillingness of the relevant authorities to pursue the cases of the violence against journalists. Earlier in the week Nai – an organization...

Troubles must Change a Nation

October 19, 2016

It is widely believed concept that the nations that go through difficult times ultimately gain a sense of admiration for peace, tranquility and progress and the members of such...

No End to Violence against Women

October 17, 2016

In the recent Brussels Summit it was reiterated by National Unity Government (NUG) that there would be serious efforts for the rights and protection of women in Afghanistan. However...

World Food Day

October 16, 2016

October 16th is celebrated around the world as the World Food Day. The day is to honor the date of the founding of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations...

Parenting and Social Ills

October 15, 2016

In our society the ills and misdeeds of a person is linked to his family and parents. Family values and the nourishment and teachings of parents are considered as the only...

The Fall of Kunduz and Government’s Response

October 11, 2016

Last time when Kunduz was taken back from Taliban, the government officials made commitments to the people of Kunduz that their security would be guaranteed and Taliban would...

Political Crisis Lingers

October 10, 2016

The political syndrome and protracted war in Afghanistan continue unabated and have challenged the National Unity Government (NUG). With the futility of “war on terror” Afghan...

Re-diagnosing our Problems

October 09, 2016

There are certain social problems around us that have disturbed our whole society and unfortunately we are not sure of what those problems are. We are mostly concerned with the...

Smile Can Eradicate Grief

October 08, 2016

The first Friday of October was celebrated as World Smile Day in many parts of the world. The Day has a very interesting history. Harvey Ball, an artist from Worcester, Massachusetts...

Promises in Brussels Conference

October 06, 2016

In the ongoing Brussels Conference on Afghanistan, the International Community has reiterated its support for Afghanistan but it has also mentioned that the country would...