Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Key Role of Media

The Key Role of Media

June 22, 2017 | Sakhi Danish

Media plays a crucial role around the globe. It generates public awareness, support freedom of speech and democracy. People are widely involved in news, reports, movies, etc. and...

Fighting Administrative Corruption in Afghanistan

Fighting Administrative Corruption in Afghanistan

June 21, 2017 | Abdul Hamid Arifi

Within the past two decades, the issue of administrative corruption has challenged Afghanistan seriously and hampered it from gaining political, economic and managerial objectives. The spread...

Growing Hate Crime

Growing Hate Crime

June 20, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

“None of us should tolerate these extremists. They have killed in many countries. They have killed people of different faiths – more than any other, they have killed Muslims...

Consequences of Ethnic and Religious Movements

Consequences of Ethnic and Religious Movements

June 20, 2017 | Mohammad Baqirian

We are supposed to view the pains and sufferings inflicted upon us within the history. Our history should be an eye-opener for the nation. We all should learn the positive and negative...

Opportunities and Challenges of the Upcoming Elections

Opportunities and Challenges of the Upcoming Elections

June 19, 2017 | Liaqat Ali Amini

Within recent weeks, a sense of worry surges up for no decision to hold election. The chairman of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) said it was most likely that election would...

The Challenges before Education in Private Schools

The Challenges before Education in Private Schools

June 19, 2017 | Mohammad Baqirian

More students study at private schools rather than governmental schools. Since a large number of students are taught in private schools, the questions are that do these schools meet the...

The Constructive Role of the Belt and Road

The Constructive Role of the Belt and Road

June 18, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

More than two thousand years ago, China’s Han Dynasty launched the Silk Road, a sprawling network of commerce that linked South and Central Asia with the Middle East and Europe...

No Light at the End of the Tunnel

No Light at the End of the Tunnel

June 17, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

A strong sense of fear and disappointment has filled the air in Afghanistan. The death toll is mounting as a result of escalated insurgency and spate of suicide attacks. People are...

Challenges and Opportunities for Youths in Afghanistan

Challenges and Opportunities for Youths in Afghanistan

June 17, 2017 | Sakhi Danish

Youth are the integral part of every society. They are considered as the nation builder and are the biggest force of every society. The youths have potential energy to transform the...

Saudi-Qatar Encounter on a Rough Road

Saudi-Qatar Encounter on a Rough Road

June 15, 2017 | Syed Asif Husaini

After waving the white flag of the Taliban, which was called an insult to Afghanistan’s formal position, Qatar came to limelight in Afghanistan. But the United States appointed...

Mechanisms for Counterinsurgency

Mechanisms for Counterinsurgency

June 15, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

We have experienced so many escalations within the two last years that we seem to have already reached the summit of Mount Olympus. In any event, when the next wave of terror strikes...

Pleasure in Death and Engendering Violence

Pleasure in Death and Engendering Violence

June 14, 2017 | Dr. Aman Fasihi

We have strange community, where life smells blood, death and violence and murder have been changed into common practice. One’s demands are pursued at the cost of another...

Resumption of Peace Talks and New Requirements

Resumption of Peace Talks and New Requirements

June 14, 2017 | Liaqat Ali Amini

The peace negotiation is an endless process discussed between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There was no positive outcome and the deteriorating security situation has continued unabated...

Management and Significance of Procurement System

Management and Significance of Procurement System

June 13, 2017 | Zia Danish

Founding National Procurement Office and Commission is one of the state’s significant achievements in a transparent and responsible campaign against corruption. Within the...

Terrorism – A Global Threat

Terrorism – A Global Threat

June 13, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

When Jeremy Christian hurls abuse at two dark-skinned women and stabs Ricky John Best, Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche and Micah David-Cole Fletcher, when English-born suicide bomber...

The Need and Possibility for Peace

The Need and Possibility for Peace

June 12, 2017 | Mohammad Ishaq Arifi

Peace is one of the fundamental needs of our society and should be pondered upon so as to facilitate the society with peace and prosperity. Currently, peace has been considered an...

The Ifs and Buts about Saudi-Qatar’s Tension

The Ifs and Buts about Saudi-Qatar’s Tension

June 12, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The sudden tension between Riyadh and Doha – which prompted Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirate (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt to sever diplomatic tie with Qatar last Monday – was debated hotly...

Hekmatyar’s Run-up on the Ground of Hezb-e-Jamiat

Hekmatyar’s Run-up on the Ground of Hezb-e-Jamiat

June 11, 2017 | Dr. Farid Khorosh

It is likely that with the participation of Ahmad Zia Massoud – the former Special Representative of the President of Afghanistan in Reform and Good Governance – in Friday’s...

The Consequence of Riyadh-Doha Tension

The Consequence of Riyadh-Doha Tension

June 10, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt severed diplomatic ties and transport links with Qatar on Monday, accusing it of supporting...

May China-Kazakhstan Relationship Fly High Toward Our Shared Aspirations

May China-Kazakhstan Relationship Fly High Toward Our Shared Aspirations

June 11, 2017 | Xi Jinping

In this lovely mid-summer month of June when all living things are flourishing, I will be traveling to Kazakhstan at the invitation of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. This will be my...

The Objectives and Anticipation of Kabul Process

The Objectives and Anticipation of Kabul Process

June 08, 2017 | Zia Danish

The Kabul Process Meeting for peace and security held in Kabul on June 6-7, 2017. The conference hosted by Afghanistan is attended by more than 25 countries and international organizations...

National Security – Afghanistan’s Top Priority

National Security – Afghanistan’s Top Priority

June 08, 2017 | Liaqat Ali Amini

The mounting insecurity around the globe has affected Afghanistan more than ever before. The “war on terror” which was the main objective of Afghanistan’s international...

Afghanistan’s Tough Times, Solidarity and Responsibility

Afghanistan’s Tough Times, Solidarity and Responsibility

June 07, 2017 | Zia Danish

Afghanistan is passing through hard and challenging issue. The Nation’s opponents seek continuously to dismantle individuals’ solidarity and sympathy and to put...

The Strategies of Passing Through Difficult Days

The Strategies of Passing Through Difficult Days

June 07, 2017 | Qasem Irfani

Series of attacks and bloody events of recent days, put country in difficult and dangerous conditions. Passing through these difficult circumstances require the adoption of effective strategies...

Importance of Population Census in Afghanistan

Importance of Population Census in Afghanistan

June 05, 2017 | Razia Mirzayi

The government is consisted of people who live in a specific territory and is governed by a power. Government cannot be imagined as humanism without people. Therefore, one of the...

Efficient Administration – Hope for Improvement

Efficient Administration – Hope for Improvement

June 05, 2017 | Dr. Aman Fasihi

Administrative reform and improvement in Afghanistan’s managerial system is a significant issue being debated by Afghanistan and its international allies. This reform needs...

The Philosophy behind Suicide Attacks

The Philosophy behind  Suicide Attacks

June 04, 2017 | Dr. Aman Fasihi

The Wednesday’s suicide bombing shook Kabul city and affected the minds of people. Although Kabul residents, alike other Afghans, are used to acts of horror and terror and suicide...

No Panacea for the Bleeding Wounds?

No Panacea for the Bleeding Wounds?

June 04, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The recent spate of suicide bombings has left Afghan nation at the mercy of escalated insurgency. The Wednesday and Saturday’s heavy offensives in Kabul spread a strong sense of fear...

Why Russia Should Rethink its Afghanistan Policy?

Why Russia Should Rethink its Afghanistan Policy?

June 03, 2017 | Nassir Ahmad Taraki

Mohammad Hanif Atmar, Afghan National Security Advisor attended the eighth international high-level security meeting in the Russian region of Tver. The meeting was devoted to international...

The Last Gleam of Hope for Peace will Die

The Last Gleam of Hope for Peace will Die

June 01, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Much have been said and written about counterinsurgency and peace talks in Afghanistan. In the meantime, democracy and human rights were debated hotly. The post-Taliban Afghanistan moved...

NUG – In the Ordeal of Fighting Corruption

NUG – In the Ordeal of Fighting Corruption

June 01, 2017 | Syed Asif Husaini

The strong campaign against the administrative corruption by the National Unity Government (NUG) yet to come to fruition. Following his victory in the presidential election, Ashraf Ghani...

Ramadan Conveys the Message of Humanity

Ramadan Conveys the Message of Humanity

May 31, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

In the Holy Month of Ramadan, Muslims will have to purify themselves through spiritual exercises which is not only abstaining from food and drink but any kinds of inhuman and immoral...

The Nonstop Cycle of Peace Game

The Nonstop Cycle of Peace Game

May 30, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

With the Taliban’s intensified attacks in Afghanistan, Beijing has hosted the first round of trilateral Practical Cooperation Dialogue (PCD) constituting of Afghanistan, Pakistan...

The Social Bases of Radicalism

The Social Bases of Radicalism

May 30, 2017 | Mohammad Qasim Erfani

The social basis of radicalism and tendency towards it have been ignored or paid less attention in the process of combating terrorism or Islamophobia. It is likely that the social ground...

Afghanistan’s Economy, Financial Restriction and Sustainable Mobility

Afghanistan’s Economy, Financial Restriction and Sustainable Mobility

May 29, 2017 | Tawasoley Gharjistani

The fiscal year of 1395 economic report, which is released twice in a year by the World Bank, has been published this month. This report contains two main points: first, report about...