Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

A Blow to Heroic Announcements

October, 19 2011

The fight against Taliban and the fight against corruption and opium have suffered a great imbalance. The three elements are closely related and affect each other. But Afghan government and international community's strategy on the three scourges are not enough coordinated and interlinked. We need a thorough review of the last decade ...

The Failed Experiment

October, 19 2011

Security strategies for Afghanistan and Pakistan are replete with ambiguity, friction and divergence. Few coordinated steps are taken to settle the chronic issue. Current security policies and practices are insufficiently corresponding and thus result in no practical outcomes. In the course of last ten years, the countries involved in ...

The Tale of Afghan Democracy

October, 18 2011

The whole things changed for Afghans as soon as Taliban left the capital; however, they remained in hibernation for a little while. Democratic changes opened the ray of hope for Afghans to kickstart a new beginning. To rebuild the country and help grow a developed and democratic Afghanistan, the world countries involved here have made ...

Best Time for Af-Pak Negotiations

October, 18 2011

The peace talks with Taliban have stopped, Karzai said about a month ago, but its advertisements are still running on Afghan televisions. That should be because of the contract duration for the advertisement has not come to an end and TV channels are compelled to broadcast such advertisements. Nonetheless, the continuation of publicizing peace with ...

Time to Debunk the Neighbors’ Perceptions

October, 18 2011

Afghanistan is connected with intrusive neighbors. Since these neighbors have been ruled either by military or ideology, they have been following their interests in Afghanistan which is ethnically cleaved and divided. Over the last decades, the country has not been able to debunk the neighbors' attempts and their perceptions of our ...

Patience Needed for the Longer Jump to Happen

October, 17 2011

Patience is the only option for Afghan people. In order to explain what we mean by this, it is to be said that over the last one decade of Afghanistan being in the spotlight of international community, things have improved and things have deteriorated or at least have begun to deteriorate. This may look a bit paradoxical but it ...

Increase the Strikes Against Haqqanis

October, 17 2011

The latest drone strikes in Pakistan's lawless North Waziristan have targeted prominent members of the Haqqani Network. The CIA drone strikes have previously avoided targeting Miran Shah, the capital of notorious terrorist hub - North Waziristan. But the recent strikes in the area, contrary to the fears, not caused civilian casualties, but ...

Need to Address Political Disunity and Widening Gap

October, 17 2011

Afghanistan has become politically fragmented. This further undermines the country against the interferences of regional elements and the strengthening of Taliban militants and insurgent forces. There are three major reasons for this political disunity and fragmentation. In the first place, it is not the concept of citizenry that drives the ...

Transitioned Areas See Growth in Insurgency

October, 16 2011

In an early morning suicide attack yesterday on Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) base in Panjsher province, four people were killed and injured. That is the first time in a decade of war that the insurgents have managed to use their trademark tactic in the normally peaceful Northern Province. Not to forget, Panjsher and Bamyan ...

AACC on Simin Barakzai’s Hunger Strike

October, 16 2011

In many of the Islamic countries, religion has a great hold on the minds of people. In such countries laws and decisions are made keeping in view the Islamic codes that have remained solid for last fourteen centuries. In Afghanistan the same condition prevails, as 99.9 percent of its population stands to be Muslims. In Islamic societies such as ...

Women’s Achievements, Fragile

October, 16 2011

Women are the most deprived section of Afghan society and Afghanistan is the worst place for women to live in. Throughout the history of Afghanistan, women have been subjected to violence of various forms – sexual abuse, rape, physical and mental punishment and now being used in launching terror attacks. Violence causes a ...

Need for a Revived Will to Defeat

October, 15 2011

It is now clear that Afghan government and international community are willing to negotiate with the Taliban if they agree to renounce violence, break with Al-Qaeda and other terrorist elements in the region and accept the constitution. Reconciliation under these conditions are unlikely to happen because the Taliban militants will ...

Another Blow to Democracy

October, 15 2011

Another blow to the already dying democracy in Afghanistan by Karzai governmentcame about on Friday October 14, 2011, in the middle of the night when dozens of policemen forcefully removed the tent of Simin Barakzai and moved her to a hospital. Barakzia, a used-to-be female MP from Herat province, was 14thday of her hunger strike against ...

Preacher Beaten to Death

October, 15 2011

A religious preacher in NDS detention center in Khost has been beaten to death. He was shifted to hospital after 12 days of detention. The Maulvi Abdullah is suffer ing kidney failure and doctors are trying to recover him from the severe injuries caused by brutal torture in detention. The Mullah is a teacher as well as ...

Many Problems Suck Human Blood in this Country

October, 13 2011

It is more than one year since the second parliamentary election was held in the post-Taliban Afghanistan. But the government, legislature and judiciary continue to remain stuck in the dispute over the results. The force of emotionalism is still stronger in Afghanistan and drives the behaviors in the society. While the controversy over the ...

Another Story of Corruption…

October, 13 2011

According to an exclusive report by AP, the Government has blocked investigation into the corruption case against former governor of Kapisa Ghulam Qawis Abu Bakr, who is also affiliated with Hizb-e-Islami. He was removed from the governor's post after former US Commander in Afghanistan General Petraeus handed over proof to President Karzai ...

Increase in Opium Production

October, 12 2011

Obviously, challenges facing Afghanistan are interlinked and intertwined. It is often said that ten years of international presence has not led to tangible changes and or decrease in those problems and they are even growing more daunting. But there is less inclination among Afghan people to take the responsibility and expect international ...

Harsh Treatment of Detainees Should not be Astonishing

October, 12 2011

The Afghan National Police (ANP) already defamed for its inefficiency, low capacity, involvement in corruption, low literacy rate, addiction to drugs and sexual abuse now holds another accusation on its head. According to a report released recently by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), ANP and internal ...

Don’t Go Mad

October, 11 2011

In the last ten years, the United States has used Pakistan as a main transit point for logistics and supplies to its troops in Afghanistan. For that purpose, Pakistan used to be an appropriate option. But not anymore, the US is thinking to replace Pakistan by Uzbekistan. That is not because the vehicles carrying NATO supplies and logistics ...

Access to Information

October, 11 2011

Afghanistan is in the list of countries where there is no legislation about access to information. Freedom of information is one of the important keys to democracy and its success. Access to information held by state is a legal right-to-know in most real democratic countries. Afghanistan being a democratic state should have ...

Need for New Techniques in Breaking with Erosion Period

October, 11 2011

Afghanistan is emerging from decades of war and conflict. This long period has been the period of destruction and erosion and deaths. There appears to be a firm decision and strong will to break with this period and continue to make progress to join the modern world. This will and hope are seen and felt both at elite level and grass-roots ...

Showdown Dominates Parliamentary Sessions

October, 10 2011

Apparently, antagonism and showdown in the country have larger fans and disciples instead of cooperation and compromise that the country needs the most presently to cope with alarming threats. On Saturday, October 06, 2011, members of reformists' coalition in the lower house of the parliament, in opposition to the Law-supporting Coalition's ...

A Terrific Job of Thought-Provoking Nature

October, 10 2011

Last week, a group of six people who were said to be on the verge of launching an attempt at the life of President Hamid Karzai were arrested by security officials. Five of them were said to be University professors and students. Some critics have raised doubts about the authenticity of this issue and have called it as a strategy of ...

Pushes For Reform in Syria

October, 10 2011

Russia and China's veto on the European-backed UN Security Council resolution against Syrian regime saved Assad from demoralizing sanctions. The resolution was aimed at sanctioning the Syrian regime if it did not immediately halt its military crackdown against civilians. If approved, it would have been the first legally binding resolution ...

Not to Remain Ignorant of Issues that Matter

October, 09 2011

Over the last one year, much focus has been paid to dealing with the insurgents and Taliban militants. Both international community and Afghan government have been trying to find a political settlement to the country's protracted conflict. In the meanwhile, international forces have been using intelligence and drones to target some senior ...

Taliban’s True Colors

October, 09 2011

The Taliban, in partnership with the Haqqani network, are still bent on their strategy of systematic assassination of prominent leaders of Afghanistan. The recent killing of BurhanuddinRannabi, the ex-president, chairman of the High Peace Council and a major national figure with mass following, is clearly in line with this nefarious ...

Confession by Karzai, Appreciable

October, 09 2011

All knows that the Afghan government has failed in many key areas, especially in improving security conditions. It was disappointingly concerning for Afghans that the Karzai administration until recently used to cover its failures by passing promising messages to the nation. But now, Karzai himself admits that his government and its ...

People in Trouble Require Vision and Strategies

October, 08 2011

President Hamid Karzai has said that international forces in Afghanistan have failed to شprovide security for the people. This goes without saying because Afghan people in many parts of the country continue to live in fear of insurgent attacks such as suicides and roadside bombings. Afghan people feel this in their day-to-day life as ...

Counter-terrorism War Completes its First Decade

October, 08 2011

On October 07, 2011, the counter terrorism war in Afghanistan completed its ten years. Achievements are being measured against losses in Afghanistan over the last decade. Last week a protest was staged in Kabul against the US presence in Afghanistan. The limited number of participants of the protest chanted slogans against and burnt ...

Give Them an Iron Fist

October, 08 2011

Following hard days in Afghanistan-Pakistan relations over assassination of Afghan chief negotiator, Afghan security officials have disclosed a bigger plot designed by Al Qaeda and Haqqani network members. Afghan security officials said Wednesday that they had arrested a group of infiltrators who tried to assassinate ...

The Prospective of Bilateral Relationship

October, 06 2011

The bilateral relation between Kabul and Islamad has not come back on smooth track after the assassination of Former President and Chief of High Peace Council, Mr. Burhanuddin Rabbani, that Kabul officials blamed Pakistan for. The situation has become far complicated as the accusations continue with harsh tone. Indeed, the entire project of peace ...

Frail Women Achievements

October, 06 2011

A report titled "A place at the table" is the latest study on women's' rights in Afghanistan released Monday by Oxfam Charity Organization. The document highlights this: "Women in Afghanistan have achieved real progress in areas such as political participation, the rule of law, and education since 2001, but these hard-won ...

The Suffering of a Whole Human Community in Balochistan

October, 05 2011

Sectarian schisms have had strong impacts on the lives of Pakistani citizens. Balochistan is the province that has been bearing the brunt of this scourge. On Tuesday, October 04, 2011, gunmen attacked a bus carrying people from Hazara community in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province. The target attack ...

India-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership

October, 05 2011

Afghanistan and India have signed an agreement of strategic partnership. President Karzai and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh signed the agreement to deepen political, security and economic relations with our strategic ally, besides finalizing some other deals on mining and energy. President's visit of New Delhi and the strategic agreement ...

Afghan Women Fear Re-Talibanization

October, 05 2011

According to the recent findings of the two leading British aid agencies – Oxfam and Action Aid – women's rights in Afghanistan are under threat. Women in Afghanistan fear that the return of Taliban may lead to the deterioration of the improving position of women. They have been through much discrimination and have the right to feel ...