Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

How to Fight Intrusive Interests

November, 03 2011

Afghanistan has been attempting to convince the neighbors to change their postures towards this country and stop meddling in its internal affairs. Afghan government has been doing its best to elicit their sincere cooperation in fighting terrorism and militancy which have roots in the region and are regional phenomenon. Afghan ...

The Prospects of Trilateral Summit

November, 03 2011

There are indications that the trilateral summit of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey has concluded positively, but the real outcomes can only be gauged after the promised commitments are carried out properly especially of the ones between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Though, it is not right to expect that ...

Security has not improved!

November, 03 2011

According to Western military sources, the security condition in Afghanistan is unexpectedly better this year. The number of attacks by insurgents has decreased as compared to previous year. Last year proved to be the deadliest for international forces in Afghanistan as 709 soldiers were killed. The claim of improvement ...

Trilateral Meeting in Istanbul

November, 02 2011

Two days before the commencement of Istanbul conference, a Karzai-led delegation flied to Turkey to meet Pakistani and Ankara officials. The Istanbul conference scheduled to be held today, November 2, in order to assess a regional cooperation to end the security crisis in Afghanistan and curb the growing threat of terrorism to the ...

Transition Should Guarantee Security

November, 02 2011

As the International forces are in the process of withdrawal, the security situation in Afghanistan is getting worse with each passing day. Though some of the Afghan authorities seem confident that the ongoing transition period is a proper transfer of authorities to Afghans and they can shoulder the responsibilities ...

Time to be Shaken by the Erosion of War

November, 02 2011

Afghan media and press continue to report and write on terrorist attacks carried out by the Taliban or other insurgent groups that had to be defeated over the last ten years. Foreign troops and Afghan civilians were killed in Kabul two days ago. Yesterday, nine people died in an insurgent attack in Kandahar and similar stories are ...

Managing Internal and External Relations

November, 01 2011

Afghanistan's success and development into a peaceful and stable democracy largely hinges on effective management of its internal and external relations. A failure in this regard will lead to reversal of the current democratic consolidation process. Recently, Afghan government seems to be doing well to forge long-term partnerships with ...

Call for No-fly Zone over Syria

November, 01 2011

The cost of Arab spring is spirally rising in Syria as pro-democracy protests face deadly crackdown by Bashar al-Assad regime. According to available reports, around hundred people were just killed last Friday and Saturday.There are growing demands for Libyaization of Syria as protestors last Friday asked the United Nation Security ...

World Population Reaches 7 Billion

October 31, 2011

The world population, according to the projections of United Nations, has reached to 7 billion. According to the report released by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on October 26, 2011, this milestone has with itself both the possibility of opportunity and challenge. UNFPA says that the world population may reach to 10 billion ...

Australia Committed to Afghanistan despite Losses

October 31, 2011

>The infiltration of Afghan National Army (ANA) has been a matter of great concern for the Western allies of Afghanistan. On Saturday, 29 October, the ANA soldier gunned down the Australian members of Mentoring Task Force 3, an Afghan interpreter and injured seven others just as they ended a regular weekly parade at a forward ...

Irreversible Transition versus Increasing Violence

October, 30 2011

As international forces are preparing to implement the second phase of transition of security responsibility to Afghan security forces, Taliban and other insurgent groups are increasingly using male and female suicide bombers to attack international troops and Afghan institutions. On Saturday, October 29, 2011, at least two NATO ...

The Counter-Narcotics Law

October, 30 2011

The Counter-Narcotics Law will go into effect early next year. The law includes 5 chapters and 67 Articles. It was approved in 2009, but due to the poppy eradication campaigns and the so-called alternative programs, this law has not been implemented. Once this law goes into effect, there will be legal action against farmers who ...

Poppy Cultivation is Forbidden in Islam

October, 30 2011

In a rare relevant Fatwa from our religious scholars, poppy cultivation has been declared un-Islamic and forbidden. Over 600 clerics after a three-day seminar about prevention of poppy cultivation issued a unanimous religious decree (Fatwa) saying that the cultivation of poppy, its trade and transportation was against the teachings of ...

Afghanistan to Face Serious Economic crisis

October, 29 2011

As we are moving ahead in Afghanistan, things seem to be getting worse than going towards betterment. This summer the process of transition of security responsibilities in Afghanistan begin with seven areas handed to Afghan security forces. That was the first phase. Very soon, according to reports President Hamid Karzi will announce the ...

Need to Rationally Pursue the National Interests

October, 29 2011

Afghanistan seems and even needs to learn how to rationally pursue and ensure its national interests in its relations and interactions with other countries of the world. Since Afghanistan is a poor country and remains vulnerable to foreign interference, its multi-faceted national interests lie in long-term strategic partnership with ...

Regional Countries’ Support Pivotal for Afghanistan

October, 27 2011

Kabul and Delhi entered a strategic deal recently. The deal is expected to boost cooperation between Afghanistan and India in various fields. One of the areas is military cooperation to Afghanistan. Indian military mentors will be giving training to Afghan security forces to bolster their capacity. But the deal is being questioned by ...

Not to Base Overarching Decisions on Sentimentalism

October, 27 2011

Afghanistan is supposed to make some important and overarching decisions to bring an end to the lingering ongoing conflict and provide a roadmap for the future as international forces have begun leaving the country. The decision-makers must base these decisions on the country's national interests, which are yet to be articulated and defined ...

Tragic Incident in Parwan

October, 27 2011

The oil tanker explosion in Parwan has killed 12 people and injured dozens. The explosion was caused by a remote bomb on the road close to Bagram Air Base. After the first explosion, local people poured in to collect the oil from the tanker. When dozens of people gathered on the tanker, another blast shattered bodies around. It is ...

Security, not Transition, is a Must

October, 26 2011

improved to develop into a permanent peace and stability in Afghanistan. Both Afghan government and international community must understand and appreciate this point and must work around the clock to make sure that there is no relapse and backsliding in the country after international forces fully leave Afghanistan in the couple of years ...

Loya Jirga on US-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership

October, 26 2011

The traditional Loya Jirga has been convened for mid-November in Kabul to discuss the US-Afghanistan strategic pact and talks with insurgents. The Jirga Commission has beefed up preparations. Some MPs have also filled up forms for participation, which was criticized by the Speaker of the Lower ...

Libya After Gaddafi

October, 26 2011

Former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has been buried in a secret desert location in Libya along with his son Muatasim and defense minister. Relatives and family members had requested the bodies to be buried outside Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte. There was a Fatwa that he should not be buried in a Muslim cemetery. Indeed it's now a ...

The Naïve Assessment

October 25, 2011

As the Afghan government is preparing for holding Loya Jirga to assess pros and cons of the possible Strategic Cooperation contract between Kabul and Washington, immature explanations circulate in the country, fuelling worries among common people. Afghan people have suffered largely during past decades. They suffered from ...

Time to Raise Question on our Hard Conditions

October 25, 2011

Thirty percent of Afghan people are under poverty line. They are in need assistance to survive. This is down to the persistence of thirty years of war and conflict in the country, which in turn emanate from Afghans' failure to settle their differences peacefully and through coexistence and continued interferences by the neighboring ...

Earthquake in Turkey: Really Sad News for Afghans

October 25, 2011

Turkey is a close friend of Afghanistan. People of both the countries have many commonalities including history and religion. Since the ouster of Taliban in 2001, the Turkish government has had a significant share in reconstruction and development process of Afghanistan winning the hearts and minds of Afghans. Turkey has ...

What Emotionalized President Karzai

October, 24 2011

Over the last months, Afghanistan has reportedly been hit by rockets fired from the other side of Durand line. These missile attacks have led to deaths and damages as well. MPs and senators have been calling on the international community to help Afghanistan respond to these attacks. They even have been criticizing international forces for ...

On the Conditions Provided to Afghans

October, 24 2011

Afghans are provided with the conditions to build their future in a responsible way. It is to be said that the future must be charted out and built by Afghan people themselves. Now that ten years have passed since the international community came into this troubled part of the world, Afghans must be prepared to believe that they have the last ...

Corruption on the Rise

October, 24 2011

Afghanistan falls in the list of most corrupt countries of the world. Its people are sick of paying millions of Afghanis in bribes each year for receiving basic government services for which they are already paying in the forms various kinds of taxes. Bribery has turned into a culture in Afghanistan that can break almost all ...

U.S.-Pakistani Spat – An Empty Media Blitzkrieg

October, 23 2011

The U.S.-Pakistani spat that marked a new low in the relations of the two countries is, by now, practically over and the winner has emerged: Pakistan. The unprecedented Pakistan-bashing by the American top military officer, Adm. Mike Mullen, itself reflecting the wider view within the American armed forces, has now given way to quiet ...

Mr. Qaddafi and the Consequence of his Death

October 23, 2011

Finally Col. Muammar Gaddafi received what he deserved, at least according to his oppositions' point of view who suffered terribly under his regime during past four decades. On Thursday, October 20, 2001 he was killed in city of Sirte, the last front of resistance against the transitional government, while attempting to ...

Criticizing and Encouraging Pakistan

October, 22 2011

The US is still accepting a role for Pakistan to play to root out extremism in the region. What has been a cause of concern for western countries in general and the US in particular is the spread of religious extremism and militancy in the tribal areas in Pakistan and across the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. These ...

Wish you all the Best Mr. Gaddafi

October, 22 2011

Colonel Gaddafi went away and handed over the destiny of around six million Libyans to foreign-backed rebellions whom he vowed to fight till his last breath. In his speeches frequently televised through state-run media channels, he was warning, with clinched-fist, foreign involved countries of regretting air strikes.

During recent years of his ...

Will U.S Pressure on Pakistan Work?

October, 22 2011

World’s focus has turned towards the role of Pakistan in countering terrorism. U.S and Afghanistandeem presence of safe havens of Taliban and Haqqani network in Pakistan as main distributers of terror in Afghanistan that hamper victory of NATO in the counter terrorism war. Afghan war is the longest for U.S in its history that has ...

To Restore Political Stability

October, 20 2011

International community has been and is doing their best to restore security and stability in Afghanistan. Over the last two years, they provided more troops to be deployed in insecure and troubled areas of the country. Military commanders of NATO and ISAF have been leaving no stone unturned to reduce civilian casualties, which have said ...

Technical Fixation of Economic System

October, 20 2011

As the consequences of 2008, financial crisis still dominates the world economic recovery, and governments are deeply involved in combat across the globe to control its fallout and pull the economy back on track, there are growing symptoms of civilians' disappointment and frustration with measures held yet. Presently, there are deeper ...

Time to Outmaneuver the Enemy

October, 20 2011

One of the tools for the success of a new system or government is justification. There should be psychological and cognitive motives for the people to support and defend the system and government. There is no doubt that a government and system will collapse as soon as it loses popular support. There are a lot of philosophical and pragmatic reasons ...