Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Need to Continue the New Life

October, 04 2011

Afghanistan has been struggling to have a transition into a developed and modern society by throwing away the medieval signs. These medieval manifestations are rooted in negative traditions that have existed since long and mistaken interpretation of Islamic teachings. These traditions and lines of interpretations have had their negative ...

To Become a People to Deserve Better Life

October, 04 2011

Afghanistan has had an unstable history, full of ups and downs. It is still making a weird history. More than forty countries are actively involved in Afghanistan to build it into a stable and prosperous country and this has continued for ten years but the future still remains ambiguous depending on whether that goal is achieved or not ...

Taliban Participated in First Islamic Awakening Conference

October, 03 2011

Iran holds on its head the accusation of directly meddling into the internal affairs of Afghanistan and giving hands to the enemies of Afghanistan, the Taliban. Although the Iranian regime had extremely sour relations with Taliban's Emirate of Afghanistan - 1996-2001, after the US invasion of Afghanistan, the US ...

Direct Talks with Pakistan?

October, 03 2011

Afghanistan has had an unstable history, full of ups and downs. It is still making a weird history. More than forty countries are actively involved in Afghanistan to build it into a stable and prosperous country and this has continued for ten years but the future still remains ambiguous depending on whether that goal is achieved or not ...

Continuance of Quarrel within Wolesi Jirga

October, 03 2011

The investigation of especial tribunal that disqualified 62 sitting MPs on the basis of fraud in last year parliamentary election, and the consequent interference of Inde pendent Election Commission that verified the cases of nine of total 62 disqualified MPs, still vies heavily on the legislative branch of the government. There are large ...

It is Time for Close Cooperation B/W Afghan & Pak

October, 02 2011

After ten year of consistent bloodshed in Afghanistan and investment of billions of dollars, the western allies of Afghanistan are of the view that the conflict in Afghanistan can only end through a political settlement and not by a continuation of military operations. For that purpose, the international community has backed the peace ...

Islamabad Seeks Better Relation with Kabul

October, 02 2011

Amidst sparked controversies between two neighboring countries Pakistan and Afghanistan on the ground of artillery shelling, as recently Afghan senate members strongly condemned and reacted to barrage, which has caused internal migration of tens of Afghans in the Nouristan and Paktiya provinces, Pakistan official have reiterated on ...

Apparent Paradigm Shift in Fighting Terrorists and Insurgents

October, 02 2011

There appears to be a paradigm shift in the United States policy and strategy concerning the war and fight against terrorists. The war on terror has lasted almost more than a decade and the US and its international allies have invested too much in treasure and blood. They have achieved some considerable victories and successes, including ...

In Talk with Neighbors

October, 01 2011

On the verge of Bonn II Conference, Afghanistan is put in limbo with devastating external intrusions which have put the peace building process here at stake. Since assassination of former Chief of Afghan High Peace Council, the course of peace talks offered by President Karzai administration is decelerated and may potentially expire. Amidst ...

Haqqani Network on Global Terror List

October, 01 2011

The US Treasury Department has included a commander of the Haqqani Network in the list of specially designated global terrorists. It is not what was expected after the statement of State Secretary Hilary Clinton saying the Haqqani Network will be listed as a terrorist organization. It will certainly make no difference by putting one ...

Need for Well-Informed and Strategic Decisions

October, 01 2011

Over the last few years, President Hamid Karzai has been trying to introduce two different terms in his political literature with regard to Taliban and other insurgent groups operating in the country and supported by outside elements. Initially, he was using "bad Taliban" and "good Taliban" to inculcate the idea and ...

Strategic Agreements to Prevent, Stabilize and Rebuild

September 29, 2011

Afghanistan is struggling to find out a permanent solution to its lingering and protracted conflict, which has both internal and external factors and roots. Afghanistan remains a poor country and years of war have led to destruction of economic infrastructures that need to be rebuilt and restored. Over the last ten years after the US-led ...

Harbinger of the Development

September 29, 2011

Shortcomings and improvements made in the last decade have symbolized the hard, long journey of Afghans to build a better, prosperous society where people enjoy peace, development and welfare. That, experiments say, is unlikely to come true unless there are strong educational institutions and a healthy education system. It is because ...

Competent & Professional ANA & ANP – A Time Need

September 29, 2011

In the post-Taliban Afghanistan, the Afghan National Army (ANP) has appeared as the most creditable institution. Being a soldier in a country like Afghanistan where death follows you like a shadow, is not any easy job. The ANA is a source of great hope for the people of Afghanistan in regards of securing ...

Distorted Strategic Relations

September 28, 2011

Recrimination over Haqqani terror network continues blurring relations between the United States and its ally Pakistan. The two countries' relations grew distorted following US Navy SEAL's unilateral operation to hunt Al Qaeda Chief Osama Bin Laden. Soon after the incident, US congressmen called for revision of ties with Pakistan and ...

They All Cause Deaths, Destructions and Disruptions

September 28, 2011

Insurgents seem to be launching new efforts to reorganize themselves and confuse things. There are three main insurgent groups operating to challenge Afghan government and the presence of international community in the country. They include Taliban, Hezb-e-Islam led by Hekmatyar and Haqqani network. These ...

Demand for Peace-Process Called-off

September 28, 2011

On Tuesday, Sept. 27, hundreds of people took part in a demonstration organized by former Chief Intelligence, Mr. Amrullah Saleh, against the assassination of former President and High Peace Council chief, Mr. Burhanuddin Rabbani. They were chanting anti-Taliban slogans and asked for stringent punishment for culprits, whether who ...

Do At Least What You Can!

September 27, 2011

Today, Afghanistan has a weighty support from the international community. This is the best ever opportunity for this worn-torn country to pave its path and strengthen its foundations for development, although we have wasted many chances. The cooperation from international community will not remain as it is. Sooner or later it is has to ...

Parliament Quorum Would be Completed

September 27, 2011

Quarrels have not come into an end. Parliamentarians are still sharply divided over decision of Independent Election Commission, (IEC), unseated nine of the total 62 MP's rejected by Special Tribunal on overwhelming fraud basis. However, Independent Election Commission after the announcement of primary and final result of the parliamentary ...

Real Environment of Frustration and Fear

September 27, 2011

acrossThere is an environment of frustration and fear in the capital and across the country. This is because Afghan people feel that things are not going in the direction they want. After ten years of international presence in Afghanistan, the signs of frustration are seen almost on the face of every Afghan you come. A decade of opportunity ...

Govt. Cannot Benefit from Flawed Politics

September 26, 2011

Afghanistan is going through critical time. The interferences, even intensified ones, by the neighboring countries continue. International community is packing their luggage to leave the country and compelling Afghan government to take the security responsibility of its citizens and people. They have already transitioned the security ...

Don’t Forget His Dreams

September 26, 2011

Almost a weak went by of the brutal incident of assassination of High Peace Council Chariman and leader of Jamiat-e-Islami, Mr Burhanuddin Rabbani, his followers are still bursting in tears and protesting his loss. It was quite clear that Taliban-led militants are the prime guilty, but they acted quite differently on the issue in ...

Rabbani no More, who is Next?

September 26, 2011

All wars end in peace or at least they are supposed to. The end result to Afghan war is also peace. But it seems like for Afghanistan peace has stuck somewhere between the circles of power active in the region. More than thirty years of bloodshed has resulted in the grave disappointment among people regarding stability in their ...

The ‘Dramatic’ Pak-US Relations

September 25, 2011

The relations between US and Pakistan are at their worst at the moment and have been greatly influenced by the attack on US embassy and NATO head quarters in Kabul Afghanistan, which the US claimed was conducted by Haqqani network. Haqqani network, according to the most recent and relatively infuriated statement of Adm. Mike Mullen has the ...

Creation of New Model in Regional Relations

September 25, 2011

Afghanistan has been and is a battlefield of conflicting interests. These interests are followed in Afghanistan very violently and to the disadvantage of Afghan people. As a result, the pursuit of these interests could be realized through a destabilized and insecure Afghanistan. The presence of international community in Afghanistan ...

Transparency is the Only Solution in Reconciliation

September 24, 2011

Today is the third day of national mourning for Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, the head of High Peace Council, who was killed by a disguised Taliban negotiator in his home on Tuesday last week. The disguised representative of Quetta Shura had asked for an appointment to meet the top peace negotiator to present him the peace message of ...

The Notion of New Silk Route

September 24, 2011

Here, a notion is hold true by Afghan civilians as well as officials alike that Afghanistan is accurately in strategically important location, which has always created a trouble for the country. Emperors of East and West several times tried to capture the country and strengthen the pillars of their government, but definitely all failed ...

The Unprecedented Distrust

September 24, 2011

Analysts and US and Pakistani intelligence officials believe that US's relation with Pakistani Intelligence network has not been so bad for the last 20 years. Military occupation of Afghanistan by former Soviet Union helped strengthening ties between the United State and Pakistan's strong army intelligence. They launched the hard joint ...

The Orphan Reconciliation Process

September 22, 2011

In the echoes of the bombings and shootings of the US embassy and NATO headquar ters in Kabul Afghanistan, another echo has been added and that is of the suicide bomb that killed the ex-president of Afghanistan, head of High Peace Council (HPC) and reputable political figure – Professor Burhan ud din Rabbani. These echoes have shattered ...

Night Raid Strategy: Needs a Rethinking

September 22, 2011

The number of night raids in Afghanistan by coalition and US Special Forces reaches thousands every year. The military officials deem it a very effective tactic to kill or capture terrorists. But President Hamid Karzi thinks the other way. Karzai not only denies the presence of militants in the districts of Afghanistan but also pronounces the ...

Conflict Grows Between Turkey and Israel

September 22, 2011

On Monday, Sept.19, Hillary Clinton, US foreign Secretary held talks with Turkish foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, while previously turkey strongly refused the proposed mediation of US over ruling showdown between Israel and Turkey. The current dispute between Israel and Turkey rose when last year, Israeli commandos attacked Turkish ...

Peace Maker Falls Victim

September 21, 2011

With the peace process being pushed by Afghan government, Taliban gave the fiercest response to the peace initiative on Tuesday. Following so many high profile assassinations by Taliban militants in recent months, Chief of Afghan High Peace Council (HPC), Burhanuddin Rabbani, was killed in a bomb attack at his home. Head of Peace Council ...

The Target Killings in Quetta, Pakistan

September 21, 2011

The wave of terrorism and target killings is turning mammoth in the South Asian region and the prime victims of this wave are Afghanistan and Pakistan. Both the countries are suffering to a great extent because of its severe consequences. The terrorist networks are able to penetrate through the security arrangements masterly and can hit their ...

Unanswered Questions on the Kabul Attacks

September 20, 2011

The US Ambassador to Islamabad, Cameron Munter has said there are doubts that the Haqqani Network has links with state of Pakistan. Actually it is not a new accusation, nor has the US Ambassador quoted it for the first time. In the last couple of years, whenever there has been a sophisticated attack by the Taliban militants in Kabul, fingers ...

Immature Democratic Values

September 20, 2011

The tension between the Parliament and the government has been rising for the last few months. Especially after the decision of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) that resulted in the replacement of 9 MP's with new ones, the gap has further been widened. It has turned into a clash that is being intensified by the both the parties ...