Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Lack of Political Consensus Hampers Peace and Prosperity

May 25,2019

Since a series of talks, held between the US and Taliban representatives, did not mitigate insurgency, Afghans appear to hold out not much hope about a positive ...

Afghan Political Parties: At the Crossroad of Going Forward or Backward

May 23,2019

According to the article 61 of the Afghan Constitution, President Ghani’s mandate ends on May 22. However, it has been scheduled to September 28 according ...

Corruption As the Main Barrier to Peace in Afghanistan

May 22,2019

According to the new report released by UNAMA, though Afghanistan has taken specific reform initiatives in the Justice sector and policy making, corruption has been ...

What if Law Protectors Turn to Law Violators?

May 21,2019

Afghan men and women flocked to ballot boxes to celebrate democracy through casting their votes so as to send their representatives to parliament, which is called ...

Afghans Have Gloomy Outlook on Peace Talks

May 20,2019

Afghanistan’s peace process has been highly rocky. Although Trump administration has put all its weight behind the negotiation, optimism for its fruition is decreasing ...

Why Kazakhstan Holds Early Presidential Election

May 19,2019

Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Alimkah_Yassengediev, hosted an Iftar Ceremoney in the Embassy of the Kazahkstan in Kabul. Representative of the Afghan ...

Peace: The First Priority of The US in Afghanistan

May 18,2019

United Sates and Taliban negotiators wrapped up their sixth round of peace talks with “some progress” made on a draft agreement for when foreign troops might withdraw ...

Peace Talks Should be Give-and-Take Process

May 16,2019

Afghan peace process has been highly controversial and unproductive. The first official talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government were held in July 2015, in Pakistan ...

In the eve of New Security Crisis on the Most Harmless People of Afghanistan

May 15,2019

In last few weeks, Taliban has meaningfully attacked on central area of Afghanistan with imposing dozens of deaths and injuries on civilians. Two weeks ago several ...

Why Afghanistan Must Have Good Relations With US

May 14,2019

Historically, relations between Afghanistan and the US can be dated back to 1919, when King Amanullah, the reformist monarch of Afghanistan, dispatched the first Afghan ...

Afghan Women Play Significant Role in Social and Political Arenas

May 13,2019

The rights and freedoms of women have been a highly controversial issue in Afghanistan, mainly following the downfall of the Taliban’s regime...

Ramadan – A Month for Revival of Humanity and Ethical Code

May 12,2019

Ramadan is the month of peace and compassion. One’s self-purification in Ramadan should be reflected in their individual and collective life...

Public Worries about Outcome of Peace Talks

May 11,2019

If political vacuum emerges in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of US forces, all democratic achievements will be at stake. The ongoing peace talks are highly significant ...

Why Diversity Matters in Public Service

May 08,2019

Diversity refers to human qualities that are different from our own and those of groups to which we belong; but that are manifested in other individuals and groups...

China-style Counter-terrorism Strategy Will Lead to Peace

May 07,2019

Since terrorism is a global threat, a nationwide strategy to combat terrorism will lead to peace and stability. Suffering as a result of violence and terrorist acts, Afghanistan’s ...

Reacting to the Socio-political Issues Responsibly

May 05,2019

At this crucial juncture of history, it is imperative to study the nature of the disorder that has dominated our society and its reason. It is generally believed that politics ...

The Peace Jirga Resolution as the National Peace Roadmap

May 04,2019

The Peace Consultative Jirga aimed to determine the framework for talks with the Taliban was wrapped up today May 3 2014. More than 3200 people from different parts of Afghanistan ...

Philippines’ Duterte Gives Canada 1 Week to Take Back Garbage or ‘We Will Declare War’

April 25,2019

MANILA - Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday reportedly threatened to “declare war” against Canada within the next week if the country fails to remove ...

How to Ensure Peace and Unity in Afghanistan

April 25,2019

Afghanistan as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country needs to maintain peace and unity. Weak unity and continued conflicts in Afghanistan are the outcome of being ...

In Harmony with Nature

April 24, 2019

April 22 was celebrated internationally as Mother Earth Day so as to emphasize the importance of the earth and its environment and highlight the challenges it is facing by the growing ...

Doha Conference is Vital to Advance Peace in Afghanistan

April 23, 2019

A first round of Afghan-to-Afghan peace talks that had brought hope and optimism about ending the 18-year conflict in Afghanistan was postponed. The main cause of the postponement ...

Decline in Saffron Production

April 22, 2019

Saffron in Afghanistan has been a ray of hope for the future of the country. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be managed properly by the authorities, which is turning hopes ...

National Participation in PA is Vital for Social Justice

April 21, 2019

There is no doubt that racial issues continue to dominate a large part of the public discourse in Afghanistan. However, Afghan public administrators do not discuss ...

Trust Deficit and Escalated Militancy Hamper Peace Process

April 20, 2019

The United Nations has delisted the Taliban’s leaders as terrorists – despite the Taliban’s announcement of spring offensive – due to the Washington’s request ...

Why Interim Government is not in the Interest of Afghanistan

April 18, 2019

Interim government and caretaker government are the options that some Afghan political figures and presidential candidates including Hanif Atmar have proposed to replace ...

How Afghanistan Can Ensure its National Interests in the Peace Talks

April 17, 2019

Nearly all previous U.S. administrations had rejected repeated Taliban demands to hold direct talks with Washington, saying they should be talking to their own government...

Three Days of Peace: A Blueprint for Stability in Afghanistan

April 16, 2019

On June 7th, 2018, the government of Afghanistan announced a unilateral ceasefire was to occur between the 12th and 19th of June for Eid al-Fitr, the Islamic holiday marking ...

Ups and Downs in Complicated Relationship between Afghanistan and Iran

April 16, 2019

Historically, the formal relationship between Afghanistan and Iran started with gaining independence of Afghanistan from Britain by Ghazi Amanullah Khan, specifically after 1919...

A durable Peace Requires Meaningful Participation of Afghan Women in the Peace Talks

April 16, 2019

In a country like Afghanistan ravaged by war, social cohesion is usually worn-out. Populations are divided along multiple fault lines including ethnic and religious lines ...

Safety Measures Must be Ensured for the Miners

April 15, 2019

People, from all walks of life, should have the same rights within a state. And, the government in the state must strive that those rights are guaranteed, and no one is left neglected...

The Taliban Obstinacy in Persistence of Violence in Afghanistan

April 14, 2019

On the eve of holding the Loya peace consultative Jirga which aims to build consensus amongst Afghan nation in preparation with hoped-for peace talks between Afghan government and ...

Disabilities and its Humanitarian Status in Afghanistan

April 13, 2019

Due to persisting war and abandoned improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Afghanistan, the numbers of people with disabilities are dramatically increasing throughout the country...

How the US Can Leave a Good Legacy in Afghanistan

April 11, 2019

Al-Qaeda terrorist group launched an attack On September 11, 2001by an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashing into the north tower of the World ...

Education Security is Crucial for Afghanistan

April 10, 2019

Education, for a nation, is of paramount significance – this should not be debatable anymore. With rapid developments in education sector, it is very difficult to imagine ...

Challenges before Anti-Polio Campaign

April 09, 2019

Afghanistan is one of the three countries, alongside Pakistan and Nigeria, in the world where polio remains endemic. The number of reported cases has been reduced in recent years ...