Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Health Sector Should Not Remain Neglected

April 08, 2019

One of the greatest blessings for human beings is good health. If people have good health, they have the capacity to build a better and healthy society...

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

April 07, 2019

Yesterday, i.e. April 06 is being celebrated as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace by United Nations (UN). UN believes that sport, as a tool for education ...

How Afghanistan May Achieve Sustainable Peace?

April 06, 2019

Political conflicts in any country can only be solved through political dialogue. However, to put an end in long conflicts like the one in Afghanistan, some of the egregious ...

Core Values and National Integration

April 04, 2019

Afghanistan as a geo-political entity with diverse ethnic, language and religious groups is faced with terrorism, ethnic and religious crises that threaten ...

People Want True and Sustainable Peace

April 03, 2019

War and peace is one of the most important national issues which affect the wellbeing of all people including political and non-political groups. The war undermines ...

Intra-Afghan Talks Requires Us to Act as a Unified Nation

April 02, 2019

At the international level, in September 2018, appointment of the United States former ambassador to Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, as special advisor on Afghanistan to lead ...

Women’s Meaningful Participation Ensures Peace Quality, Durability

April 01, 2019

Participation of women in peace negotiations plays a key role in durability of peace. Peace studies show that women’s participation in peace negotiations have ...

Ownership of the Peace talks

March 31, 2019

As direct talks between the United States and the Taliban are in the process, ensuring national ownership has gained a central role in the country and international circles...

EU Shows a Clear Stance in Afghan Peace Process

March 30, 2019

Few days ago, Federica Maria Mogherini, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, came to Kabul and met with President Mohammed ...

Ensuring Effective Governance

March 28, 2019

Favorable, fair, and effective governance is clearly one of the most dominant factors for sustainable development. Today good governance is also a key to sustainable development...

Leaving No One Behind

March 27, 2019

Water is one of the most important resources that human beings require to live alive. Life without water is impossible; therefore, it is necessary that human beings should ...

No Sustainable Peace without Women Participation

March 26, 2019

Afghan women have largely been excluded from political decision making in the course of the history. Thus, women were largely excluded from the Bonn process. Since then ...

Political Changes Ensure Responsiveness of the System

March 25, 2019

A political system is established within a state so as to safeguard the rights of its people and solve the socio-political issues that may hamper the better life opportunities...

We Must Learn Citizen Centered Governance from the NZ Prime Minister

March 24, 2019

Nowadays, everyone talks about citizen centered state and call for citizens’ rights and tolerance. However, if we would like to know how these issues can be put in practice ...

Year of Peace, Democracy and Development

March 23, 2019

The 1398 solar year has been named as the year of Peace, Democracy and Development by President Ghani.
The reason behind it, is that peace talks between ...

Peaceful Co-Existence: A Tool for Sustainable Development

March 20, 2019

The notion of peaceful co-existence is, like all such notions in the social sciences, better understood contextually and thematically. Peaceful co-existence ensures economic ...

Freedom of Expression

March 19, 2019

There have always been efforts to restrict freedom of speech in the world in some way or the other. However, the fact is that it has survived anyway and today there are as many ...

Infrastructure as the Basic Need for Afghanistan Development

March 18, 2019

Afghanistan has come a long way over the past one decade. Much has been accomplished since then in the areas of reconstruction, state-building, poverty alleviation and relief ...

Unmitigated Sufferings of War Victims Should End

March 17, 2019

People sustain inhuman treatment in times of war and peace across the world and their rights and “inherent dignity” are violated in one way or another. ..

Peace Talks: Transparency Ensures Mutual Confidence

March 16, 2019

The longest round of Afghanistan peace talks yet between the U.S. and the Taliban ended in Qatar, and both sides told that progress has been made...

Characteristics of Social Change in Afghanistan

March 14, 2019

The course of history in different societies and states has been dominantly guided by social and political changes. These changes have been able to attract the attentions of social ...

Growth of Water Dams and its Impacts on Domestic Security

March 13, 2019

On Saturday, President Ghani once again emphasized on the management and control of the country’s frontier waters on a visit to the Farah province. The president especially spoke ...

Our Degraded Priorities

March 12, 2019

Every society is recognized from the types of its problems and the nature of its values and habits of its people. The great societies of the world that achieved the zenith of development ...

Women and Development

March 11, 2019

Afghan women occupy a special position in terms of their roles in the health sector. This includes women
participation in many activities which affect ...

The Rocky Road of Afghan Peace Process

March 10, 2019

Both the Taliban delegation and U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad said that the two sides had made headway in the ongoing peace talks ...

March 8 Celebrated with Various Concerns about Women’s Rights

March 09, 2019

International Women’s Day is a good opportunity to reflect the progress and call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have ...

Afghan Women Do not Want to Backtrack

March 06, 2019

Despite all social and cultural barriers, Afghan women have made great strides in the post-Taliban administration. They played an active role in advocating their rights and freedoms ...

On the Lives Lost in Natural Disasters

March 05, 2019

Winter season and severe weather conditions are very challenging for Afghanistan. Particularly, people living in rural areas of the country have to face different sorts of hardships ...

Participation of Women Compulsory in Society

March 04, 2019

Women and their role in our society have been discussed and debated in different ways; mostly, they have been cursed. The attitude of their co-gender has been very much discriminating ...

South Asia Economic Integration: Challenges and Opportunities

March 03, 2019

A review of economic history will show that Asia has been an open region fully involved in the world economic system as far back as pre-modern times. Even when China and Japan, during ...

Facing the Current Challenges Appropriately

February 26, 2019

It is widely believed concept that the nations that go through difficult times ultimately gain a sense of admiration for peace, tranquility and progress and the members of such ...

Why the End of Afghan War is Likely

February 23, 2019

The US and western countries have given hundreds of millions of dollars during the past seventeen years to Afghanistan to reconstruct and build its security infrastructures...

From No Governance to Good Governance

February 21, 2019

Afghanistan is standing at a crucial juncture of its history. It is looking at the vistas of peace opportunities; however, to achieve them successfully, it has to make ...

Art as a Strong Tool for Peace Building

February 20, 2019

There are different aspects of life and existence. Human beings need to satisfy all those aspects of life to live a stable life. These are not only linked to physical reality ...

Russian Troops Withdrawal Lessons

February 19, 2019

Saturday was corresponded to the 30th anniversary of Afghanistan victory and defeat of Soviet Union which withdrew their troops in Feb. 15, 1989 after a nine-year war Saturday . . .