Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Women Suffer Sexual Discrimination

March 13,2021

Afghan women have suffered severely under patriarchy, mainly during the Taliban’s regime. Their blood is still spilled and they fell prey to violence and honor-killing on ...

Impatient, Make-It-Or-Break-It Approach To Peace Process Will Break It

March 10,2021

There are many thorny issues in the Afghan peace process and obstacles to reaching an agreement. The post-deal political structure will be a highly contentious issue ...

Charting Roadmap in Oval Office Unlikely to Resolve Afghanistan’s Issues

March 09,2021

The Afghan peace process is debated nationally and internationally in recent days. The United States seek to accelerate the process, but the Afghan side and the Taliban are likely ...

Afghan Women Still Vulnerable

March 08,2021

The sufferings of Afghan women continue unabated despite the establishment of a democratic administration following the fall of the Taliban’s regime. Their rights and ...

Fundamentalism Undercut Spirit of Brotherhood

March 07,2021

The flagrant violation of human rights and dignity is a stain on the collective conscience. Streams of blood have been shed and unmitigated war and violence led to large casualties ...

National and International Consensus to be Achieved on Post-peace Administration

March 06,2021

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad had met with Afghan high-ranking officials, including President Ashraf Ghani, in his three-day ...

Radicalism – A Serious Threat to Global Peace

March 03,2021

Fundamentalism and radical ideologies have posed a serious threat to the entire globe. Fundamental parties violate people’s basic rights and traumatize them through violence...

US-Taliban Peace Agreement Had no Positive Impact on Afghanistan

March 02,2021

One year has passed from the US-Taliban peace agreement, signed in Qatari capital of Doha, militancy continues unabated, though. Afghan soldiers and civilians have sustained heavy ...

Ethnocentric View Threatens National Unity

March 01,2021

It is likely that the nation-state gap widens with the violation of human rights, ethnocentric views, and escalated insurgency. The rights and freedoms of individuals are violated ...

Troop Pullout and Taliban’s Links with International Terrorist Groups

February 28,2021

The intra-Afghan dialogue in Doha was in a stalemate until this week. The republic negotiators and their Taliban interlocutors had not held any talks for more than a month...

The Ups and Downs of Afghan Constitution

February 27,2021

Protection of Afghanistan’s Constitution, which, after passing historical ups and downs was approved based on democratic values and international principles ...

Afghans Support Conditions-based Withdrawal Approach

February 24,2021

The Taliban are likely to resume the second round of intra-Afghan dialogue, which was stalled as the Taliban walked away from the negotiating table and sent their delegations ...

Breaking Peace Deadlock Will be Welcomed

February 23,2021

Peace process began in March 2009. When the US administration showed tendency to negotiations with moderate elements of the Taliban and the Kabul government also wished to secure peace ...

Public Show Zero Tolerance to Fundamental and Menacing Remarks

February 22,2021

The recent remarks of Mawlavi Mujiburrahman Ansari against the republic government has outraged the public conscience and triggered backlash. A large number of people ...

Children Prone to Radicalism

February 21,2021

Insurgency has intensified in recent months and a large number of civilians lost their lives. Afghan children are particularly left at the mercy of militancy and used as a cannon ...

Kabul and Washington Unlikely to Succumb to Taliban’s Demands

February 20,2021

In their negotiations, the Afghan government and the Taliban are likely to be at an impasse. The Taliban continue their unabated violence and neither of the negotiating side seems ready to make major concessions. The Kabul administration ...

Deep-Seated Gender Discrimination

February 17,2021

Why does luck treat so many of us unfairly? Take a hypothetical case about which we have a reasonable good idea. Here is our typical woman: She labors from dawn to dusk in the kitchen ...

The Impact of Haibatullah’s Death on Peace Talks

February 16,2021

The death of Mullah Omar’s successor Mullah Haibatullah has surfaced again in national media, citing a “reliable” Pakistani source, as peace talks ...

Condition-based Withdrawal is Needed to Avoid Repletion of History

February 15,2021

The people of Afghanistan view the outcome of peace talks with mistrust as the Taliban leadership has held out against the proposal of the Afghan negotiating team for reduction ...

Escalated Violence Shatters Public Hope

February 13,2021

Similar to all nations, Afghans also nurture an ambition for having a peaceful and democratic state. Their dream is to exercise their rights in a civil society void of war ...

Regional States Unlikely to be Immune to Consequences of Peace Deadlock

February 10,2021

The Doha peace talks have reached a deadlock as the Taliban have walked away from the table without official declaration. A member of the Afghan negotiating team has warned ...

Protracted Violation of Women’s Rights and Liberties

February 09,2021

Despite endorsement of post-Taliban Constitution based on democratic principles, violation of women’s rights and dignity continues in Afghanistan. Women have been left at the mercy ...

Delaying Talks Will Trigger Public Disappointment

February 08,2021

Afghan negotiators push for bringing in peace through negotiated settlement, but the Taliban have turned their back on the talks. The peace process passed a highly rocky road ...

Radicalism Takes its Toll on Public Life and Culture

February 07,2021

Afghanistan has been the hotbed of different ideologies throughout the history. Our nation has witnessed liberal and radical movements and both put an adverse effect on ...

Claiming Superiority Breeds Violence

February 06,2021

Claiming racial or religious superiority will leave no room for peace and stability and will threaten the peaceful coexistence in a society. “The scourge of war ...

Civilian Casualties Disconcert the Public not International Community

February 03,2021

Afghans are highly concerned about the civilian casualties. The ongoing conflict has inflicted heavy casualties on non-combatants. Neither the US-Taliban Doha agreement nor ...

Peace Process Needs to be Approached Realistically

February 02,2021

The Taliban have tabled the peace negotiations and its delegation has traveled to Iran and Russia to show its resentment to the US new administration. The Taliban group is ...

Human Societies Face Common Threat

February 01,2021

The outpouring of violence and bloodshed around the globe left all individuals at the mercy of threat. Terrorism is a serious challenge in the modern world. The extremist groups ...

Women’s Rights and Liberties at the Mercy of Traditional Culture

January 31,2021

The rights and liberties of women were restricted within the closed frame of traditions being practiced mainly in tribal belts. The parochial mindsets regarding women played ...

How to Fit Peace Jigsaw Puzzle Together?

January 30,2021

The Taliban group has maintained its ties with al-Qaeda despite pledging to the United States to cut their ties.
The group has not honored its deal with Washington ...

Taliban’s Foul Game Indicates Khalilzad’s Failure in His Mission

January 27,2021

Fear and concerns have been compounded in the wake of harsh and threatening rhetoric exchanged between the Afghan officials and the Taliban. On the surface, the Afghan state ...

Violation of Human Rights and Heart-Breaking Stories Continue

January 26,2021

Violation of human rights and humanitarian law make repeated headlines in national media. Tragic stories of domestic violence and bloody conflict are circulated through social ...

Hasty and Unconditional Troop Pullout Likely to Result in Security Vacuum

January 25,2021

Washington is going to review the US-Taliban Doha agreement. To view the agreement, the Taliban group has not honored the peace deal as it has not cut ties with al-Qaeda, not reduced ...

Challenges Slowing Down Peace Process

January 24,2021

As a result of the US-Taliban peace agreement, the gains made within the last couple of decades, human rights, and democratic discourse were put at stake and Washington downsized its ...

Escalated Insurgency Indicates Taliban’s Lukewarm Response to Talks

January 23,2021

Amidst the ongoing intra-Afghan dialogue in Qatari capital of Doha and Taliban’s bargain over higher price, Afghans are highly concerned and political pundits are not ...