Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Anti-Polio Campaign and Impediments to It

January 20,2021

Afghanistan is one of the countries where polio remains endemic. The number of reported cases had been reduced in recent years in the wake of campaign against poliovirus. But as mounting ...

Draft Budget Needs to be Balanced and Transparent

January 19,2021

Law makers have rejected the draft budget for the second time citing imbalance, inclusion of national food program in the draft, loan and hefty budget for some departments were cited ...

Cultural Gap Between Rural and Urban Areas

January 18,2021

Four decades of war and violence have resulted in cultural erosion and moral decline in Afghanistan. The current culture is based either on secular mindset or radical ideology...

Peace Talks – A Pyrrhic Victory

January 17,2021

The Taliban are unwilling to talk about the rights and liberties of Afghan women in the negotiation ongoing in Doha, Qatar’s capital. But women, unconvinced about the Taliban’s approach ...

Second Round of Talks Likely to be Lengthy and Contentious

January 16,2021

The latest round of the intra-Afghan dialogue, ongoing in Doha, is likely to be lengthy and contentious. There are contradictory remarks. Negotiators appear optimistic about the outcome ...

Conflicting Demands and Lack of Consensus Likely to Hamper Peace Talks

January 13,2021

The ongoing intra-Afghan dialogue in Doha, Qatar’s capital, encounters hurdles from the start. Head of the Taliban negotiators Mawlavi Abdul Hakim Haqqani had not traveled to Doha, which signifies ...

Afghans Expect Violence-Free Year

January 12,2021

Last year was really bloody for the people of Afghanistan as scores of civilians and soldiers were killed in the wake of the Taliban’s intensified attacks...

Bumpy Road of Peace Talks

January 11,2021

Peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban have started in Doha and the two sides have their own priorities. Ceasefire and formation of the future government ...

Rights to Freedom of Religion Should be Ensured

January 10,2021

Religious freedoms have been one of the controversial issues and encountered serious challenges and restrictions around the globe. With the rise of religious radicals, who violate ...

Amendments to Constitution – A Bone of Contention in Peace Talks

January 09,2021

All in all, the peace process is thorny with many ifs and buts. The Taliban are likely to put amendment to the Constitution at the table in the latest round of talks as they will ...

Taliban’s Ambivalence about Declaration of Ceasefire

January 06,2021

Afghanistan and Taliban negotiators have sat around the table in Qatari capital of Doha for the second time to find a settlement for the conflict. The two sides, which reached an agreemen ...

Prospects in Latest Round of Peace Talks

January 05,2021

In the second round of the intra-Afghan dialogue, ceasefire and the future system will be the main issues to be discussed between the negotiating sides. A sense of concern continues ...

Women’s Role and Rights Need to be Considered in Peace Talks

January 04,2021

Afghan women carried heavy weight in social, political, and cultural arenas within the last couple of decades and made great strides. Their role has been prominent in political structure ...

The Dim Contour of Peace Talks in 2021

January 02,2021

Afghanistan has left a bloody year behind. Scores of Afghan soldiers and civilians were killed in the wake of the Taliban escalated ...

Insurgency ‘Un-Islamic’ and Contrary to Peace Talks

January 02,2021

All Afghans, including ordinary people, religious scholars, and security officials, have raised their concern about the recent wave of systematic and targeted killings...

The Fragility and Ambiguity of Talks Are Concerning

December 30,2020

Conflicting views about peace talks are likely to undermine the process. Afghan officials and political figures have to adopt a unanimous approach to the talks. There still seems ...

Tolerance Will Create Room for Peace

December 29,2020

Lack of religious tolerance will precipitate violence in a society. A large number of Afghan ethnic and religious minorities lost their life on the grounds of their caste and creed under the Taliban...

Entering Afghanistan with Radical Ideology not Acceptable

December 28,2020

The Taliban are not likely to have changed their mindset. Regarding the democratic discourse, mainly human rights and women’s rights and liberties, the Taliban are said to ...

Reaction to Baradar’s Trip to Pakistan

December 27,2020

With Mullah Baradar’s presence among a group of his supporters in Karachi, Pakistan – where according to him all decisions about the peace process were being finalized in ...

Insecurity Widens Gap Between State and Nation

December 26,2020

The recent serial and systematic killings have filled public air with fear and disappointment and led to a wide gap between state and nation. Afghan journalists, human rights ...

Holding Out against Ceasefire Indicates Taliban’s Insincerity

December 24,2020

The Taliban persist in killing the people of Afghanistan despite national and international calls for reduction in violence and a permanent ceasefire. The peace process ...

Talks for Talks or Ending Conflict?

December 23,2020

The casualties of non-combatants have increased amid the break in the intra-Afghan dialogue and Afghans are likely to lose all their trust in the Taliban, who hold talks with...

Stereotyping Women Will Lead to Further Violence

December 22,2020

After the collapse of the Taliban regime, the rights of women changed into a hotly debated discourse in Afghanistan. Women geared up for playing their role in social, political ...

Terrorism and Nuclear Arms Loom Large

December 21,2020

The magnitude of global crises and life-threatening issues increase in one way or another. Strong threats are posed to the life of mankind on day-to-day basis. The atrocities of terrorism ...

Opposing Reduction in Violence Likely to Push Talks to Stalemate

December 20,2020

Taliban’s refusal to reduce violence and the escalated militancy, which inflicted heavy casualties on Afghan civilians, have been serious concerns for...

Regional and Global Support for Peace Talks Carries Heavy Weight

December 19,2020

After a break in the peace talks, a Taliban high-level delegation led by their chief negotiator Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, traveled to Islamabad and held meetings with Pakistani ...

Taliban Seek Power at the Cost of Thousands of Lives

December 16,2020

Afghan officials, including President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, have called on the Taliban to hold the next phase of the intra-Afghan dialogue in Afghanistan. The Taliban are ...

Talks But Not At The Cost of Democratic Principles

December 15,2020

Terrorism is a great barrier to the fragile democracy in Afghanistan. With the fall of the Taliban’s regime, democratic principles emerged with the endorsement of ...

Reduction in Violence and Women’s Rights - Two Significant Issues in the Talks

December 14,2020

After many ifs and buts and political haggling, peace talks have been postponed for next month. On the surface, Afghans hoped that the government and the Taliban negotiators would ...

Sectarian Violence Will Trigger Public Reaction Against Militants

December 13,2020

Violation of human rights is widely practiced in Afghanistan, especially with the engagement of the Taliban fighters in killings of civilians. The Afghan government urges for ...

Afghans’ Expectations of the Peace Talks

December 12,2020

After reaching agreement over the guiding principles, the government and the Taliban negotiating teams enter more serious and detailed talks. But, the talks are still held ...

Feministic Approach Towards Women

December 09,2020

It is beyond doubt that violence against women is still a controversial topic across the country that mostly media go into feeding frenzy over such stories...

Releasing More Fighters to Kill More People?

December 08,2020

The United States and the Taliban held several rounds of talks in Qatari capital Doha behind closed doors. After US envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar ...

Second Phase of Talks Likely To Be Detailed

December 07,2020

A breakthrough is cited in the talks ongoing between the Afghan government and the Taliban in Qatari capital Doha and the talks will enter the second phase, which is likely to be more ...

The Fragility of Peace Parley

December 06,2020

The insurgent fighters have intensified their attacks to hamper democratic process in Afghanistan. The unmitigated insurgency slowed down registration process for district council ...