Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Death of Mullah Akhtar Mansoor

May 23, 2016

Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor is believed to be dead. Afghanistan’s intelligence agency, National Directorate of Security (NDS) confirmed on Sunday, May 22, that he...

Planning a Family

May 22, 2016

There is no short cut to or any spontaneous method to decrease the number of people in a particular community and adjust them with the available sources and resources of the country...

The Role of Educational Institutions

May 21, 2016

The role of educational institutions within a society is immense, especially in a society that has a serious consideration about knowledge and learning. Educational institutions...

Controlling the Deviant Behavior

May 19, 2016

The people living in a society do not necessarily accept all the norms and values of the society. There are certain individuals who think otherwise and may even go against the established...

We must Welcome Social and Cultural Changes

May 18, 2016

It is the nature of culture which directs social change. There are cultures around the world which encourage social change in technology, others in biological factors of individual...

Demonstration in Kabul

May 17, 2016

Hundreds of thousands of Afghans marched through Kabul streets on Monday demanding the government to route a power line through Bamyan province – which has been deprived of...

Government Needs to End Alienations

May 16, 2016

TUTAP electricity transmission project is coming as highly divisive in Afghanistan. The protestors say the government’s recent rerouting of the TUTAP – which stands for...

A State Should Promote General Welfare

May 15, 2016

In the present times, mostly among the developed nations, there is a greater emphasis on the positive role of the state, because it is now clearly realized that the influence of...

TUTAP Controversy Heightens

May 14, 2016

Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TUTAP) power project controversy seems to be getting serious as the plans are underway to start the activities of...

Clean Environment Depicts Higher Values

May 12, 2016

There are many issues in Afghanistan that are making the lives of the people miserable yet they are not able to get the required attention from the government authorities. It is...

Role of Youth in US Election – an Inspiration for Afghan Youth

May 11, 2016

Youth play a tremendous role in United States (US) in different fields of life. Politics, that did not attract them much, is now experiencing a great participation of youngsters.

China has Reiterated its Support for Afghanistan

May 10, 2016

China has once again reiterated its support for Afghanistan and in a joint seminar on “One Road One Belt” where senior Afghan officials and the Chinese Ambassador to...

Our Directionless Destination

May 09, 2016

When a society is hit by instability and uncertainty, the whole society starts losing its direction. It starts going astray; its people start losing hope and trust from the...

Reintegrating Afghanistan

May 08, 2016

The situation in Afghanistan seems to be getting serious again. Escalation in insecurity and the political disorder has made many doubt about the future. The expectations that...

Fighting Poverty is Crucial

May 07, 2016

The most dominant social problem in Afghanistan is poverty. Most of the people have limited economic resources and their standard of living is low. The people have been...

Protecting Human Rights

May 05, 2016

Man suffers, not only when the part of the world in which he is residing is hit by natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, floods, diseases, etc., but occasionally by...

World Press Freedom Day

May 04, 2016

May 03, is celebrated as the World Press Freedom Day in different countries of the world. The day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1993 after...

The Plights of Afghan Working Class

May 03, 2016

Afghanistan celebrated the International Labor Day on first of May while the plights of Afghanistan’s working class have further intensified. Afghanistan has one of...

Rights and Duties in Social Life

May 02, 2016

Human nature has two aspects, personal and social. Every individual has a desire, a need or a want to do or have something. He wants to satisfy his bodily needs for

Peace is Paramount

May 01, 2016

Afghanistan has been suffering from the horrors of wars and instability for decades now. These have made the people undergo great misery; therefore, most of the people are ...

Taliban Delegation in Pakistan

April 30, 2016

A Taliban delegation from the  Qatar political office is in Pakistan to have talks with Pakistani officials over Afghanistan’s peace process and some demands of the Taliban from the Pakistani government. The Afghan

School Girls Poisoned Again

April 28, 2016

Poisoning innocent school girls has once again started in Afghanistan. There have been many such incidents in different parts of the country. It is believed that these actions...

Taliban’s Momentum should be Reversed!

April 26, 2016

At the crucial juncture where Afghanistan is standing today, many analysts are of the view that Afghanistan will face the worst security situation this year but no one knows...

NUG Needs to Take Difficult Decisions

April 25, 2016

President Ashraf Ghani is set to deliver a key speech to a joint session of the two houses of the parliament, the Meshrano Jirga and the Wolesi Jirga over government’s...

Afghan Women Continue their Endeavors

April 24, 2016

Though the discriminatory behavior against women in Afghanistan still looms large and there are different incidents of violence against them as well, some among them have...

Government must Guarantee Justice

April 23, 2016

Justice is one of the most essential requirements within a society. It provides stability to the society and it supports in establishing and maintaining legitimacy. Crimes...

Mother Earth Day

April 21, 2016

April 22 is celebrated internationally as Mother Earth Day so as to emphasis the importance of the earth and its environment and highlight the challenges it is facing by the...

Ruthless Kabul Attack

April 20, 2016

With the start of the spring season in Afghanistan insecurity seems to be on the rise. It is really unfortunate for the people of Afghanistan that they have to witness bloodshed...

The Ever Widening Gap

April 19, 2016

One of the characteristics of Afghan society has been its division into rich and poor. There has always been a wide gap between the rich class and the power people. When the...

Rise in Children Casualties

April 18, 2016

It is never justified that civilians lose their lives in different sorts of clashes. Wherever, there are conflicts and wars it is of utmost importance that civilians must be...

Fighting Rising Insecurity

April 17, 2016

There were certain expectations in the beginning of the new year that some sort of negotiation with Taliban may start and there may be some positive development towards...

The Government Must Convene Loya Jirga

April 16, 2016

US Secretary of State John Kerry’s comments last week in Kabul were expected to end the controversy raised by some opposition groups over the legal tenure of...

Standing Firm against ‘Baad’

April 14, 2016

Though there are different sorts of discrimination against women in Afghanistan, Baad is one of the practices that evidently violates the right of women as being human beings...

Human Smuggling is on the Rise

April 13, 2016

It is one of the most dominant facts that the social issues within a society are mostly interrelated. If there is a particular problem, it has the tendency to give rise...

Superstitious Thinking must be Shunned

April 12, 2016

There are different types of beliefs among human beings and unfortunately all of them are not based on logic or scientific thinking. There are many beliefs among human beings...