Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

NUG Leaders Should Implement Agreement

April 11, 2016

The US Secretary of State John Kerry’s remarks on the legal tenure of the National Unity Government (NUG) came as a relief for the leaders of the national unity government...

Health Facilities Must Improve

April 10, 2016

7th April was celebrated as World Health Day by World Health Organization (WHO). Every year the day is celebrated with a particular theme and WHO organizes international...

Time for Serious Action

April 09, 2016

Afghanistan is on the top among the countries producing narcotics and influenced by it. Years of instability and war have incapacitated the attentions to be diverted...

Life is a Responsibility

April 07, 2016

One of the most precious gifts in the universe is life. Human beings must understand and realize its true value and must try to make it worth living. However, making a life...

Empathy – A Necessity for Social Wellbeing

April 06, 2016

One of the basic reasons for chaos, instability and war in the world is the incapacity of human beings to see the world in its totality. Human beings are not able to consider...

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

April 05, 2016

April 6th is celebrated as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace by United Nations (UN). UN believes that Sport, as a tool for education, development...

The Need for a More Robust War Leadership

April 04, 2016

With the Taliban set to start launching the group’s spring offensive this year, there are growing concerns over how Afghanistan is going to cope with the Taliban...

Learning Must Continue

April 03, 2016

Human beings are different from other living beings because of their superior quality of learning. They have the instinct of enquiry and craving for knowledge. Since...

Corruption is Threatening Afghan Society

April 02, 2016

One of the most frustrating issues for Afghanistan is corruption. Today, it has penetrated deep within Afghan society and there are no tangible measures to control it...

Unemployment is Getting out of Control

March 31, 2016

Unemployment is one of the biggest issues in Afghanistan and also one of the root causes of insecurity, instability and disturbance within the Afghan society. Unfortunately...

Afghanistan Needs to Develop its Economy

March 30, 2016

Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) said on Tuesday, March 29, that Afghanistan’s exports have increased by 30 percent in 2015 compared to 2012, while...

The Ill-Maintained Roads

March 29, 2016

There are varioustypes of developments that are believed to be essential for the people of a country in the modern world. And within a country, the government bears the responsibility...

The Ill-Maintained Roads

March 29, 2016

There are varioustypes of developments that are believed to be essential for the people of a country in the modern world. And within a country, the government bears the responsibility...

Struggle to Change for Better

March 28, 2016

Life is a continuous struggle. There are no easy earnings or achievements. In order to make an achievement in life it is necessary for an individual to have the urge...

We Require Religiosity and Spirituality

March 27, 2016

With the advancement of human societies and the arrival of so-called modernization, human beings have opted for lives that are too much mechanical. The advent of technology...

Will Past Scenario Repeat in the New Year?

March 26, 2016

The solar year of 1394 was initiated with the Taliban’s spring offensive which took heavy toll of Afghan civilians and police. The protracted war and insurgency...

Bringing Different Cultures Closer!

March 24, 2016

Globalization, frequent movement of the people across the continents and modern and efficient ways of communications and transportation have brought human beings together...

Let’s Commit for Better Society in New Year

March 23, 2016

New Solar Year (1395) has just started and all the Afghans celebrated Nauroz (first day of the new year celebrated traditionally in Afghanistan as a welcome...

1394 – The Deadliest Year for Journalists

March 19, 2016

Recently the security situation in Afghanistan has been influencing all the factions of the society but the journalists and media personnel have been greatly...

Security Concerns Keep on Multiplying

March 17, 2016

The concerns regarding security situation seem to be multiplying with each passing day in Afghanistan. The prospects of peace and tranquility do not seem very much clear...

Grip of Extremism in Society

March 16, 2016

The emergence of different schools of thought, especially secularism and extremism, has made religion a complicated issue .God-fearing individuals face a dilemma...

Maintaining Harmony in Diversity

March 15, 2016

A diverse society wherein people with different ethnic backgrounds and subcultures live, it is really difficult to maintain order and tranquility; in fact, it would...

Embracing Differences

March 14, 2016

It is one of the main attributes of a person that he is different from others. He is born in different conditions, brought up differently and he possesses a distinct...

Efforts to Control Graft

March 13, 2016

As the concerns regarding corruption in Afghanistan are getting serious, the European Union (EU) Delegation in Afghanistan has launched a campaign against it, known as 2016...

Peace Deadlock’s Impacts on the Ongoing War

March 12, 2016

Afghan officials say they expect the Taliban to join the peace process despite their recent refusal to participate in the first face-to-face talks planned to be held in...

Say No to Smoking

March 10, 2016

International No Smoking Day is celebrated each year on 9th March, so as to highlight the dangers of smoking and the different diseases that are related to smoking...

On International Women’s Day

March 09, 2016

8thMarch is celebrated as International Women’s Day throughout the world to highlight gender disparities and discrimination and violence against women...

Human Trafficking on the Rise

March 08, 2016

The United States (US) on Monday, March 07, 2016, announced a contribution of $10 million to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to end the exploitation...

Taliban’s Refusal of the Peace Plan

March 07, 2016

Taliban’s refusal to take part in the anticipated peace talks in Islamabad indicates the complexity and difficulty of a process that is supposed to end a long-lasting...

Taliban, not Ready for Talks

March 06, 2016

Amongst the hopes that Afghan government would have direct talks with Taliban, a statement from Taliban has been released wherein they have announced that they would not...

The Political Syndrome

March 05, 2016

The approach of Afghan government towards a wide range of issues is vague and confusing. It seems that the administration as a whole does not have any particular, dependable...

Our Role in Nourishing Democracy

March 03, 2016

One of the harsh realities of our society is that we have not been able to give a particular structure to our society. Though we claim our country to be democratic, we...

Political and Social Awareness

March 02, 2016

Man is a social and political animal; he has to live in a society that has its social, political and economic systems. He is bound to be influenced by them and influence...

The Insecurity is Getting Rampant

March 01, 2016

Security incidents have now become the order of the day in Afghanistan. Everyday there are tragic news from different parts of the country regarding bombings and ruthless...

Political will must be Mustered

February 29, 2016

The war in Afghanistan has long turned into a tough challenge on the hands of the U.S. and its military generals as well as politicians. The American approach to...