Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Afghan Soldiers Pay Heavy Sacrifices for Democratic Values

December 05,2020

Fighting against the Taliban and combating terrorism, Afghan soldiers have paid high sacrifices, which triggered an outpouring of national grief. Warring factions, mainly the Taliban ...

No End to Insurgency?

December 02,2020

Afghanistan is embroiled not only in instability, but there are many issues challenging the government. The continual terrorist attacks and suicide bombings, despite the downfall of ...

Taliban Seek to Monopolize Power

December 01,2020

The Taliban seem to be in pursuit of monopolization of power since they are narrowing the room for ethnic and religious minority groups. Practicing upon fundamental ideology ...

Public Attitudes Towards Women

November 30,2020

Women’s rights and freedoms were a contentious issue in Afghanistan and violence against women continued in the post-Taliban administration. Women were susceptible to violence ...

Women’s Vulnerability Around the World

November 29,2020

Women’s rights are violated in many parts of the world, including democratic countries. Women are threatened on social media and harassed mentally and sexually...

Afghanistan Needs Corruption-free System

November 28,2020

Afghanistan’s dysfunctional system is frustrating for the citizens. Corruption continues within the government machinery and poverty lingers on despite billions of dollars ...

Trump’s Withdrawal Plan Marks His Failure in Afghanistan

November 25,2020

Regarding terrorism, the US President Donald Trump said in his inaugural speech that “we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth”. Exactly two years later ...

Will Pakistan Support Intra-Afghan Dialogue?

November 24,2020

The political gap between Kabul and Islamabad is likely to be narrowed with high-level exchanges. Imran Khan’s maiden visit to Kabul, accompanied by Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood ...

Taliban’s Reaction to Fatwas Against Their Violence

November 23,2020

The Taliban leadership has shown reaction to the fatwas (religious decrees) issued against the Taliban’s acts of war and violence. The group is concerned that fatwas against ...

The Root of Taliban’s Ideology

November 22,2020

The Taliban’s radical mindsets and cruel practices in Afghanistan reflected their ideology. The Taliban group ruled Afghanistan from September 1996 until ...

Obstacles to Rights to Freedom

November 18,2020

Public freedoms are susceptible to threat and militancy in the country, especially with the increased violence in recent months.
Freedom is individuals’ natural and fundamental right. ...

Imran Khan’s Trip to Afghanistan Crucial to Peace Process

November 17,2020

The intra-Afghan dialogue is ongoing in the Qatari capital of Doha, but regional stakeholders still have not put all their weight behind the talks, which have not led to agreement ...

Gender Discrimination and Women’s Rights Discourse

November 16,2020

Gender discrimination has been one of the main challenges in Afghanistan. Women’s rights discourse are unlikely to have mitigated the challenges since traditional ...

The Ifs and Buts of Peace Talks

November 15,2020

The intra-Afghan dialogue began with much fanfare in Doha, the capital of Qatar, but no breakthrough ...

The Rocky Road of Peace Talks

November 14,2020

Despite holding talks with the Taliban and giving concessions to the group, the Afghan government failed to secure a permanent ceasefire. There are concerns about the outcome ...

Militants Continue Violence Despite Being Condemned by Clerics

November 12,2020

The widespread violence in Afghanistan fills the air with a sense of disappointment. The graph of casualty remains high and there is no remedy for the bleeding wound of Afghan nation...

Violation of Human Rights – A Blow to Democracy

November 11,2020

There is a wide gap between the ideal world of Afghanistan’s Constitution and real life of Afghan nation. The rights and liberty of people are considered natural, inalienable ...

Extremism and Cultural Restrictions Take Their Toll

November 10,2020

The rights and freedoms of people in general and Afghans in particular are at stake in the wake of religious extremism and cultural restrictions. Radical ideologues and ...

Afghans Likely to Prefer Biden to Trump

November 09,2020

With the US elected President Joe Biden at the helm, the Taliban leadership fears that the peace agreement it signed with the Trump administration in late February may ...

Tragic Stories Continue

November 08,2020

The recent serial killings of Afghan civilians have filled the people of Afghanistan with an outpouring of grief. Afghans are reeling from repeated killings of non-combatants ....

Killing Civilians Has No Justification and Will Derail Peace Talks

November 07,2020

Afghans viewed the peace talks with doubt and disappointment, which has been compounded with the Taliban’s escalated militancy. So far, the Taliban group has played ...

Afghan Women – Vulnerable to Violence

November 04,2020

The persistent violence against Afghan women unfolds the patriarchal system and traditional beliefs practiced widely in individual and collective life. They have been discriminated ...

Unmitigated Suffering of Individuals Not Poignant?

November 03,2020

To end man’s cruelty and scourge of war, a number of individuals believe that triggering the public sentiments through citing tragic stories and magnifying the sanctity ...

Genuine Intention – Highly Crucial to Fruitful Talks

November 02,2020

The Taliban have maintained their ties with al-Qaeda network, engaged widely in killing civilians and refused to reduce violence, despite sitting across from the government’s negotiating ...

Paragon of Humanity

November 01,2020

Muslims across the world celebrate the birth of Holy Prophet (PBUH) this week. Muslims are celebrating the day with religious zeal. The way in which the occasion is celebrated ...

Growing Concern over Death Toll and Fragility of Talks

October 28,2020

Doha talks are “fragile”, fatalities continue, and the withdrawal of US troops are likely to create vacuum. The Taliban play a political game through sitting across from ...

Hekmatyar’s Irresponsible Remarks Outrageous

October 27,2020

The recent statements of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of Hizb-e-Islami, about formation of interim government have been outrageous to Afghan officials and ordinary people...

The Taliban Should Make it Clear: Fire or Ceasefire?

October 26,2020

On the surface, it seemed that the Taliban would reduce violence to extend the room for peace and stability, but they increased their militancy ...

Radicalization and Civilian Casualties

October 25,2020

Civilians have nothing to do with war. However, armed militants inflict sufferings on them in one way or another. The Taliban’s recent escalated militancy leading to heavy ...

Civilian Casualties – A Highly Concerning Issue

October 24,2020

The Taliban’s escalated militancy has led to heavy civilian casualties. The ongoing peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban group in Qatar’s capital Doha could not ...

You Can Bring a Horse to Water, But You Can’t Make it Drink

October 21,2020

Signing peace agreement between a state and a militant group seems usual in international law since agreement is signed between states, international organizations, or states ...

Respecting Human Rights Likely to Alleviate Public Suffering

October 20,2020

Human rights will be practiced in democratic societies, where the individuals tolerate one another irrespective of their racial, sexual or religious backgrounds...

Nascent Democracy Vulnerable to Escalated Violence

October 19,2020

Amid the ongoing talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, escalated militancy and civilian casualties are concerning issues. The post-Taliban Afghanistan ...

Violation of Human Dignity – A Usual Practice

October 18,2020

The international Humanitarian Law (IHL) seeks to protect the rights and dignity of civilians, wounded soldiers, and war prisoners – whose rights are being violated in one way ...

Which One Will Be A Mistake: Talks Or Hasty Troop Pullout?

October 17,2020

The Afghan government and its international allies seem optimistic about the outcome of the intra-Afghan dialogue ongoing in the Qatari capital of Doha, but reaching peace ...