Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

It’s Not My Duty!

It’s Not My Duty!

August 08, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Hujjaj Bin Yousuf is a very notorious name in the Islamic history. He was one of the cruelest rulers of all times. He killed, tortured and imprisoned a lot of people and thousands of victims and their families cursed him in his lifetime. Hujjaj passed away but his hate-provoking cruelties are still present in the ...

Doing the Opposite!

Doing the Opposite!

August 07, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A man was walking on the road that suddenly a car came like a violent and angry camel and hit and threw him away. The car driver slowed down for a while and the next moment, he found it safe to run away from the spot and in the blink of an eye, the car disappeared in the traffic. People came ...

Political Transition Key to Post-2014 Stability

Political Transition Key  to Post-2014 Stability

August 07, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Nowadays every other analysis and opinion piece on op-ed pages by Western media pundits increasingly talk of Afghanistan returning to civil war after the bulk of NATO and US troops' withdrawal in 2014. They express concerns about the fragile tribal atmosphere and fear fragmentation ...

Water will Flow to the Same Direction

Water will Flow to  the Same Direction

August 07, 2012 | Abbas Sultani

Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior are the two key ministries that are in charge of stabilizing security assurance with in the country and across the border routes. But recently the assassinations of high ranked government figures and cross border rocket attacks blamed on Pakistan are raising the graph of ...

The Return of Historical Artifacts

The Return of Historical Artifacts

August 06, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Many years of civil wars and clashes have had severe impacts on Afghanistan's socio-political scenario. These wars and clashes have influenced the country in so many different ways. There have not been losses only in life and blood but in culture, tradition and values, as well. It is believed that for a civilization ...

Mind Your Business!

Mind Your Business!

August 06, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Suppose that you have been advised by your doctor to do exercise on daily basis for the sake of your health. You checked your tight schedule and with all the difficulties, spared an hour in the evening for exercise. In order to assure the punctuality, you informed everyone at home not to disturb you in the given time and ...

Are People Unreasonably Worried?

Are People  Unreasonably Worried?

August 06, 2012 | Masood Korosh

No matter how strong the international community's message be of not leaving Afghanistan into the hands of mercy of the time, but set deadline for complete military withdrawal has already imposed profound implications on the economy. Some talk in a manner as if cash downpour has come to an end and the economic ...

Public Opinion and its Utility

Public Opinion and its Utility

August 05, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Public Opinion may be defined as, "Attitudes, perspectives and preferences of a population towards events, circumstances and issues of mutual interest". Public opinion plays an important role in the working of the democratic system as the truly democratic systems are formed with the support of the people ...

The Irritating Security Situation

The Irritating  Security Situation

August 05, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Counterinsurgency struggle has lasted more than a decade, but opium cultivation, corruption and insurgency terribly take tolls, which have created major stumbling blocks ahead of developing democracy in the country. Every year, people counted on the next year, hoping that time may work in their favor and they see the ...

Looking For the Reality!

Looking For  the Reality!

August 05, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Once, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was returning from somewhere with one of our Holy Mothers (May Allah be pleased with them). In the meantime, two of his companions, who were coming from the opposite side, passed by them. Holy Prophet (PBUH) called them and told them that he was with his wife and not anyone else. The companions at ...

The Changing Nature of Insurgency

The Changing Nature of Insurgency

August 04, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The morning on Thursday, August 2, in Afghanistan started with the news that five insurgents were killed in a gun-battle, who, in fact, wanted to attack the capital Kabul and cause severe blow to peace and tranquility. According to the news reports, the insurgents were sighted by National Directorate of Security's (NDS) agents as ...

Hope for Change and Dream for Peace

Hope for Change and Dream for Peace

August 04, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Our country has long been the horse race ground of political game being shot in the region and our leaders and ruling parties instead of taking intelligent initiatives for solutions of the dilemmas have been blaming the enemies of religion, foreigners and neighboring countries for the phenomenon being experienced throughout ...

The Uncertain Future Awaits Afghan Women After U.S Departs

The Uncertain Future Awaits Afghan Women After U.S Departs

August 04, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The topics on women rights and their safe status since 2001, after the fall of the Taliban regime were on their best review. The women believed that they had gained good status and were safe than ever before and that they were able to fight for their rights and secure their good status even if the U.S withdraws from the ...

“A Credible and Inclusive Presidential Election”

“A Credible and Inclusive  Presidential Election”

August 02, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

"Key to Afghanistan's future stability will be a credible and inclusive presidential election in 2014, followed by a constitutional transfer of power. President Karzai has repeatedly affirmed his commitment to a peaceful, constitutional transition of power at the end of his second term," James B Cunningham, who ...

Insurgency and Anti-Narcotics Campaign

Insurgency and  Anti-Narcotics Campaign

August 02, 2012 | Masood Korosh

In the recent report released by NATO which indicated rise in insurgent's assaults during first half of 2012, NATO officials linked it to phenomenon of poppy cultivation. "The annual start of the poppy harvest period is characterized by a considerable decrease in enemy-initiated attacks usually followed ...

The War of Good and Evil!

The War of Good and Evil!

August 02, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Until a man is in authority and commanding his desires, he appears to be very strong. It is then he is able to experience those qualities which are only bestowed to him and which win him the title of "The Best of Creatures". Both good and bad qualities of his personality stand in front of him with their hands tied and head ...

Human Rights – the Scenario in Afghanistan

Human Rights – the  Scenario in Afghanistan

August 01, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Two important factors that the international community has been trying to ensure before they leave Afghanistan are said to be the eradication of corruption and the preservation of human rights. Unfortunately, Afghanistan has not been able to perform well on both the fronts and a great deal of work has to be done before ...

On the Conflict Mapping Report

On the Conflict Mapping Report

August 01, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Recently bits and pieces of the reports detailing war crimes and atrocities of 80s and 90s have been hitting media. The 800-page report titled "Conflict Mapping in Afghanistan since 1978" is prepared by the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and group of 40 international and Afghan researchers over ...

Turning it Possible!

Turning it Possible!

August 01, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The conditions of a person's soul and spirit are exhibited by many of the external reflectors. The face, eyes, voice, body language and even the style of walking of a person shows how a person feels or what is going on inside his mind and soul. The conditions of a person who is happy from his heart can be detected by others ...

Security Challenges in Changing International Priorities

Security Challenges in  Changing International Priorities

July 31, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As there have been concerns about the capability of Afghan security forces to take on the responsibilities of security of entire nation, at the same time there are serious concerns about financing the forces for without enough financial support the security ...

Harvesting and Reaping

Harvesting and Reaping

July 31, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The father of the child was sitting in front of me. As expected he first shouted advocating his son and tried all his efforts to make him prove as innocent and having characters similar to that of angels. But when he felt that his approach was going to make the things worse for him and his son and realized the weightlessness ...

Importance of Sino-Afghan Relations

Importance of Sino-Afghan Relations

July 30, 2012 | Shahwali Amiri

Afghanistan is going through a transition period that suggests that important changes are being made in security, socio-political and economic spheres. It is expected that once the transition is over, Afghanistan would be able to stand on its own and would be able to shoulder the responsibilities of the ...

Helping Yourself

Helping Yourself

July 30, 2012 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

A child is born on the nature of goodness. There is present an internally built-in system that makes you realize the differences between good and bad things. When you receive a good message, it makes a pleasing effect on your transmitter and you feel good about it. Contrary to this, when you receive a bad signal, it ...

Terror Threat, New IRA and the UK Border Agency

Terror Threat, New IRA and the UK Border Agency

July 30, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The issues of rogue Imams, foreign funded domestic mosques and their links with the incitement of hatred or violence in all European states have been central in intellectual debates after the London and Madrid bombing. Several rogue Imams reacted vehemently. In Britain, for the integration of communities, several good ...

Olympic Games

Olympic Games

July 29, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Games have always played an important role in the lives of individuals and societies. They are not only a part of entertainment but, at the same time, an important reason for better health conditions. Moreover, they are also an opportunity for different nations of the world to make themselves known to the world and earn ...

It Is the Girl Who Decides

It Is the Girl Who Decides

July 29, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

In some of the illiterate and culturally intimidated countries and societies, at times I think of crying out in the favor of the rights of women and girls and protest against the circumstances that they are forced to live in. In the name of religion, so many things are done against them which is absolutely not ...

Afghanistan Faces Security and Economic Uncertainty

Afghanistan Faces Security  and Economic Uncertainty

July 29, 2012 | Muhammad Ahsan

Be it security or economy in Afghanistan, no fundamental and long-lasting development is observable. When a common Afghan has to suffer due to the worst security condition, grave poverty and various sorts of other social and economic challenges, then talking about development is all futile. In the decade-long US anti-terrorism war in ...

Changes Must Change Common Afghans

Changes Must Change  Common Afghans

July 28, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As a result of decades of instability and socio-economic and political problems, the Afghan people have been suffering from myriads of problems. Though there have been certain important improvements made in the last decade or so, some very concerning issues still exist that threaten the lives of the common people of ...

Women’s Rights, I Mean It!

Women’s Rights, I Mean It!

July 28, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

With the passage of time, more and more women joined the rally and gradually enhanced the voice of women who were chanting slogans in the favor of women's rights. They were holding placards that displayed the typical sentences demanding more rights for women. In front were the so-called saviors and protectors of women's rights who were ...

We are Technology Addicted Generation

We are Technology Addicted Generation

July 28, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Addiction is not only the use of any sort of mind malfunctioning substances. It is the state of mind when you forget your surroundings and cut off your social interactions as a result of over business with an activity. You are addicted, if you overlook to notice the passage of time as a result of your business. We are ...

Individuals and Institutions in State and Politics

Individuals and Institutions  in State and Politics

July 26, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

With the evolution of state and politics, there has been a movement from personality-centered structures and setups to the institutional-led structures. A thorough study of the journey from monarchy to today's democratic era will substantially prove the mentioned argument. The monarchies were the ...

Coefficient of Insecurity for Hazara Community

Coefficient of Insecurity for Hazara Community

July 26, 2012 | Masood Korosh

A week ago, a friend of mine posted on his facebook his experience while going from Kabul to Ghazni province. He wrote: "I along with three other friends were driving from Kabul to Ghazni province. In Maidan Wardak, just few miles away from a police checkpoint, all vehicles moving on the Kabul-Ghazni highway were stopped ...

Socio-economic Mobility and Growing Frustration

Socio-economic Mobility  and Growing Frustration

July 25, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Capitalism has always been in controversy because it has been a class-based system. The presence of three major economic classes in the system has always kept the discussions among the economists and politicians very hot - few considering it the failure of system while others suggesting it to be the beauty ...

Lessons from Ramadan

Lessons from Ramadan

July 25, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

It is about 3 in the afternoon and we are returning home from the office. Due to Ramadan, we are all returning home early. Weather is hot and thirst of fasting has made it appear even more. No one is talking in the van; some are feeling sleepy while others are trying to control their temper. Till ...

Terrorists Have No Religion

Terrorists Have No Religion

July 25, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Today with so many voices stating that the religion advocates violence and Islam is under the scanner of the entire world and Islam is judged to be behind most of the violence and bloodshed in the world, including other religions. The word Jihad has been so badly misused both by wayward Muslim terrorists and Islam-baiters that ...