Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Lessons for the New Year

December 31, 2018

We are going to enter new year tomorrow, but before we make this entry, we need to prepare ourselves for it. First, we need to have the learning and lessons that we have ...

Challenges for Women Peace Building in Afghanistan

December 29, 2018

If we want to do justice to peace, we must do justice to resolution 1325. To many people, peace is an inverse, or even a mere corollary of conflict, but such a vague notion ...

Terrorism in Afghanistan: Consequences for National Security and Economic Development

December 27, 2018

According to the history, terrorism is not a new phenomenon in world history in that it has existed in every age for several centuries. Historically, the following examples ...

Better Societies Have Better Values

December 26, 2018

A society is recognized by its values and standards. Better societies have better standards in every facet of life; nonetheless, it is arguable what better standards ...

Elections in Democracy Ensure Political and Economic Stability

December 25, 2018

Democracy is considered as the best system of government by many of the states around the world; particularly, by the states that are developed and that have achieved ...

Making Democracy Work

December 24, 2018

As the history has proved that the best form of democracy is by and through the people, it is important that the people who live within democratic societies must have an active ...

Curbing Population in the Country

December 23, 2018

There is no short cut to or any spontaneous method to decrease the number of people in a particular community and adjust them with the available sources and resources . . .

Defending the Homeland as Our Most Important Duty

December 22, 2018

The US military has been ordered to begin planning to withdraw about half the troops in Afghanistan. This news was received with mix responses from Afghans. Some of . . .

Red Lines of Afghan Peace talks

December 20, 2018

A new round of Afghan Peace talks was kicked off on Sunday in which the attendees have been discussing Afghanistan war and peace. A comprehensive delegation of Afghanistan ...

The Issues of Migrants Must be Addressed

December 19, 2018

December 18th is being celebrated as International Migrants Day around the world. The day is meant to highlight the issues of the migrants and the need for policies . . .

Lessons for Afghanistan from China’s Development

December 18, 2018

It has been 40 years since Deng Xiaoping kicked off China’s reforms with his famous speech Emancipate the mind, seeking truth from fact, and unite as one . . .

Education Sector Requires Attention

December 17, 2018

It is now a widely accepted fact that Afghanistan cannot survive without pursuit of modern education. A brighter and better future can only be guaranteed if Afghan ...

Trilateral Dialogue – Light at the End of the Tunnel

December 16, 2018

Officials from Afghanistan, Pakistan and China are meeting in Kabul to discuss security issue. The three sides will hold their second trilateral ministerial dialogue ...

The Lapis Lazuli corridor: the National Priorities and Strategic Engagements

December 15, 2018

Afghanistan on Thursday opened a new international trade route aimed at establishing direct access to Central Asia and Europe as it seeks to build up an economy wrecked ...

Human Rights Must be Valued

December 12, 2018

Human beings around the world, because of the mere fact that they are human and are born in this world have their rights, which are recognized as human rights. . .

Skewed Development in Afghanistan

December 12, 2018

Afghanistan is one of the countries that have not been able to make necessary economic developments and defeat the most threatening evil in the society, i.e. poverty...

The Reasons of Our Economic Failure

December 10, 2018

After the formation of National Unity Government (NUG), the citizens of the country were determined to see a change in the economic life of the country, but so far, they ...

A Democratic Political System Ensures Citizens Involvement in Decision Making Process

December 09, 2018

Awareness and positive involvement of the citizens in civic and political matters play a key role in the political stability and development of any political system. . .

Afghanistan – From Tribal Code of Conduct to Democratic Constitution

December 06, 2018

The peace negotiation between US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban’s representatives make the national and international headlines. However, what is worrying ...

The Role of Parliament in Afghanistan

December 05, 2018

The parliament in Afghanistan can be referred to as National Assembly, which carries out legislative work in the country. The Assembly is an important ...

Everyone Has the Right to Freedom of Expression

December 04, 2018

There have always been efforts to restrict the freedom of expression and deprive the people of their right to have their own opinions. However, the fact is that there ...

Empowering Persons with Disabilities

December 03, 2018

Today is going to be observed as Inter Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD) around the world. The day was first proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly ...

Geneva Conference: A Reliable Path to Ensure Afghanistan’s Transformation Decade

December 02, 2018

The National Unity Government and the international community met on 27-28 November 2018 at the United Nations in Geneva to renew their partnership and cooperation . . .

Afghanistan: The Failure of Leadership as the Main Challenge of Nation Building

December 01, 2018

Nations are one of the most important parts of modern society.  If one go back into history, we will see that the world used to be divided into empires and kingdoms in the past...

Geneva Conference: A Golden Opportunity for Afghanistan

November 28, 2018

The Afghan Government and United Nations co-host the Geneva Conference that was kicked off on 27 November and will end on November 28, 2018. This is the 13th ...

Paving the Way for Investment and Business

November 28, 2018

As Afghanistan has been struggling to stand on its own regarding its financial challenges, its economic and financial infrastructure do not seem to be supporting

“Orange the World”

November 27, 2018

November 25 is celebrated in different countries of the world as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women. The basic objective of the day is ...

Building People’s Trust Through Service Delivery

November 25, 2018

It is one of the most important responsibilities of a government that it must make efforts to provide the basic requirements of life to the people; particularly, to those ...

Ideology Based Terrorism: How Terrorists Kill Everyone Indiscriminately

November 24, 2018

Fifty people were killed and 72 others injured in a blast which targeted a gathering that marked Eid Milad-u-Nabi (SAWS) in capital Kabul on Tuesday evening ...

Bloodshed amidst Peace Talks

November 22, 2018

The death toll of Afghan civilians and soldiers has been counted in national and international reports, terrorist attacks have been denounced strongly, much has ...

Every Human Deserves Basic Needs of Life

November 21, 2018

Human beings depend highly on the environment where they live. Both the physical and socio-economic circumstances provide them the opportunity to fulfill ...

Murky Prospects of Peace Process

November 19, 2018

With Afghan people tired of the ongoing instability and insecurity, the prospects of peace process, unfortunately, do not appear to be bright, as well. In fact ...

People’s Worries During the Cold Weather

November 18, 2018

As the winter season has approached, the problems of our people seem to be rising as well. The people of our country, who have been suffering for years from poverty ...

Public Mistrust as the Main Cause of Loss of Government legitimacy

November 17, 2018

Many Afghans don’t believe the government is fair. This is not sentiment but reality; to most Afghans, the government doesn’t exist for them, but for ....

Crimes and Their Prevention

November 15, 2018

Currently, Afghanistan is suffering from myriads of problems and among them the rising rate of crimes is a dominant one. The persistent insecurity and instability ...