Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Taliban are not Trustworthy Negotiators

February 18, 2019

The US-Taliban peace talks will be a pyrrhic victory for Afghan nation rather than “diplomatic victory”, as Pakistan’s Qureshi described ...

Echoing Our Basic Responsibilities

February 17, 2019

Our country is going through most fragile and crucial phase of its history. The incidents that have taken place and the ones that are taking place clearly indicate that we ...

Strong Economy is Vital for Stability

February 16, 2019

One of the ways Afghanistan would be able to face the serious challenges in different sectors is to strengthen its economy. A reliable economic system would ...

Effects of Technology on Business

February 12, 2019

The rise of the Internet combined with modern technological advances has reshaped the way businesses operate. The 21st century utilizes numerous electronic gadgets and devices ...

Avoiding Setbacks in Democratic Achievements

February 11, 2019

After the downfall of Taliban in Afghanistan, the system that emerged in Afghanistan was said to be based on democracy; however, even after 17 years, the country has ...

Afghan Peace Process: Multiple Players with Conflicting Agendas

February 09, 2019

Peace building is a process of strengthening a society’s capacity to manage conflict in non-violent ways. However, conflict is natural in society and can lead to positive ...

How to Minimize Conflicts?

February 07, 2019

Conflicts exist within every human society. And, it points towards the fact that there are different kinds of people and groups of people within a society and their interests ...

What is Actual Role of Schools?

February 05, 2019

So as to understand and to decide what the actual role of schools within our society should be, it is really vital to understand the overall aim and objective of education ...

We Should Embrace Positive Changes

February 04, 2019

It is the nature of culture which directs social change. There are cultures around the world which encourage social change in technology, others in biological factors of ...

Seeking the Truth

February 03, 2019

It is really vital for all human beings to search for truth. All human beings are equipped with thinking minds when they are born, but all of them do not reach . . .

Let’s Stand for Freedom of Expression

February 02, 2019

Among fears that certain achievements in Afghanistan may be reversed after a deal with Taliban, the fear that some improvements regarding freedom of speech in the country may ...

Elections Must not be Hindered

January 31, 2019

One of the basic political issues in Afghanistan is fraud-tainted and controversial election process and election system. Though there have been a few presidential and parliamentary ...

Challenges for Presidential Election Teams

January 29, 2019

The date for presidential election in Afghanistan has been announced; it is expected to be held on 20 of July, if there are no further delays. The presidential candidates have ...

Four Lessons to Consider in Peace Talks with Taliban

January 28, 2019

Peace is a long awaited wish for any Afghan. The Afghan citizens know very well the value of peace, because they have been the victim of war for more than 4 decades. They ...

Ethnic Leaders as Barriers to Institutionalization of Democracy

January 27, 2019

These days the presidential election has become a hot topic in Afghanistan but the presence of people, who are supposed to be the real source of sovereignty, are less visible...

Pakistan: Playing Masterfully the Peace Game

January 26, 2019

Afghanistan peace talks is going on between the US and Taliban; leaving Afghan government in the sidelines. The United States and Afghanistan’s Taliban opened a new ...

Afghanistan: Women and Politics of Marginalization

January 24, 2019

Most research works on gender inequity in politics have largely been focused on gross under- representation and sometimes lack of representation of women in Afghan ...

Curbing Terrorism and Extremism Aptly

January 23, 2019

Nothing has influenced Afghan society as much as insecurity and terrorism. The country was turned into a battle ground by super power to show their dominance in the region...

The Actual Meaning of Community Development

January 22, 2019

In recent years there has been a fresh concern with life at the community level. This concern has arisen as a result of expression of social forces in the lives of groups and ...

Reforming IEC Before Presidential Election

January 21, 2019

As the candidates have started registering their names for the upcoming presidential elections, the political environment in Afghanistan seems to be getting more excited...

China as the all-weather Friend of Afghanistan

January 20, 2019

Today marks the 64th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Afghanistan. These two countries, have maintained an exemplary friendship during this period ...

Afghanistan: Democracy and Political Participation

January 19, 2019

Popular participation by citizens in political decision-making is one of the most important aspects of a functioning democracy. In other words, the active and meaningful ...

Electoral Malpractice and its Consequences

January 16, 2019

An election is a procedure by which members of communities and for organization choose representatives to hold an office.
The general idea of the meaning of election . . .

Acting as a Responsible Citizen for the Common Good

January 15, 2019

Our country is going through most fragile and crucial phase of its history. The incidents that have taken place and the ones that are taking place clearly indicate ...

Giving Respect to the Right People

January 14, 2019

One of the bonds that keep the members of a society close to one another is undoubtedly respect. Giving respect to others is essential if one wishes to keep the social ...

Afghanistan’s Electoral Fraud Costs

January 13, 2019

Afghan Wolesi Jirga election was expected to be more transparent, reliable and fairer than the previous elections to rebuild public trust to the electoral institutions...

Why Afghanistan Needs Media Convergence

January 12, 2019

The Web and its related technologies have expressively influenced not only the ways in which news is consumed, but also how journalism education and the ongoing ...

Afghanistan’s Governance Challenges

January 10, 2019

Governance has been defined as the provision of the political, social and economic goods that a citizen has the right to expect from his or her state, and that a state ...

Strong Economy Ensures Political Constancy

January 09, 2019

Economy plays a vital role in development and progress of a country. Without sound economy it is a figment of imagination to think about order and stability in other fields ...

Discipline Leads to Organized Social Life

January 08, 2019

It can be easily observed in social life that the actions that are followed in a disciplined way are bound to be performed properly and without any hustle and bustle...

The Most Threatening Economic Challenge

January 07, 2019

As Afghanistan stands in front of economic and political challenges, one of the most important challenges for it would be creating job opportunities for all the deserving people...

Balancing Rights and Responsibilities

January 06, 2019

There are two ways of looking at the role and position of an individual within a society. One is through the lens of rights, while the other is through the lens ...

Electoral Violence and Democratization Process in Afghanistan

January 05, 2019

Elections remain a stabilization factor in any democratic society. It is an important component of any transition process, especially from one civilian administration to . . .

Lack of Offensive War Strategy as the Main Cause of Taliban Advance

January 03, 2019

According to a commentary published on the International Crisis Group on 28 December 2018, the world will witness 10 major conflicts. The main cause of these conflicts ...

Afghans Long for Perpetual Peace

January 01, 2019

The year 2018 is taking its last breath, but peace still remains elusive in Afghanistan and the public fluctuate between hope and fear. Afghans confirmed their strong ...