Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Developing Peace Through Science

November 14, 2018

In today’s modern world, it is difficult to imagine the world and the life itself without science and technology. Science has penetrated deep within ...

Extremism Must be Discouraged

November 12, 2018

Though human world is remarkable, it is also unfortunate to note that there are violent incidents and happenings that show ugly aspects of human life. As a matter of fact ...

Ghani: Pursuing Nation Building

November 11, 2018

President Ghani and Vice president Sarwar Danish travelled to Daikondi and Bamyan provinces accompanied with a high ranking delegation on Friday and Saturday...

Living with Climate Change

November 10, 2018

For anyone still undecided about the consequences of global warming, the summer of 2018, one of the hottest on record, should have tipped the scales. Across far-flung ...

Afghan Peace Process: Gaining Success Gradually

November 10, 2018

The Moscow meeting on Afghan peace process was kicked off on Friday with delegations from High Peace Council (HPC), the Taliban and 12 countries in attendance. The Moscow ...

Intelligentsia Must Rise to the Occasion

November 08, 2018

In contemporary situation in Afghanistan, the worth of writers and intellectuals have multiplied manifold. As war and instability have grabbed Afghan society from all sides...

Parliamentary Election Observers’ Report

November 07, 2018

The parliamentary election in Afghanistan took place on 20th and 21st October 2018, with serious security concerns as just before the election, the Kandahar attack . . .

Invitations of Peace Talks to Taliban

November 06, 2018

As the prospects of peace and tranquility remain distant from Afghanistan, Afghan government seems confused as how to deal with the situation. Currently, it has only one slogan ...

Has the Status of Women Changed in Afghanistan?

November 05, 2018

Human society is a changing phenomenon. The changes in it are inevitable and are bound to occur. Therefore, those who are really interested to achieve something positive ...

Corruption: As a Main Challenge to Good Governance in Afghanistan

November 04, 2018

In every society and community, there are certain behaviors, which are very much detested in the course of interpersonal relationships, and group behavior. The behaviors include ...

Afghan Journalists: Facing Violence by the Insurgent Groups and Government Forces Indiscriminately

November 03, 2018

No body may deny that Journalism is an important profession. Thus, it can be seen as a skill, a talent, even a passion in a way; a passion to tell the truth, to inform, to reach ...

The Role of the Political Parties in DeepeningDemocracy in Afghanistan

November 01, 2018

Political parties are vital features of representative democracy. On the basis of a certain ideological worldview, political leaders organize their followers and ...

Presidential Elections: Threatened by A Chaotic Technical and Managerial Legacy

October 31, 2018

While the Independent Election Commission is effortlessly trying to process the National Parliament elections of Afghanistan, and has not announced its results yet, UNAMA ...

Governance and Poverty Reduction in Afghanistan

October 30, 2018

The main argument on poverty in development economics center’s basically on the interface between economic growth and poverty. Whereas on the one hand some contend that ...

Electoral Malpractices: Implications on Democratic Consolidation in Afghanistan

October 29, 2018

It means one thing to conduct an election and make a transition to democracy or even conduct regular elections for years after transition. It also means another thing to have credible ...

Challenges for Women in Peace building in Afghanistan

October 28, 2018

With the unanimous adoption of Resolution 1325 by the UNSC in October 2000, women’s role in, and potentials for peace building have gained global, regional ...

The Afghan Media and Their Peace-Building Potential

October 27, 2018

Media can play a vital role in Peace Building in Afghanistan. One of the key issues to be interrogated by media researchers in relation to conflicted societies is the extent to which ...

Afghanistan: Democracy and Political Participation

October 25, 2018

Public participation in Afghanistan requires that people be at the center of decision-making processes. Therefore, this is an important element of democracy because ...

ISO Standards: Challenges and Opportunities

October 24, 2018

World Standards Day, was held at the Marble Palace in Kabul, on October 23, 2018. As a result, this article reviews the importance of standardization in Afghanistan ...

Deepening Democracy: Election Management in Afghanistan’s Divided Society

October 23, 2018

Elections in Afghanistan tend to widen long-standing social, political and tribal fault lines. By their very nature, elections are adversarial and divisive, triggering ...

Wolesi Jirga Elections: Afghan Voters Defy Violence to Cast Ballots

October 22, 2018

Wolsi Jirga Elections started on 20 October, 2018 and was extended amid delays, with some constituencies remaining open on Sunday. High participation of Afghan in ...

The Martyrdom of Jamal Khashoggi

October 18, 2018

The London-based daily Al-Araby Al-Jadeed recently published a cartoon, by the Jordanian artist Emad Hajjaj, depicting a faceless man wearing a red and white ...

“Zero Hunger is Possible”

October 18, 2018

October 16th was celebrated around the world as the World Food Day. The day is celebrated around the world to honor the date of the founding of Food and Agriculture ...

The Role of Women in Peace Process in Afghanistan

October 16, 2018

In a typical Afghan setting, peace is equated with ‘freshness’, health, wellbeing, harmony, calm and tranquility. The absence ...

Khalilzad: Tasked to Bring Peace to His Birth Place

October 16, 2018

Zalmay Khalilzad, the veteran US diplomat has been tasked with leading efforts to end the war in Afghanistan. He is a blunt negotiator with a history of hawkish foreign ...

Change Agents: Youth Participation in Afghan National Parliament

October 15, 2018

Engaging young people in politics is critical to the safeguarding and strengthening of democracy in the country. Afghanistan has an estimated 31.6 million ...

Marginalized Groups: Political Inclusion as A National Priority

October 14, 2018

There is growing awareness that the inclusion of marginalized groups in post-conflict political settlements is important to ensure a sustainable exit from conflict...

The Need for Participation of Women in Governance and Political Decision Making: AN Afghan Discourse

October 11, 2018

Women constitute more than half of the population of Afghanistan. Though they can play a critical role in different sectors including governance and political decision ...

Political Behaviour and Voting Pattern in Afghanistan

October 11, 2018

Afghanistan, throughout history, has held different types of democratic elections, from a Loya Jirga to choose the King in the 1700s, the 2010 Parliamentary ...

Electoral Observation: as a Means to Ensure Electoral Credibility

October 10, 2018

Election observation has proven that is a valuable tool for improving the quality of elections. Observers help build public confidence in the honesty of electoral processes...

Afghanistan: Increasing Women Political Representation as a National Priority

October 09, 2018

The past two decades have witnessed an impressive rise in women’s political representation around the world. During this period, the global average ...

Pros and Cons of War on Terror

October 07, 2018

Seventeen years ago, on September 11, the United States had two devastating terrorist attacks on its land. The three airliners that had been hijacked hit World Trade Center ...

Afghanistan National Assembly: Promoting Gender Equity As A National Priority

October 06, 2018

A gender-sensitive parliament is one that is responsive to the needs and interests of both men and women in its structures, operations, methods and in its work. The term ...

Let’s Promote the Culture of Non-violence

October 04, 2018

Mahatma Gandhi, the well-known Indian spiritual and political leader, always promoted the golden teachings of non-violence. Most importantly, throughout his life ...

Electoral Violence Prevention: Key to the Credibility of the Outcome

October 03, 2018

Violence before, during, and after elections has been a feature of Afghanistan’s political landscape. The Afghan government’s first line of defense ...