Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

We Must Negate Superstitions

April 02, 2018

There are different types of beliefs among human beings and unfortunately all of them are not based on logic or scientific thinking. There are many beliefs ...

Two Reasons behind Economic Development of China

April 01, 2018

Afghanistan is wrestling with a myriad of challenges for many decades. It is not only the issue of terrorism but also poverty and corruption despite having ...

Culture and Corruption in Afghanistan Public Sector

March 31, 2018

Economic theories of corruption mainly focus on how the public servants and private citizens maximize their interests through illegal approaches causing harm ...

Withdrawal of Foreign Troops: Not Path to Peace, Sustaining Conflict

March 29, 2018

Abbass Araqchi, the political deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran said today, Wednesday 28 March, 2018, that withdrawal of the foreign troops ...

Regional Unity Can Support Peace in Afghanistan

March 28, 2018

The conference on peace in Afghanistan that was held in Tashkent on Tuesday, March 27, made some serious promises to support peace process with Taliban that should ...

Afghan WOMEN AND GOVERNANCE: Main gender inclusion barriers

March 27, 2018

The Afghan woman has remained the perpetual victim of Afghanistan’s failing statehood, which is a resultant effect of the social, economic ...

Peaceful resolution of Government-Noor rift: A successful pattern for Win-Win Strategy

March 26, 2018

The Government-Noor rift that started about 3 months ago when President Ghani issued an order to accept Noor’s resignation as Balkh governor, and ...

New Solar Year: Year of Education transformation

March 25, 2018

The new solar year was officially launched by the President Ashraf Ghani. He termed the new solar year as education year. The president stressed the need ...

Nature for Water

March 24, 2018

Water is one of the most important resources that human beings require to live alive. Life without water is impossible; therefore, it is necessary ...

International Nowruz Day: Reconciliation and Intercultural Dialogue

March 20, 2018

International Nowruz Day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/64/253 of 2010, at the initiative of several ...

Will Afghan Reach Peace wishes?

March 19, 2018

Every Afghan citizen eagerly wishes a day in which their children and youths could go to school, university or market without fear of dead and explosions...

Ethnic Diversity: As Afghanistan’s Weakness and Strength

March 19, 2018

Nation building is considered as the end of ethnic loyalties and their replacement by allegiance to a nation. It is a process that any country shall go ...

The Actual Responsibilities of a State

March 18, 2018

In the present times, mostly among the developed nations, there is a greater emphasis on the positive role of the state, because it is now clearly realized that the ...

Elections in Democracy Can Ensure Stability

March 17, 2018

Democracy is considered as the best system of government by many of the states around the world; particularly, by the states that are developed and have ...

Right to Information: The foundation for Anti-corruption Initiatives

March 14, 2018

The right to information is a fundamental human right that enables people to have access to information. It is a multi-dimensional instrument that ...

Afghan Youth Involvement in Political Decision Making: Main Barriers and Drivers

March 13, 2018

According to the new estimations, nearly half of Afghanistan’s population is under 18, making Afghanistan one of the largest youth bulges in the world...

Afghan Women Economic Empowerment: Identifying Main Barriers

March 12, 2018

Women empowerment is one of the most important socio-economic issues in Afghanistan; it is the development of mental and physical capacity, power, and skills in women ...

China – A Poverty Alleviation Role Model for Afghanistan

March 11, 2018

China seeks to form a prosperous society and freedom from what has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the ruling party. The blueprint for poverty...

Concerns Regarding Discrimination Against Women

March 10, 2018

Serious concerns regarding the rights of women in Afghanistan have been persistent. Unfortunately, there have not been tangible measures taken regarding ...

Everyone Must Have The Basic Requirements

March 08, 2018

Human beings depend highly on the environment where they live. Both the physical and socio-economic circumstances provide them the opportunity to fulfill...

We want Peace; But not at any Price

March 07, 2018

Government of Afghanistan in its road map for peace, suggested general amnesty for Taliban leaders and fighters, ceasefire, recognition of Taliban ...

Why Afghan Peace Negotiations fail

March 06, 2018

It is a critical question that almost everyone wants to why do negotiations fail? Every conflict has its own drivers; they can be ethnic, religious ...

Insecurity Influences the Pursuit of Education

March 05, 2018

Insecurity and economic hardships have been influencing Afghanistan in various ways. Apart from targeting the people directly, they have been influencing their...

How to Tackle the Taliban

March 04, 2018

The security situation in our country continues to deteriorate; the insurgency is increasing and the International community and the Afghan government lack a ...

Challenges of the weak system of democratic civilian control of the armed forces

March 03, 2018

The national security forces day was just observed in Afghanistan. During this event the role of armed forces is usually admired and the sacrifices of...

Managing Water Resource

March 01, 2018

Our world has been blessed with different resources that support us to live our lives with ease and comfort. Among these resources water is one of the most...

The Kabul Process: A regional context for Peace and Security Cooperation

Fabruary 27, 2018

Peace is one of the issues that almost any Afghan wishes to be restored in the country. Lack of an Afghan-owned inclusive peace process has led to failure ...

Islam Favors Education

Fabruary 26, 2018

Education is considered a social instrument through which man can pursue his destiny and determine his future. An unenlightened mind is nothing but a sorry ...

The Impact of Political Split on Nation

Fabruary 25, 2018

The political cleavage within the government’s machinery has filled the air with a sense of mistrust. Political orientation and factional tendencies have overridden ...

Beginning the Construction of Afghan Section of TAPI: Challenges and Opportunities

Fabruary 24, 2018

This is one of the most important economic projects ever started in Afghanistan. Many high ranking officials including the Presidents of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan ...

Insecurity Threatens the Lives of Children

Fabruary 22, 2018

Children, without any doubt, are the builders of a nation. Educated, healthy and motivated children guarantee a prosperous future. Therefore, it is advisable...

Feminizing the Peace Process: a Vital Missing Factor in the Political Decision Making Process

Fabruary 21, 2018

It is clear that the paucity of women in political leadership positions in a society accounts for their absence from the formal ...

A State Has Obligation Towards Everyone

Fabruary 20, 2018

It is really imperative that a society must ensure that all its residents get their due rights. And the these rights must be ensured without any sort of discrimination ...

Afghanistan’s Ethnic Conflicts: as a Result of the Failures of a Weak State

Fabruary 19, 2018

To talk frankly, Afghanistan has an ethnicity problem. It is clear in high-profile cases of sometimes violent tensions. The tension on Electronic National ID Card is one of them ...

The PyeongChang Winter Olympic: A Call for Peace

Fabruary 18, 2018

It is a long time that the nuclear conflict over North Korea has been one of the hottest world issues. The nuclear conflict over North Korea intensified during the ...