Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Curbing Crimes and Criminals

Fabruary 17, 2018

Crime and delinquency are the forms of non-conformity of human behavior. Criminals are the product of society and are caused by the disorganization of the social structure...

Saudi Women – The Victims of Gender Discrimination

Fabruary 14, 2018

The recent statement of a high-ranking Saudi scholar about women’s wearing was received with mixed reaction on the social media. A number of individuals believed that this ...

The Issue of Ignorance

Fabruary 13, 2018

One of the basic problems in Afghanistan is ignorance. And this problem is generating and invigorating many other problems as well. There are many problems that can ...

Afghanistan Transportation Sector

Fabruary 12, 2018

The principle role of transport is to provide or improve access to different locations for businesses and individuals, for both freight and personal movements. For the business sector ...

Afghanistan: The Management Challenge of Ethnic Diversity

Fabruary 11, 2018

Ethnic diversity is one of the main characteristics of the Afghan society. It is both the strength and weakness of our society. And it depends on the government management ...

How Governments Can Ensure Governance?

Fabruary 10, 2018

Favorable, fair, and effective governance is clearly one of the most dominant factors for sustainable development. Today good governance is also a key to sustainable development...

Justifying our Social Existence

Fabruary 08, 2018

It is imperative for a human being to be well cognizant of the society in which he exists. He needs to have such cognizance since it would be likely for him to realize his character...

Afghanistan: Emerging as a Regional Transit Hub

Fabruary 07, 2018

Afghanistan enjoys a unique geo-strategic, geo economic and geo political location in the region; its position in the ancient Silk Route, South Asia, having strategy and long borders ...

Poverty as a Social Problem in Afghanistan

Fabruary 06, 2018

Afghanistan is an agricultural country by tradition and the social life of the people of Afghanistan is simply related to their culture and resources. The resource at the disposal ...

Poverty reduction: Policy Initiatives

Fabruary 05, 2018

Poverty reduction is one of the hottest debates, especially in the developing countries, but what is missed is lack of enough discussion of what we mean by it. Generally, poverty ...

Challenges of Nation Building in Afghanistan

Fabruary 04, 2018

It is necessary to know that nation-building has many important aspects.  Firstly, it is about building a political entity which corresponds to a given territory, based ...

On Lashing of Woman in Takhar

Fabruary 03, 2018

It seems that violence and discrimination against women in Afghanistan would take a long time to diminish. Although, there were promises for Afghan women in the early...

Trump’s New Strategy for Afghanistan: A Recipe for Solution

February 01, 2018

The Taliban started a new round of attacks and suicide bombings in the Capital and other parts of Afghanistan, causing huge humanitarian causalities. The majority of the victims ...

The Desire to Learn Must be Nourished

January 31, 2018

The desire to learn is a remarkable attribute of human beings. Since their birth, they have the desire to explore and learn, and understand their surrounding and themselves. Such particular ...

Time for a Comprehensive Security Policy

January 30, 2018

In recent weeks, the security situation in Afghanistan, particularly in the capital Kabul, seems to be on the rise. Saturday’s attack, that was carried out by the insurgents through an ambulance that...

Security Dilemma: the Public support as a strategic solution

January 28, 2018

Afghanistan has been suffering heavily from lack of security for more than 4 decades. It has witnessed and tested various governments ranging from the communist, Mujahedin, Taliban and elected...

Forced Migration Promotes Human Smuggling

January 27, 2018

The social issues within a society are mostly interrelated. If there is a particular problem, it has the tendency to give rise to many other social problems or sometimes it plays a part in strengthening...

Fighting the ‘Evils’ in Our Society

January 25, 2018

Human societies are formed to ensure different sorts of facilities and better living conditions for their residents. However, it is not possible that they provide every sort of facility and satisfaction...

Afghan Public Sector and Challenges of Efficiency

January 24, 2018

Government of Afghanistan is under pressure to improve public sector performance and at the same time contain expenditure growth. While factors such as  wide spread corruption and the high rate...

After the Tragic Intercontinental Attack

January 23, 2018

The security situation in Afghanistan does not seem to be improving even after the aggressive Afghan policy adopted by the US leadership. Though insecurity persists in different parts of the country...

Suicide Attack: Assessing the Role of Culture and Religion

January 22, 2018

Suicide terrorism is one of the phenomena that the Afghan people in general and those who live in Kabul in specific face it as a common war issue in the country. Kabul witnessed another suicide...

Democratization of Our Society

January 21, 2018

It is easier to dream for democracy and cherish its idea but difficult to achieve and maintain the true principles of it. The road to democracy is filled with difficulties and hardships and requires...

Negotiations as Conflict Management: A Model for a Win-Win Approach to Conflicts

January 20, 2018

Afghanistan is a country with persistent conflicts. If one may go through the history of the country, will come to a common conclusion that every government more or less has been facing them...

Approval of the Budget for the Year 1397

January 18, 2018

In an important development on Wednesday, January 17, the lower house of Afghan parliament – the Wolesi Jirga – approved the budget for the solar year 1397. It was essential for the budget to get...

Democracy is Strengthened through Elections

January 17, 2018

Human beings have been in continuous struggle to form a sort of society or system wherein they are able to live a prosperous and satisfied life. However, the different systems that they...

The Vitality of Media

January 16, 2018

Media has a vital role in democratic countries. Its role and its influence has been so much tremendous that now it is considered as one of the pillars of the state. It is believed that in modern...

Consequences of Releasing Hizb-e-Islami’s Prisoners

January 15, 2018

The government of Afghanistan has released 75 of Hizb-e-Islami’s (Hekmatyar branch) members who were sentenced to 20 years by court. These individuals who are released in accordance to the...

The Evil of Terrorism

January 14, 2018

Do we have eyes to see? Do we have ears to listen? Do we have guts to witness that our roads are filled with the blood, many of our children are orphans, our sisters are widowed and our youth...

The Paramount Role of Educational Institutions

January 13, 2018

Educational institutions in our society are of considerable importance. Since, our society is a backward society and it would require knowledge and education for development and progress, the role...

No Real Improvement in Afghanistan

January 11, 2018

In the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, one of the most tragic facts has been that the support and assistance provided to Afghanistan have not been sufficiently utilized for the purposes they...

Overall Stability is Dependent on Economy

January 10, 2018

Economy plays a vital role in development and progress of a country. Without sound economy it is a figment of imagination to think about order and stability in other fields of life. It can be observed...

Countering the Evils in our Society

January 09, 2018

There have been many evils in human societies that have been disrupting the smooth development and improvement. Though there have been efforts to overcome them, they have kept on existing in...

Broad-minded Approach towards Others

January 07, 2018

So as to exist with cooperation in an exceedingly diverse society, it's necessary to develop respect and broadmindedness for others. While not these factors, it might be terribly troublesome to...

The Persistent Insecurity

January 06, 2018

The security situation in Afghanistan does not seem to be getting any better. The insurgents, even during the cold weather wherein mostly the situation gets better, have not decreased their activities...

Rampant Class Disparities

January 04, 2018

The so-called development in Afghan society since the downfall of Taliban has not been even. There are different problems that suggest that development has not taken place in the real sense...