Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Government Should Curb Growing Insecurity

Government Should Curb Growing Insecurity

August 26, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The insecurity, in different forms, is threatening the Afghan society to a large extent. Though there are claims from the international community and the Afghan authorities that ...

Remembering Eid Days!

Remembering Eid Days!

August 26, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The Eid day passed away but we can never forget the joys and memories associated with it.On Eid day, everyone awakes with an excitement that cannot be described in words, especially the ...

Combating terrorism and extremism!

Combating terrorism and extremism!

August 26, 2012 | Asmat Ullah

It was Thursday, August 16, when the news of another terrorist attack flashed on televisions, the target being the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) base in Kamra. The militants, disguised in security ...

The Superstitious Number 39

The Superstitious Number 39

August 25, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The world is replete with different sorts of thoughts, ideas, feelings and beliefs. These thoughts, ideas and beliefs are basically the endeavors to understand the world or the different phenomena in the ...

Reasons behind “Green on blue” Attacks

Reasons behind “Green on blue” Attacks

August 25, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Few days ago, President Barack Obama announced serious concern over the so-called growing “green on blue” incidents. He said that he would discuss the issue with Afghan officials and try his best ...

Afghanistan’s Shrinking Army and the Clouds of Civil War

Afghanistan’s Shrinking Army and the Clouds of Civil War

August 25, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The rising power of Taliban militias, defection of Afghan army soldiers and police to private criminal militia units, sectarian rivalries, ‘warlordism’, and massive corruption ...

Wars, Their Vitality and Their Outcomes

Wars, Their Vitality and Their Outcomes

August 23, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Wars have always played a dominant role in human societies, if not positive all the times. There are many people in the world who consider that wars are necessary, though wars bring a lot of miseries with them. They even ...

The Child Labor Challenge

The Child Labor Challenge

August 23, 2012 | Muhammad Ahsan

Millions of the children are victims of violence and exploitation. They are physically and emotionally vulnerable. They can be scarred for the whole life as they are being abused by the society. Children should have the first right to our attention and to the natural resources. They should be in the core of our thinking ...

The Fly and the Sweet

The Fly and the Sweet

August 23, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A fly always sits on a sweet thing. It can be better explained by a zoologist but I am sure it has a strong sense of smell as it soon finds out a hidden sweet thing and comes and sits on it. At times a sweet thing is hidden at a far corner of the room but I think its sweet smell reaches to it and thus it again finds and cherishes ...

Presidential or Parliamentary Systems, Suits!

Presidential or Parliamentary Systems, Suits!

August 22, 2012 | Asmat Khan

Democracy is the rule of people, by the people and for the people. It is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal weight in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows people to participate equally, either directly or through elected representatives, in the proposal, development, and ...

Australia: An Alternative Shelter for Afghan Refugees

Australia: An Alternative Shelter for Afghan Refugees

August 22, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Refugees’ protection has long been one of the main challenging programs of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). According to the estimation done by UNHCR in late 2010, “there are around 43.7 million forcibly displaced people worldwide. Around 27.5 million are internally ...

Today’s Corruption Undermines the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of Government

Today’s Corruption Undermines the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of Government

August 22, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Today Afghanistan is replete with dozens of paralyzing crisis, and “corruption” is of them that has become the main hurdle towards, stability, progress and the worst threat to peace and reconstruction process. It is not something new or strange to hear for the very first time, rather this crisis has been going ...

So-called ‘Guardians of Islam’ in Action

So-called ‘Guardians of Islam’ in Action

August 16, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Though Taliban claim to be ‘true Muslims’ their actions do not depict so. In fact, what they have been doing stand as the witness that they do not have much respect for the Islamic ideology or even practices. In Islam month of Ramadan is considered as one of the holiest months; therefore, the Muslims strive to spend this month by praying or being patient and ...

A Way to Turn Back!

A Way to Turn Back!

August 16, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

I don’t remember very precisely but it was either shown in an English movie or was mentioned in a story that there lived a tribe that believed in the practice of very noble and dignified methods of living. Even when they fought with each other, they never let their honor or dignity crushed. They tried all their best ...

On the Occasion of 67th Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia

On the Occasion of 67th Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia

August 16, 2012 | Mr. Harlianto Tarmizi

In the auspicious occasion of the 67th Independence day of the Republic of Indonesia, I am delighted to convey greetings to all Indonesian people living in Afghanistan and around the world. August 17th marks the National Day of the Republic of Indonesia, the time of which all Indonesians pay homage to the ...

The State of Media

The State of Media

August 15, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Center for International Media Assistance had released a report on the state of media explosion in Afghanistan following the ouster of Taliban. The 60-page report is written by Peter Cary and released in February this year. Though not an in-depth analytical report covering the state of media freedom and standards, the ...

Of Sheep and Wolves!

Of Sheep and Wolves!

August 15, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Sheep is an animal that has been gifted with numerous qualities, offering lot many lessons for humans as well. It remains silent and never shows its qualities. There lies the lesson of humility and humbleness for us. It waits for its share and it is out of question that it should try to snatch others’ rights. It always ...

National Integrity Must not Dwindle

National Integrity Must not Dwindle

August 15, 2012 | Asmat Khan

Afghanistan’s national hero Roohullah Nikpai, a Hazara athlete, showed the pride of performance in the semifinal of the London Olympics in taekwondo event. He beat his British rival and won the second bronze medal for his war-torn motherland. He won Afghanistan’s first medal at the Beijing Olympics in August 2008. It ...

Another Woman Assassinated!

Another Woman Assassinated!

August 14, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

After the targeted assassination of Hanifa Safi, the Head of Women Affairs Department in Laghman province last month, another woman in a key position was assassinated on Friday, August 10, by unknown gunman. The targeted woman was Seema Aka Khel – the principal of Ahmadshah Abdali Girls ...

Rich in a True Sense!

Rich in a True Sense!

August 14, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Any nation can have three stages or circles of time in its entire existence. First is the time of struggle when a nation is weak and is usually suppressed by stronger nations and all its members are in great pain and difficulty. In this state of weakness, two conditions are possible. Either majority of its members ...

Fundamentalism, a curse or blessing for modern world!

Fundamentalism, a curse or blessing for modern world!

August 14, 2012 | Zulfiqar Shah

16th century marks the dawn of modernization with Muslim world at the peak of civilization when West had just begun. The three Islamic states namely Safavid dynasaty in Persia, Sultanate of Usmani in Asia, Iraq, Egypt and North Africa and Mughal dynasty in South Asia. The three dynasties were known for their ...

Failure of Security Transition?

Failure of Security Transition?

August 13, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Bamiyanis took to streets on Sunday protesting against insecurity on Bamiyan-Kabul roads. Members of provincial council and civil society activists led the demonstration rally. As usual, it did not get due coverage in mainstream Kabul TVs. Slogans on banners warned the Government to maintain security ...

Talking of the Hard Times!

Talking of the Hard Times!

August 13, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Scenes of poverty, in whichever shape it maybe, always leave a permanent and rather moving imprint on a person’s mind. It is the reason why, in all the philosophies and thoughts, it has been pointed out as one of the biggest problems of the world. It can hardly be called a house as it doesn’t have the necessary objects ...

Pakistan Divided over Afghanistan

Pakistan Divided over Afghanistan

August 13, 2012 | Zulfiqar Shah

Pakistan is undergoing Afghanistan syndrome. The ‘strategic depth’ mantra of the far-right within the manifold of policy makers in Pakistan has virtually turned to be a ‘strategic dent’ in the roller costar of the foreign policy. Fault line runs through the so-called ‘state ideology’ by the establishment cronies, confining ...

“The Insider Attacks” on the Rise

“The Insider Attacks” on the Rise

August 12, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

At the present scenario Afghanistan is standing at a juncture that leads to different ways – the two main of them being the ‘peace and tranquility’ and ‘instability and chaos’. There is no doubt that Afghanistan needs to follow the path that leads to peace and tranquility; however, the path to such a destiny is ...

The Spiraling “Blue against Green” incidents

The Spiraling “Blue against Green” incidents

August 12, 2012 | Masood Korosh

On Thursday, three American soldiers were shot dead by an Afghan man in uniform in restive Helmand Province in the south, according to NATO sources. Meanwhile, the Afghan officials have claimed that shooter was not an Afghan army but a local commander who invited American soldiers to his house ...

Changing the People!

Changing the People!

August 12, 2012 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

After a long war of three decades, flowers of hope blossomed all around and thus many people returned to their homeland with a hope of peace, prosperity and honor and dignity of living in one’s own country. In the initial two years of this democratic government, peace in the country was the most ideal and thus a lot many people ...

Taliban Mainly Responsible for Civilian Casualties

Taliban Mainly Responsible for Civilian Casualties

August 11, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is unfortunate to note that Afghanistan has had a lengthy history of instability and chaos and Afghan civilians have mostly suffered as a result of all the misfortunes. There is one particular chapter that had the most heinous influence on the people of Afghanistan and it is still affecting them in so many ways; and that ...

A Dwindling Economy

A Dwindling Economy

August 11, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Just stepping inside Kabul’s luxuries shopping malls, we can get the feeling that indeed costumers are not spending as they used to. Though there will be soon Eid celebration, in which Muslims generally spend too much for necessary as well as luxury goods, but this year it seems that Afghan people are trying to celebrate ...

Close The Door Behind You!

Close The Door Behind You!

August 11, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A man was living in a flat which was owned by a rich and old lady. She used to live all alone and had no one in the world. Although she was alone and was mostly ill, she was always found to be smiling. She never let herself being disappointed by any problem of the world. His tenant was a young and energetic man who ...

“Gale Crater, I am in You!”

“Gale Crater, I am in You!”

August 09, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Human beings are considered as the most intelligent of the creatures because of their capacity to think and ponder. It is by the dint of their intelligence that they have reached to today's modern world. Though there are many social and political issues that may make people think otherwise, yet the analysis of the ...

We are to defend!

We are to defend!

August 09, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The story is old and is still continuing. When the electricity was invented and lit up the houses and streets, West proudly presented it as a triumph of their modern education and research. Excluding the silent minority, our narrow-minded scholars termed it a tool of evil to distract the believers of the true path and to ...

Life is not the Matter of a Single Chance

Life is not the Matter  of a Single Chance

August 09, 2012 | Abbas Sultani

It was May 21, 2005 early in the morning. He was not feeling comfortable with his right eye, when he got out of bed. He felt something was wrong with his eye. He closed the left one and tried to see with the right one. There was nothing visible except blood that had covered the retina. This moment really closed the ongoing chapter ...

What ‘New Initiative’?

What ‘New Initiative’?

August 08, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Chairman of the High Peace Council Salahuddin Rabbani is visiting Islamabad today to discuss the Af-Pak coordination on reconciliation with the Taliban and other issues. The two-day visit is not expected to make any major breakthrough. It is more of an exercise of confidence building for Pakistan's crucial role in the Afghan reconciliation ...

No Better Future for Afghanistan, Without Education

No Better Future for  Afghanistan, Without Education

August 08, 2012 | Muhammad Ahsan

G. K. Chesterson says, 'Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.' Unfortunately in Afghanistan the condition is quite reverse if compared with many other countries of the world. There have always been constrains for the people Afghanistan to get education. Afghanistan is falls in ...