Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Afghanistan’s Achievements in Cricket and Football Championships

December, 12 2011

Yesterday was a proud day for Afghans. Our Cricket Team won the Asian Cricket Cup Twenty20 Championship winning against Hong Kong. Our national football team is the runner up of South Asian Football Federation Cup losing to India by 4 goals. We congratulate the nation and our teams for bringing us a reason to celebrate this marvelous ...

“We Are All Afghans Together”

December, 12 2011

The death toll from the attack on Shiite shrine in Kabul has now reached to 80 and may even increase. The incident which took place on tenth of Muharram (Ashura) is considered as one of the most unfortunate incidents in the last decade and has raised many questions, as well, among which one of the most dominant has been, "Is it the ...

The Requisites for Success

December, 11 2011

To help a conflict-wrecked nation to get rid of instability, poverty and dilettantism, external forces, in the short term, can prove highly productive and essential. Lack of capacity, divergent approaches in decision making, absence of a unanimous pattern for adopting plans and low level of adaptability to the modern innovative ...

Opium Production to Escalate

December, 11 2011

Among the many things that will further worsen after the international troops' withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014, is the Afghan opium. Afghanistan is the top most country in opium production as it produces more than 90 percent of world's total opium. The past ten years is a mirror of coming ten years. No success against ...

Would Sectarianism Creep In?

December, 10 2011

It has been only few days that a terrible incident occurred in the heart of Kabul city which made more than thousands shed tears. The explosions left around seventy people dead and more than two hundred injured. It was the most deadly attacks ever made in Kabul since US-military intervention in 2001. As a result, President Karzai ...

There Should be a Careful Withdrawal

December, 10 2011

The Bonn II Conference on Afghanistan ended with promises and commitments. However, the concerns regarding the security situation in the country still remain very much real. As a matter of fact, there have not been concrete measures chalked out in the conference that should prove really fruitful in bringing peace and tranquility in the ...

In Pursuit of Women Rights!

December, 08 2011

Among many other issues that remain unsettled in Afghanistan, women rights is a dominant one. There were expectations that women rights would be emphasized much in the Bonn II Conference; however the emphasis was not very much considerable. Among the civil society members, Selay Ghaffar, a woman rights activist and the member ...

Afghan Govt. Will Focus on Political Settlement

December, 08 2011

In Bonn conference held 5 December, 2011, Afghanistan was able to gain commitments of long term financial and non-financial support from the international community. The international commitments signal the intention of United Sated and its allies towards rebuilding and stabilizing Afghanistan. Above all, these commitments ...

Sectarian Attacks have Dreadful Outcomes for Afghanistan

December, 08 2011

Kabul, once again, came under attack. Yesterday, a suicide bomber targeted the procession mourning the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, Prophet Muhammad's grandson. About sixty people including women and children have lost their lives while more than hundred are injured. The bomber detonated ...

Ashura Ceremony Turns Bloody

December, 07 2011

In addition to damages in terms of economy, infrastructure and human resources, Afghanistan has suffered great losses in terms of common values, culture and social assets such as confidence, trust and unity. The post-conflict nations, including Afghanistan, need to restore trust, confidence and the collective and shared values to bring about ...

Donors’ Funds Lack Transparency

December, 07 2011

More than 60 percent of Afghan government's operational budget and more than 90 percent of its development budget are funded by its international allies. This makes the economic stability of Afghanistan highly vulnerable especially at times when the international troops are withdrawing and foreign donations are expected ...

Prices Go Uncontrolled

December, 07 2011

Fuel and gas prices have hit new record in Afghanistan where approximately half the population lives below or slightly above the line of poverty. There has been an eighty percent increase in the price of gas while fuel prices have risen to 45 percent. This happens at a time when the arrival of harsh ...

Ashura - A Protest against Tyranny, Injustice and Oppression

December, 05 2011

Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 6 is the tenth of Muharram, the day of martyrdom of Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him and His Progeny). While in literal meaning Ashura (tenth of Muharram) signifies the day of mourning for martyrdom of Imam Hussain who revolted against a corrupt ...

Bonn-2 Can Go Without Pakistan but Reconciliation Process Won’t

December, 05 2011

Bonn-2 conference on the future of Afghanistan is to kick off today in the city of Bonn - the former West German capital. The conference is expected to reaffirm the commitment of the international community towards Afghanistan's security and economy after the foreign forces withdraw from here in 2014. The ...

Kidnapping of Pakistani Workers

December, 05 2011

Over the last ten years, Afghanistan has been a place of risk of being kidnapped for foreigners who come to help the people in areas of economic development, building infrastructure and governance. Since the fall of Taliban in late 2001, they have turned into kidnappers, suicide bombers and hit-and-run attackers. But Taliban have not been the ...

The Second Bon Conference

December, 04 2011

The second Bon conference is about to be started within few days. Recently, there have been some protests against it but slogans chanted against it made no sense indeed. Because those slogans were against permanent military bases or foreign military involvement, both of which have nothing to do with Bonn conference.

Opposition Delegation in Germany - A Broken Trust

December, 04 2011

Tomorrow, Monday, December 5, Bonn Conference is held in Germany. Representatives from 100 countries and 15 international organizations are attending this international summit to discuss the way forward and chart out a roadmap for assistance to Afghanistan beyond 2014. President Hamid Karzai is set to talk about the ...

Kabul-Delhi Deal Taking Practical Shape

December, 04 2011

As the Western troops are set to withdraw from Afghanistan by the 2014, regional countries are expected to expand their support and presence in this country. India is ahead of all. It has already signed a strategic deal with Afghanistan. The deal includes allowing India to train Afghan National Army (ANA). The Kabul-Delhi co-operation ...

Afghanistan Must be Tactful

December, 03 2011

After the NATO attack on the Pakistani military post that resulted in the death of 24 Pakistani soldiers, the US-Pak relations are heading towards further deterioration. Pakistan has shown serious reaction to the event and has taken certain steps in this regard. It has disconnected the communication channels with NATO and has blocked the ...

Discrimination of Afghan Women Continues..

December, 03 2011

The condition of women in Afghanistan has always been pathetic and controversial. The patriarchal tribal values and the extremist religious beliefs have always underestimated the women and have convinced the people to mistreat them. They have been the victim of their own close male-relatives. Though the interference of ...

Pakistan Should be Persuaded

December, 01 2011

Pakistan is not attending the upcoming Bon II conference on Afghanistan. The reason is clear i.e. the killing of at least 24 Pakistani soldiers by a NATO copter raid earlier this month. The decision of not participating in Bon II was taken at a cabinet meeting in Lahore just days after Islamabad confirmed it was mulling its ...

Donors’ Funds Lack Transparency

December, 01 2011

More than 60 percent of Afghan government's operational budget and more than 90 percent of its development budget are funded by its international allies. This makes the economic stability of Afghanistan highly vulnerable especially at times when the international troops are withdrawing and foreign donations are expected to ...

Prices Go Uncontrolled

December, 01 2011

Fuel and gas prices have hit new record in Afghanistan where approximately half the population lives below or slightly above the line of poverty. There has been an 80 percent increase in the price of gas while fuel prices have risen to 45 percent. This happens at a time when the arrival of harsh winter has already worried ...

Withdrawal - Negative Impacts Must be Countered

November, 30 2011

At international level, certain vital decisions are yet to be taken for the good future of Afghanistan. But until those decisions are in place, serious concerns over the security and economy of Afghanistan will remain high. The Afghan economy is really going to suffer negative changes as a result of international withdrawal. What will ...

Parliament is to Look into Waste in Loya Jirga

November, 30 2011

Corruption is a much-discussed issue in Afghanistan. It is sometimes put in the shade when much-trumpeted events like Traditional Loya Jirga or ineffective efforts like reconciliation process with unhappy brothers take place or come to the fore. In fact, these things are often intended or aimed at diverting the attention from corruption. The ...

Reaction Against Iran’s Nuclear Program

November, 30 2011

The recent report of IAEA about Tehran's suspicious nuclear program has shifted international community's leaders inches nearer to hold a united front against the country. Though China and Russia, the two very important countries, have somehow large economic relation with the Islamic Republic and still resist severe punitive measures, they ...

The Second Phase

November, 29 2011

>President Karzai's office, on Saturday, November 26 endorsed eighteen more areas that would start falling in the hands of Afghan National Army and Police (ANAP) from the beginning of the next year. Unlike the first stage of transition, which included places that were already peaceful and for the most part already under government ...

Parliament is to Look into Waste in Loya Jirga

November, 29 2011

Corruption is a much-discussed issue in Afghanistan. It is sometimes put in the shade when much-trumpeted events like Traditional Loya Jirga or ineffective efforts like reconciliation process with 'unhappy brothers' take place or come to the fore. In fact, these things are often intended or aimed at diverting the attention from ...

Another Mistake: NATO Blind Raid on Pak Check Post

November, 29 2011

The recent raid of by NATO copters on Pakistani security check posts near Afghan border reportedly took lives of at least 26 Pakistani soldiers. The incident has triggered the anger of Pakistani nation and at the same will further worsen the already cracked Pak-US relations. This will definitely ruin the ...

Time to Dislodge Terrorists from Tribal Areas

November, 28 2011

Pakistani government appears to be unprecedentedly incensed and enraged by the NATO air raid that killed about 24 Pakistani soldiers on Saturday, November 26. Pakistani authorities held an emergency meeting of the Defense Committee of the Cabinet (DCC) to discuss the airstrike. A statement from the Prime Minister's Secretariat ...

The US Permanent Military Bases

November, 28 2011

The recent Loya Jirga held in Kabul city where several hundred highly influential people participated and ultimately endorsed both Agendas of the assembly - starting negotiation once again with Taliban-led militants and signing of Strategic cooperation contract with the US, which necessarily includes establishment of permanent ...

Syria Tries to Scale Down Pressure

November, 28 2011

As time goes on, the pressure is ratcheting up against Syrian government to stop crackdown and meet demands of protestors. By each passing day, civilian casualties go up and more people face persecution by security forces. According to United Nations' Security Council, more than 3,500 people have been killed. But the violence has not ...

Recover of Money Spent for the Bailout of KB

November, 27 2011

One of the most critical issues in the economic sphere in the country has been the scandal in Kabul Bank, the largest commercial lender bank in the country. When the reports hit the headlines, previously, of popular international News Agencies and then domestic ones, people rushed to all branches and started withdrawing their ...

Not to Repeat the Costly Mistake

November, 27 2011

Peace is the ultimate need of the people of Afghanistan. The best way to reach peace is through negotiations and reconciliation. But reconciliation can take place only when all the parties involved in the conflict show their willingness towards it. For the purpose of ending the lingering war in Afghanistan, the Afghan ...

Time to Expand beyond Client-Based Network

November, 27 2011

It is conspicuous that Taliban are the principal insurgent group that continues to exercise violence in different parts of the country. Taliban are notorious for gross systematic violations of human rights based on their strict and harsh ideology. The group receives from regional elements and carries out terrorist attacks against ...