Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Need for Representation of Various Views in Bonn Two

November, 26 2011

Many of the achievements and progresses made over the last ten years since the fall of hard-line regime of Taliban in late 2001 are direct results of the presence of international community in Afghanistan, which contributed to the development of an open democratic space. The presence of more than 40 countries in Afghanistan inspired ...

Talk about Talks

November, 26 2011

With the death of Prof. Burhan ud din Rabbani there have been indications that the peace process with the Taliban is going to end without any tangible solution, but the recent statements from Masoom Stanekzai clearly show that High Peace Council (HPC) has not been disappointed yet and really wants to restart negotiations with ...

Government Failure to Implement Laws

November, 24 2011

To stabilize a country there is a need to enforce the laws that are enacted in order to regulate the behaviors and conducts in that given society. Afghan government has been attempting to bring stability and peace to the country but without giving enough consideration to implementation of the laws that are put in place. Failure to stick to ...

Syria Tries to Scale Down Pressure

November, 24 2011

As time goes on, the pressure is increasing against Syrian government to stop crackdown and meet demands of protestors. By each passing day, civilian casualties go up and more people face persecution by security forces. According to United Nations' Security Council, more than 3,500 people have been killed. But the violence has not calmed ...

Forces of Tradition Against Democratic Trend

November, 24 2011

The recent trend shows that the government and some traditionalist forces have launched an exhaustive attempt to undermine the legislative branch of the government. Legisla ture of Afghanistan according to the constitution has the power to pass, amend and repeal laws. Also Wolesi Jirga of the country is constitutionally mandated to ratify ...

Cause of Exclusion and Source of Conflict

November, 23 2011

Afghanistan is reeling from contracted challenges. There are new challenges coming to the surface. Both old and new are of both internal and external nature. Internally, the problems are not rooted just in the management or leadership; they also come from the social structures and political systems and power configurations. Over ...

2nd Phase, Not Announced

November, 23 2011

Unlike expectations, President Hamid Karzai announced the second phase of security transition neither in Istanbul conference nor in the Loya Jirga. Both the events were held this month and were sound platforms for this purpose. Reportedly, 17 more areas will be handed over to Afghan army and police under the second phase. Already, seven ...

The Post-revolution Situation of Egypt

November, 23 2011

Tahrir Square is quiet a familiar name to people around the world. Perhaps, before the arrival of Arab Spring blowing wind from neighboring Tunisia, people had least information about the Square and did not know where it is located. But series of demonstrations and protests held against decades-old regime of Hosni Mubarak in Tahrir ...

Need for UN-led Peace Process with the Taliban

November, 22 2011

In the wake of new political developments and upcoming important international events about Afghanistan, an important opposition block the National Front, which was founded recently by heavyweights like Ex-Vice President Ahmed Zia Massoud, Chief of National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan (NIMA/Junbish) Abdur Rashid Dostum ...

Afghan Women – Victim of Fundamentalism

November, 22 2011

The status of women in Afghanistan has always faced a discriminatory behavior throughout the recorded history, except for the last one decade or so, since there have been certain important improvements during this period. They have been able to experience better opportunities that have made them see the positive aspect of ...

The Jirga Resolution and US-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement

November, 21 2011

The Traditional Loya Jirga has overwhelmingly supported presence of American troops beyond 2014 and approved of the proposed US-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership agreement. More than 2000 hand-picked delegates participated in a gathering criticized by the opposition ...

Obama’s ‘Price Tag’ War Policy in Afghanistan

November, 21 2011

This piece of writing is on the book "Obama's war" by American journalist and author Bob Woodward. Majority of materials contained in the book involves classified minutes, discussions and points of views expressed in Obama's national security meetings during first 18 months of his administration. During this time President Obama ...

Playing Down Strategic Partnership?

November, 20 2011

Alike civilian casualties, US, NATO forces' night raids against Taliban and their allied groups in Afghanistan has caused severe temper among afghan government officials. So has happened among local public. The government officials have frequently called upon international forces to stop night operations searching for Taliban members and their ...

A Melodramatic Speech Versus People’s Demands

November, 20 2011

President Hamid Karzai assumed his new presidential term with promises to stamp the rampant corruption from his administration, stimulate economic development and bring peace to the country. In doing so, he pledged to work with political actors, groups and parties. But over the last two years he afforded to squander the opportunity and time ...

Strategic Deal will Benefit Afghanistan’s Stability

November, 19 2011

Security has gone on 'high alert' in capital Kabul as the Loya Jirga to mainly discuss strategic partnership with the United States has been going on with thousand of tribal elders, high government officials, MPs, and foreign guests participating in it. Keeping the past experience in view, there are fears of terrorists' attack as Taliban ...

A Dashed Hope; People Remain Pessimistic

November, 19 2011

When foreign forces came into Afghanistan on November 13, 2001, a life filled with hope began anew in the country. More than ten years later, the dismay has replaced that high hope and there is a fuzzy picture of the future down to the fact that there are not enough guarantees that the country will not collapse into chaos again as Afghan forces are assuming the ...

Winter Disaster on Its Way

November, 19 2011

The recent and first snowfall of the season has already caused troubles in northern provinces. Far-flung villages and valleys are blocked. Due to lack of communication and far-flung areas, these catastrophes go unreported in media. Concerned government authorities also do not bother precautions despite the fact that we face heavy ...

Security Threats to Traditonal Loya Jirga

November, 15 2011

Despite the fact that different political coalitions, parties, groups, MPs and civil society organizations have called the Traditional Loya Jirga as illegal and against the democratic process, president Hamid Karzai is convening it tomorrow, November 16 to discuss some important national issues, including the strategic partnership ...

What Makes Tehran’s Nuclear Program Suspicious?

November, 15 2011

Right after releasing of the report concerning Iran's nuclear program by International Atomic Energy Agency' chief, Mr. Yukiya Amano, the global pressures have started ratcheting up against the country. However, as always, Tehran officials have strongly rejected the report and blamed IAEA chief as follower ...

Hajigag Iron Mine Project Needlessly Pending!

November, 15 2011

Afghanistan has to start standing on its feet in regards to both security and economy. In order to have a prosperous future, Afghanistan has to utilize the opportunities available to it. Although much time has gone futile, this country still has a number of instruments in its hand. Proper utilization of those instruments can lead ...

Time to Reframe Power Structure

November, 14 2011

A Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman has said that the US should walk out of Afghanistan and concentrate on rebuilding the American nation. The US has been leading international forces in the war against terrorists and ruthless insurgents over the last ten years. But, frustration with retarded progress is growing ...

Only Kabul is not Afghanistan

November, 14 2011

Ten years back, on November 13, 2001, the Taliban government was overthrown in Kabul. No doubt, life has changed for better since then. The same is maintained by NATO ambassador to Afghanistan, Simon Gass. Gass says, "When you walk around in Kabul, this is now a bustling lively city with women on the streets, people...

The Status of Women is Deteriorating

November, 14 2011

Though the condition of women in Afghanistan has improved much since the downfall of Taliban, serious concerns are yet to be diminished regarding the future of women in the country. The obsolete tribal values and religious extremism still persist in different corners of the country and threaten the women to a great extent. Many...

EU Partnership Pact Will have Positive Impacts

November, 13 2011

As the international troops are set to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, concerns have increased about the future security and stability of economy of Afghanistan. It is feared that Afghanistan might return to its 90's, although the international allies of Afghanistan have urged they would remain involved here for a long ...

Financial Crisis Deals Political Cost to Euro Zone

November, 13 2011

It has not been so long that the concept of an ironclad monetary and financial euro union has been distorted, and market reacts now differently against different countries with the euro currency. The conceptual distortion has already dealt terrible blows to the region.Many financial institutions during years deemed all euro ...

Overcrowded Prisons Violation of Human Rights

November, 13 2011

Inmates of Bamiyan provincial prison are kept in crowded rooms, with poor facilities. In this harsh winter, prisoners are unable to sleep these nights. Prisoners are kept in the cells more than double of the space capacity. According to a report by Pajhwok, 39 people are kept in a cell for 20 people. The officials of the provincial prison are ...

A Dysfunctional Mechanism Versus Democratic Institutions

November, 12 2011

On November 16, 2011, President Karzai is convening Traditional Loya Jirga to decide about strategic partnership agreement between Afghanistan and the United States of America. Taliban militants have warned the participants with death threats in night letters in Ghazni province. The ...

No Justice for Afghan Civilians Murdered in Cold Blood

November, 12 2011

The American sergeant Calvin Gibbs has been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing innocent civilian Afghans by a military jury in the US. Gibbs was leader of a US Army unit called "Kill Team" that was exposed for brutal murder of three civilians including a young boy. Their fingers were cut and kept as war trophies ...

Government has Failed to Attract FDI

November, 12 2011

In the last three decades, due to fast advancement in technology, traditional practices in all fields have changed or changing fast. Business, trade, finance and investment have all gone electronic. Unfortunately, Afghanistan falls among the countries that have benefited the least from the opportunities of the last thirty ...

Taliban’s Front Change

November, 10 2011

In a severe clash between insurgents and joint Afghan and foreign forces around 70 militants were killed in volatile eastern province, Paktika. Reportedly, a group of Taliban-led militants had attacked a NATO-led International Security Assistance Force's base in the province, and then harshly was responded by joint Afghan and NATO ...

SAARC Summit May Rebuild Ties

November, 10 2011

There are expectations that the annual South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit that is going to open from today in the Maldives may result in improvement in regional cooperation for the stability and peace process in Afghanistan and may also play some role in rapprochement in Pak-Indian relations. SAARC is an ...

Taliban Turned Eid to a Tragedy

November, 10 2011

Eid ul Adha was celebrated all over Afghanistan and throughout the Muslim world with full religious and cultural zeal. The message of such Islamic events is peace, reconciliation, brotherhood and elimination of hatred. Those are what Afghanistan needs the most as Afghans have been suffering the worst consequences of war and conflict in the last three ...

Karzai Bypassing Democratic Institutions

November, 05 2011

Around a hundred members of the Lower House are going to boycott the upcoming Loya Jirga convened by President Karzai to discuss the strategic partnership agreement between the US and Afghanistan. Despite an earlier resolution unanimously approved by the house, about 150 MP's have filled up forms to participate in the consultative Loya Jirga to ...

Inconsistent Policies Lowered Public Trust

November, 05 2011

Peace is the ultimate need of Afghans; not only of Afghans but of every human being on this planet. After three decades of war and conflict, the government of Afghanistan backed by international community thought to bring peace to Afghanistan through negotiation and reconciliation with its armed opposition, the Taliban. As publicity ...


November, 05 2011

Muslims celebrate two Eids within one Islamic year. These two Eids are considered as the days of blessings and bliss for all the Muslims around the world and they make sure that they celebrate these two Eids with grandeur and maximum pleasure. These two Eids are Eid-ul-Fithr and Eid-ul-Azha. Eid-ul-Fithr is celebrated on first...