Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Why Basic Services Matter

October 08,2019

Basic social services are the building blocks for human development. Of course, they are now accepted as fundamental human rights. However, there is a widening gap between this ...

Celebrating Teacher’s Day

October 07,2019

October 5th marks Teacher’s Day in Afghanistan, which has been celebrated by Afghan students across the country. A number of school teachers, educational center instructors ...

Why Peace Talks Shall Be Led by Afghan Government

October 06,2019

Afghanistan as any other democracy has an elected president. It has a legitimate government that represents Afghanistan at the regional and international levels. As any government ...

Regional Struggles for Resumption of Peace Talks

October 05,2019

After peace talks between the United States and Taliban were called off by the US President Donald Trump before Afghanistan’s presidential election, the Taliban delegation ...

Why the Afghan Leaders Shall Avoid Premature Judgments on Election Results

October 03,2019

According to the Afghanistan Electoral Law, Only the Afghan Independent Election Commission has the authority to announce the results:  partial, preliminary, and final...

Why Women Social Inclusion Matters

October 02,2019

Social participation of women is a major issue in traditional societies. Women and their role in such societies have been discussed . . .

How to Prevent Electoral Violence

October 01,2019

Elections is a golden opportunity for the political parties and politicians to take power in order to implement their policies and realize their goals. Any political party ...

Why Afghan Leaders Shall Act Responsibly after the Elections

September 30,2019

Afghan presidential election on Saturday was a positive response of Afghans to democracy and the political system based on elections. In fact, they said no to Emirate ...

Afghans are the Symbol of Resilience

September 29,2019

Afghan people went to the polling stations yesterday. This round of presidential election is somehow different from the previous ones. During the US and the Taliban peace talks some ...

Voting as A National Duty

September 26,2019

Afghans will go to the voting stations on Saturday, September 28. However, what makes this election significant than other presidential elections in the country is the peace process ...

Democracy – Path to Peaceful Coexistence

September 25,2019

Afghans hold out hopes that presidential elections will pave the ground for forming a civil society, where both men and women could exercise their rights and freedoms. . .

Regional Stakeholders Signal their Support to Afghan Peace Process

September 24,2019

Afghan people call on the Taliban to hold direct talks with the Kabul administration and Afghan officials hold out hope that the talks will be restarted. US Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad ...

Public Fear and Hope for Presidential Elections

September 23,2019

Afghans will celebrate democracy through flocking to ballot boxes to elect their president. Their participation in political activities indicate that Afghans support democracy ...

The Challenges of Effective Voting in Political Context of Afghanistan

September 22,2019

As we are in the eve of holding presidential election, there is no more than a week for people to choose their favorite candidate through casting their votes in the ballot box. In fact ...

Women Prone to Taliban’s Ideology

September 20,2019

Afghan women have aired their concern about return of the Islamic Emirate on several occasions and fear that its return will jeopardize their fundamental rights and freedoms...

Regional Stakeholders Should Play Positive Role in Peace Process

September 19,2019

Some regional stakeholders have capitalized on Afghan peace process. After the talks between the Taliban and US representatives were called off, Moscow and Tehran have hosted the Taliban ...

Taliban’s Ideology Moderated?

September 18,2019

Despite claiming that their ideology has been moderated, the Taliban are still unable to reconcile their warped mind with democracy. The Taliban militants continue their campaign ...

Seeking Higher Price – A Blow to Peace Talks

September 17,2019

After the peace talks between the Taliban and United States representatives had been called off by US President Donald Trump, militancy continues unabated. . .

Has Peace Process Failed?

September 16,2019

Despite the increasing optimism about the outcome of US-Taliban peace talks, which was raised by US Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, the process ended with a message tweeted by US President ...

Afghan Taliban: Pursuing the Emarat Agenda

September 15,2019

Afghan Taliban group is the result of civil war among different groups in Afghanistan. The civil wars in 1990s were apparently centered on the ethnic and religious discourses...

Attention to Central Region: From Slogan to Action

September 14,2019

Undoubtedly, it is the responsibility of governments to provide equal services and implement balanced development projects throughout the country, but due to long conflict and mountainous ...

11 September, Tragic Reminder of Neglecting Terrorism Threats

September 12,2019

Leaving alone Afghanistan was one of the biggest mistakes of the international community in 1990s. When the Soviet Union troops withdraw from Afghanistan, the international community ...

Senior CPC Official Calls for Contribution to Mutual Learning and Benefit Between China and World

September 11,2019

SHANGHAI - Efforts should be made to continuously promote understanding and build consensus to contribute wisdom and strength to the mutual learning and win-win relationship ...

Preventing Historical Mistake in Last Minute

September 11,2019

When Zalmay Khalilzad, who has served as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan during the administration of President George W. Bush, was named as President Trump’s special adviser ...

Afghanistan: The Challenges and Opportunities to Regional Connectivity

September 08,2019

Afghanistan has a unique geographic location which borders with six countries and also has river ports. Very few countries of the world have this kind of strategic location and vas potential opportunity...

Growing Concern over US-Taliban Peace Deal

September 07,2019

US officials sat for more than one year across the table to negotiate peace with the Taliban outfit and finalized a draft peace deal which is not acceptable to the Kabul ...

Why Republicanism Matters for Afghans

September 04,2019

Afghan people during most part of the history of the country have been governed by dictators; a single ethnic group or family had absolute power and the majority of them ...

Inclusive Team Crucial to Afghan-Taliban Peace Talks

September 03,2019

The ninth round of talks between the Taliban and US representatives have been wrapped up in Doha, Qatar’s capital, but the Taliban militants have intensified their attacks ...

Intra-Afghan Peace Talks; The Most Challenging Part of the Talks

September 02,2019

This round of talks will be the most challenging and time consuming part of the talks; during this period Afghans shall discuss a comprehensive and permanent peace deal . . .

Conflict Leads to Human Rights Violation

September 01,2019

Annually, thousands of Peace Day events take place around the globe, many programs are held to promote peace, and Nobel Peace Prize laureates make speech to show the world their work ...

A Glance at Electoral Atmosphere in Afghanistan

August 31,2019

In the first days of the election campaign, the atmosphere of election campaign was mostly cold and unassuming. Many of the presidential candidates showed little ...

Peace Talks Remain Ambiguous

August 29,2019

The backdoor talks between the Taliban and US representatives in Qatar’s capital have led to worries and contradictory reports. The content of the draft agreement ...

Afghanistan Peace Talks, Concerns, the Way Forward

August 28,2019

The US and Taliban have resumed peace talks in Doha, Qatar, to chalking out a deal on the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in exchange for a Taliban ...

Afghans’ Concern over US-Taliban Peace Agreement

August 27,2019

Afghans’ Concern over US-Taliban Peace Agreement
The Taliban and US representatives have resumed negotiations in Qatar’s capital on finding ...

How to Avoid the Worst Scenario in Afghanistan

August 26,2019

The 9th round of the US-Taliban peace talks is underway in Qatari capital. According to the political analysts, they will soon reach a deal; based on this ...