Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Role of Media in Independence of Afghanistan

August 25,2019

Before going to the main parts of discussion, we need know the term independence is relatively complex and intertwined with various concepts such as politics, economy ...

History Was Cruel to Afghan Nation

August 24,2019

The deadly episode in Afghanistan’s history reveals the ugly face of some despotic regimes who ruled under the mask of religion. Afghans’ rights to life ...

Role of Afghan Women Vital in Intra-Afghan Talks

August 22,2019

Afghan women have largely been excluded from political decision making in the course of the history. Thus, women were largely excluded from the Bonn process. Since then ...

Ahmadullah’s Death – A Whistle-blowing Act on Peace Talks

August 21,2019

The death of Hafiz Ahmadullah, brother of Taliban leader Mullah Haibatullah, at a mosque in southwestern Pakistan appears to be related to the ongoing peace talks between . . .

Targeting Civilians Unjustifiable

August 20,2019

Afghans suffered severely in the wake of political upheavals throughout the history and paid heavy sacrifices for democratic principles. Political symptoms and civil unrest took their . . .

History Should be Eye-Opener for Afghan Nation and State

August 18,2019

Soraya Tarzai, the first Queen consort of Afghanistan in the early 20th century and the wife of King Amanullah Khan, played an essential role in Amanullah’s modernization program...

Amanullah’s Reforms Go Down in History

August 17,2019

This year marks the centenary of Afghanistan’s Independence declared by King Amanullah Khan, who ushered in his regime with a series of reforms, mainly in terms of culture ...

Women Seek Role in Peace Process

August 15,2019

Calling on the Taliban to stop violence, a group of women in Khost province said Afghan women want a big role in the peace process. This indicates women’s concern ...

Peace – A Win-Win Result for All Parties

August 14,2019

The US and Taliban have wrapped up their eighth round of talks in Doha, Qatar’s capital, which were cited as “productive” by the US Special Envoy ...

Why Taliban Kill Everyone Arbitrarily

August 08,2019

Ideology is used as a justification means for the terrorists to justify their cruel acts. As a result one may conclude that, terrorism is political violence as a tool to ensure ...

Pursing Peace Process ‘Shared Responsibility’

August 07,2019

Since terrorist groups are a threat to the entire globe, regional and global stakeholders have to put their weight behind the Afghan peace process to find a negotiated settlement ...

Afghan Peace Talks: Challenges and Opportunities

August 06,2019

Afghan Peace talks have entered to their most crucial phase. The US and Taliban may agree on counter-terrorism assurances by the Taliban and troop withdrawal by the US...

Why Afghanistan Matters for the US

August 05,2019

The eighth round of peace talks between the Taliban and the United States started in Doha, Qatar on Saturday.
It is expected that this session ...

Illegal Mining Looms Large

August 04,2019

The militant fighters, mainly the Taliban, have stepped up their efforts for engaging in illegal mining to keep the machine of war running. Their involvement illegal mining ...

Optimistic Approach to Afghan Peace Process

August 03,2019

US President Donald Trump voiced optimism that Islamabad could help broker a political settlement to end the 18-year conflict in Afghanistan as Pakistani Prime Minister ...

What Criteria Will Attract Afghans’ Votes During Presidential Election Campaign?

July 31,2019

According to IEC’s schedule, there is 60 days time for candidates to explain their programs and attract the people’s votes. On the other side, it is people’s turn and opportunity ...

Head of AIHRC Needs to Tough Human Rights Violation Out

July 30,2019

Violation of human rights and humanitarian law has been changed into a common practice in Afghanistan. Notwithstanding the human rights discourse in post-Taliban Afghanistan . . .

Women’s Rights Still a Concern at Negotiating Table

July 29,2019

Afghan high-ranking officials have voiced their concern about the susceptibility of the past achievements, mainly the rights and freedoms of women, at the negotiating table ...

Regional Supports Essential to ‘Afghan-led’ Talks

July 28,2019

On his state visit to Washington, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said that he would meet with the Taliban and persuade them to hold direct talks with the Afghan government stating ...

Non-violent Mechanism Leads to Peaceful Co-existence

July 27,2019

Racial and religious superiority has left no room for peaceful co-existence. “The scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind”, rooted in ethnocentric ...

Consequences of Accepting the Unilateral Demands of the Taliban

July 25,2019

The seventh round of United States-Taliban talks in Doha will start soon. What is evident is that the US-Taliban negotiations in Doha have more in odds that in common; as a result ...

What are Factors of Backwardness in Afghanistan?

July 24,2019

Comparing to the current world advancement, it is obvious that Afghanistan has remained as one of the least developed countries in the world. However, since the collapse of ...

US-Pakistan Close Ties Will Catalyze Afghan Peace Process

July 23,2019

Pakistan is a heavyweight stakeholder in Afghanistan’s peace process and it is able to push the process forward. Islamabad’s recent active engagement in supporting ...

Prospect for Fruitful Talks in Upcoming Qatari Meeting

July 22,2019

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad is preparing for next round of talks with the Taliban leadership in Doha. He concluded the seventh ...

Civilians Bear the Brunt of Militancy

July 21,2019

In the last round of intra-Afghan dialogue in Qatari capital of Doha, the Taliban said they would seek to reduce violence and civilian casualties, but their recent ...

Public Concerns Over Upcoming Presidential Election

July 20,2019

The upcoming presidential election is viewed with hope and doubt. Afghans are concerned about lack of transparency and fear that the election will be rigged similar...

Afghans Shall Decide To Live in Peace or War!

July 18,2019

War is known as part of the identity of Afghanistan now. It is more than four decades that Afghanistan ...

Regional and National Consensus Crucial to Peace Process

July 17,2019

Afghan officials have constantly reiterated that regional stakeholders carry heavy weight in Afghanistan’s peace process and could nudge the Taliban to come ...

Poverty Leads to Horrible Consequences

July 16,2019

Poverty and economic challenges are highly serious problem in Afghanistan notwithstanding the country ...

Law Enforcement Generates Optimism

July 15,2019

Citizens are supposed to exercise their rights and freedoms without fear under democratic administrations. Their votes will elect president in a fair and transparent election...

The Emirate system, the Basis of Discrimination

July 14,2019

The Intra-Afghan talks between representatives of Taliban and Afghan delegation, without a representative of the Afghan government –in Doha, Qatar, ended in Doha, Qatar, after the two ...

Women’s Vulnerability to Sexual Harassment

July 13,2019

Notwithstanding the establishment of democratic government after the downfall of the Taliban’s regime, Afghan women have been vulnerable to injustice, sexual harassment ...

Pessimism and Optimism about Intra-Afghan Dialogue

July 11,2019

>The recent intra-Afghan dialogue amidst the seventh round of talks between the Taliban and the US representatives in Qatari capital of Doha has generated hope for meaningful ...

Why Women Should Be involved in the Afghan Peace Talks

July 10,2019

Participation of women in peace negotiations plays a key role in durability of peace. Peace studies show that women’s participation in peace negotiations have a positive ...

Controversy over Women’s Rights and Freedoms Continues

July 09,2019

The rights and freedoms of women have been a highly controversial subjects during Afghan kings, communist regimes, Mujahidin, and the Taliban regime. Afghan women have been vulnerable ...