Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Retaliation can Make no Peace

September 03, 2015

History is the witness that human beings have always been in thirst of blood. Today the miracles of science and technology, medicine and astrophysics have led us to a better civilization ...

Ethics in a Society

September 02, 2015

It can be observed in both the individual and social lives that the actions are mostly considered in terms of whether they are right or wrong. An individual, in most of the cases, while ...

Minorities’ Rights Must be Recognized

September 01, 2015

Every human command equal respect and fair treatment based on sacred bond humanity grants and democracy ascertains this provision. Democracy protects and promotes of human rights -it ...

Shortage of Clean Drinking Water

August 31, 2015

Fortunately, our world has been blessed with different resources that support us to live our lives with ease and comfort. Among these resources water is one of the most basic ...

Afghanistan-Turkmenistan: Shifted From Friendly to Brotherly Ties

August 30, 2015

Afghanistan and Turkmenistan have been good neighbors and friend for couple of years. Turkmenistan is an old friend of Afghanistan and we have historic and cultural ties between us....

Refugee Crisis Continues

August 29, 2015

As disorder and wars are ravaging the lives of the people in different parts of the world, the number of refugees, fleeing their countries and trying to find some place safer, is also ...

How to Resolve Conflicts?

August 27, 2015

There are different types of human beings on our planet earth. It is really strange and interesting that no two human beings can be found here who are completely similar. There are ...

Economy Decides the Political Structure

August 26, 2015

Economy has a decisive role in development and growth of a country. Without stable economy it is would be an illusion to think about order and stability in other fields of life. It can ...

Controlling Drug Addiction

August 25, 2015

As the number of drugs addicts is increasing in Kabul, there are some efforts by the Counter-Narcotics Department of Ministry of Interior to curb the drug dealing in the capital. There are ...

Electoral Reform Commission Should Function Within Electoral Legal Framework

August 24, 2015

Election is the process by which members in a given community or nation choose their leaders in democratic society, therefore such kind of an election should be free and fair to ensure that...

Declining Security state, Urges Government’s Readiness

August 23, 2015

The piece of land we inhabit is characterized by bombings, ruthless killings, kidnapping, corruption, bad governance, administrative flaws and mass abduction. The perception, hunger ...

The Stratification of a Society

August 22, 2015

The social and political changes in Afghanistan, in the post-Taliban scenario, have been able to cast diverse effects on Afghan society. Among different changes the stratification of ...

A Promise on Independence Day

August 20, 2015

Yesterday, in different parts of country, many people celebrated the 96th Independence Day of Afghanistan. There were different sorts of celebrations and both the government ...

Open Violence against Women

August 18, 2015

Recently two incidents, highlighted in social media, clearly show the level of violence against women in our country. One of them is the video of a girl who is beaten up along with her ...

Child Enslavement Persist Undeterred

August 17, 2015

The hands that are meant to hold firm pen, at the earliest stages of their lives and carve line that determine their destiny, are shun in negation and laxity. Large number of ...

Woman; An Epitome of Haplessness

August 16, 2015

Earlier, sense catching reports surfaced that disclosed at least four female prisoners gang-raped in a women detention center in southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan. How could ...

The Faculty to Wonder

August 13, 2015

Throughout most part of human history, contemplation has been treated as a crime. Same has been the reaction to being inquisitive. It seems as if contemplation and inquisitiveness are...

Judiciary should Serve Justice

August 12, 2015

Emphasizing on the better role of judiciary in the country, First Deputy Chief Executive Officer Mohammad Khan, in a gathering on judicial reforms including UNDP, UNAMA and Justice ....

Deteriorating Security Situation

August 11, 2015

As the security situation in the country, particularly in capital Kabul is worsening, there are more questions being asked regarding the peace process and the future of Af-Pak relations. ...

Let’s Fight Ignorance

August 10, 2015

One of the basic problems in Afghanistan is ignorance. And this problem is generating and invigorating many other problems as well. There are many problems that can be solved with little ...

Threatening Kabul Attack

August 08, 2015

In a mammoth suicide attack in Kabul on early Friday, August 07, 2015, about 8 people were killed and around 400 were injured. According to the reports a suicide bomber smashed his ...

Acceptability for Others

August 06, 2015

In order to exist with cooperation in an exceedingly diverse society it’s necessary to develop respect and acceptability for others. In the absence of these factors, it might be impossible ...

The Empty Promises of Prosperity

August 05, 2015

It is unfortunate to note that we, human beings, have now learnt to live in violence, conflicts and wars, and the instability and chaos have now found our address. Thus, it is ...

The Functions of a State

August 04, 2015

While living in a state, the people expect and expect rightly that they should be provided their basic requirements of life by the state and the government. In the modern concept of state, ...

Taliban Leaders At Sixes and Seven Appointing New Chief

August 03, 2015

Taliban has been the epitome of violence, atrocity, human and women right violation, oppression, mass killing. In the quest to establish Islamic Emirate in the war wrecked Afghanistan they ...

Education Needs to Be Prioritized

August 02, 2015

Education is a versatile tool guaranteeing stability, social cohesion and societal uplift whilst ensuring respect for human rights. Many societal problems get regulated after education ...

Measures to Curb the Menace of Drugs

August 01, 2015

Life is, without a doubt, a miracle. One has to reach to this conclusion after going through its mysteries and excellence. Life is not how it is defined; rather, it is how it is lived. ...

Curse in Disguise of Blessing

July 30, 2015

The current rainfall in Afghanistan has proved to be a curse in disguise of blessing. It is believed that the countries and the people with limited resources and unpreparedness seem to ...

Refugees’ Displacement; One of the Most Dominating Problems

July 29, 2015

In many countries of the world because of different sorts of social and political problems, people are forced to leave their countries and move to other parts of the world in search of ...

Inauguration of Salma Dam

July 28, 2015

A major portion of work on long-awaited Salma Dam has at last been completed. The closure of the diversion tunnel gate has taken place and the filling of the reservoir has already ....

Governement Should Reach Out to War-Ravaged Masses

July 27, 2015

Security condition in Afghanistan is continuously on decline. Superficially, a strong nexus is found between security institutions that are ready to thwart plot anywhere around the ...

Education Ruined in Helmand

July 26, 2015

We admit the role of quality education central to development of every country we aspire to associate with, anyway. It is believed education is one of the elements; entailing dynamic ....

We have to be Cognizant!

July 25, 2015

A society that is undergoing the problems of unawareness and starvation cannot have the extravagance of dreaming about opulence and growth and, as a matter of fact, it does not have ...

Peace Talks May Continue

July 23, 2015

After the statement of the Taliban leader Mullah Omar, it seems that Taliban have some sort of readiness to continue peace talks with Afghan government. In his statement, he clearly

Reform Head Appointment Might Resolve Electoral Matters

July 22, 2015

Many local and international election advocates were repeatedly raising their concerns saying the government is less interested in reforms –a conflicting approach to reform in this ....