Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Societal Problems Pleads Prior Attention

October 22, 2015

Amidst the ongoing continued wave of violence unleashed –it appears as if terrorism the only predicament the war-torn land is coming across. The prevalent intimidation...

The Outcomes of War against Terrorism

October 21, 2015

The tiring war against terrorism that was launched after the incident of 9/11, brought with itself different sorts of influences and impacts on the lives of...

The Timely Decision of US President!

October 20, 2015

The announcement of US president Barack Obama to reverse his previous decision and extending the stay of US troops in Afghanistan till the end of 2016 brought...

Responsibilities are Unavoidable

October 19, 2015

It is now considered a truth that human nature tries to avoid the negative consequences both consciously and as the result of the unconscious mind, where the psychological...

Grave Human Rights Violation Reported in Kunduz

October 18, 2015

Man endures, not only when the part of the world in he resides is hit by natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, floods, diseases etc, but occasionally also at...

Our Ethical Values

October 17, 2015

It can be observed in both the individual and social lives that the actions are mostly considered in terms of whether they are right or wrong. An individual, in most...

Muharram; The Month of Sacrifice!

October 15, 2015

As the holy month of Muharram has approached, responsibilities of government, security forces and citizens increase altogether. This year, this month is slightly different...

Government Blamed for Undeterred Attacks

October 14, 2015

Everyday our beloved country bleeds with blood of innocents either civilians or security officials while serving their motherland. The insurgents are exerting their might ...

All Citizens Should be Treated Equally

October 13, 2015

It is really imperative that a society must ensure that all its residents get their due rights. And these rights must be ensured without any sort of discrimination as...

Why Government is Silent?

October 12, 2015

In last few months, our country went through a number of frightening events. Although some of them were not new and were feared from many years, yet no action was...

Inclining Corruption Amidst Declining Economy

October 11, 2015

Every deed we undertake on account of greater interest is deemed a divine service that earns us virtue and fortifies our faith. If one tends to cut down or exploits...

The Dearth of Basic Needs

October 10, 2015

Though human beings require different types of needs in their lives, the needs to live alive are the most basic and important ones. These include food, cloth and shelter...

Kunduz Tragedy Taught Us Many Lessons!

October 08, 2015

Yesterday, people in Ghor province got to the streets for a mass demonstration in the support of the victims of Kunduz. They expressed their condolences for the losses of victims...

It is Time to Pursue True Wisdom

October 07, 2015

If we turn the pages of history we will be able to find some great societies – the societies that had value for knowledge, wisdom and philosophy. Though they lived thousands...

Curiosity is a Worthy Gift

October 06, 2015

Throughout most part of human history, contemplation has been treated as a crime. Same has been the reaction to being inquisitive. It seems as if contemplation and...

Our Country will Pass Through These Tough Days!

October 05, 2015

Fall of Kunduz to Taliban and the following circumstances added to the disappointment of masses in the country. They were already tired of the worst economic conditions and...

Fall of Kunduz Underlines Grey Security Areas

October 04, 2015

Kunduz is one of the 34th provinces with round about 1million population. It is located in the proximity of Tajikistan –hence one of the potential Northern Province given...

The Inevitability of Changes in a Society

October 03, 2015

The course of history in different societies and states has been dominantly guided by social and political changes. These changes are responsible for the evolution...

The Kunduz Assault

October 01, 2015

The Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) are in fierce battle to take back the control of Kunduz from Taliban who had gained control of the city a couple of days earlier...

Media and our Society

September 30, 2015

Media has a vital role in democratic countries. Its role and its influence have been so much tremendous that now it is considered as one of the pillars of the state. It is...

Real Security Threats

September 29, 2015

The security situation in the country has reached to an alarming position after Taliban have been successful in taking control of the northern Kunduz city. Taliban...

Daesh’s Growing Foothold in Afghanistan

September 28, 2015

Earlier, the 70th Regular Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 70) took place at UN Headquarters in New York. While speaking at the United Nation Council on Foreign...

Accountability in a Democratic System

September 27, 2015

One of the key requirements of good governance is accountability. Not only governmental institutions but also the private sector and civil society organizations must...

NUG and Corruption

September 22, 2015

One of the major challenges for National Unity Government (NUG) was to adopt a comprehensive strategy to curb rampant corruption in the country. Though there...

Afghan Society, Yet to Strive Embracing Democracy

September 21, 2015

Every year 15 September is observed as “International Day of Democracy” per resolution of UN General Assembly. This day was first celebrated in 2008. The theme of the...

World Ozone Day

September 19, 2015

September 16th is celebrated as World Ozone Day. The Day was basically established by the United Nations General Assembly and is being celebrated since 1994. The main objective...

Moderate Approach should be Valued

September 17, 2015

Human beings, in their quest to understand the world and different phenomena in it, have gained knowledge and developed ideologies. These ideologies have, without any doubt...

The Ghazni Prison Break

September 16, 2015

The rising insecurity in various parts of the country are making the headlines in the media frequently nowadays that depicts the fact that the situation is getting really...

Taliban Stormed a Jail, Freed Most Wanted Terrorists

September 15, 2015

Monday turned out to be an unfortunate for Afghans given Taliban insurgents stormed a prison in the capital of central Ghazni province releasing about 350 prisoners...

The Points of Attention

September 14, 2015

The opinions of the people and intellectuals towards the socio-political scenario in Afghanistan appear to be divergent and there are not clear certainties in...

Food Insecurity in Afghanistan

September 13, 2015

As there are limited resources, the insecurity of food in Afghanistan has always been a dominant issue. There are millions of people in the country who do not have enough...

Regional Friendly Ties Earn Economic Riches

September 12, 2015

The geopolitical location of Afghanistan is quite a lot promising, given it can bridge the world over with Central Asian; earthen resource rich countries...

Efforts to Discourage Female Education

September 08, 2015

The activities of the religious fundamentalists to discourage education of the girls in Afghanistan continue as around 70 other schoolgirls have been poisoned in western Herat province. ...

The Cure for Grief is Action

September 07, 2015

The stretched out darkness of the night flows into the light of the dawn, and gets enlightened in the next beautiful morning. The day, after passing through its definite time, turns back to...

Parliamentary Election

September 06, 2015

Though there are many processes that are necessary for the political development in Afghanistan, upcoming parliamentary election, at the moment, is considered the top priority matter. ...