Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Security Alert During Muharram

August 25,2020

In light of Muharram processions, more security personnel need to be deployed in Kabul city. Given the reality of attacks on processions in the past, and the sheer number of targeted ...

Taliban’s Goodwill is in Doubt

August 24,2020

Peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban make national and international headlines and US Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad talks optimistically about ...

Taliban Eying Concessions Through Delaying Peace Talks

August 23,2020

There seems to be still ifs and buts within the Taliban leadership to start direct talks with the Afghan government, which agreed to the US-Taliban peace agreement signed in Qatar ...

The Women’s Concerns About Future

August 22,2020

As a result of two decades fights and sacrifices, there has been some improvement to women’s rights in Afghanistan. Now, number of women are able to enjoy hard-won...

Independence and Political Upheaval

August 19,2020

Afghanistan has undergone political upheaval within the last decades. Afghan King Amanullah Khan (1919-1929) proclaimed Afghanistan’s independence ...

Discriminatory Approach to Women not Acceptable

August 17,2020

The return of the Taliban is highly disconcerting for Afghan women, who played vital role in social, political and economic spheres within the last two decades...

WhyAfghan Women shall be Included in the Intr-Afghan Peace Talks

August 16,2020

Afghan Women Have suffered more than any other social group during the rule of Taliban. The human rights record under Taliban was one of the worst records in the world...

The Vague Landscape of Peace Process

August 15,2020

As a result of the Taliban’s active engagement in escalated insurgency and killing civilians, Afghans are worried about both the return of the Islamic Emirate and release ...

The Pessimism and Optimism Over Loy Jirga and Its Outcome

August 12,2020

Peace remains a fragile issue around the globe. Serious threats are posed against human societies in one way or another. All nations are likely to fluctuate between hope and ...

Peace Consultative Jirga: The Ball is in the Taliban Court

August 11,2020

Prisoner swap was one of the main obstacles to start the Intra-Afghan talks. Afghan government had already released about five thousand Taliban prisoners to pave the way ..

Taliban Will Not Win Through War

August 10,2020

Streams of blood oozing from sliced throats and tears flowing from puffy eyes reflect the heart-wrenching stories of Afghan nation. Here, life is full of sorrow and ...

Afghanistan’s Dysfunctional System Highly Disappointing

August 05,2020

The level of disappointment is likely to be on rise with Afghanistan’s political syndrome, economic stagnation, administrative corruption, poverty ...

Consultative Peace Loya Jirga: An Opportunity to Form a United Voice on the Peace Process

August 03,2020

Afghanistan Peace Process will enter to its most critical part. Direct talks between Taliban and the Afghan government will start on 10 August...

Freedom of Speech Needs to be Respected

August 03,2020

Freedom is men’s natural and inalienable right. People are free to speak what they have in their mind – which is called freedom of thought and expression...

Talks or Political Game?

July 29,2020

Amidst the heated discussions about start of the intra-Afghan dialogue, Afghan civilians sustain heavy casualties as a result of the escalated militancy. Despite being ...

Violation of Humanitarian Law is Flagrant

July 28,2020

The International Humanitarian Law (IHL) which arranges the relations between states and international organizations and the issues regarding international law is one ...

Obstacles to Building a Free Society

July 27,2020

I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds ...

Khalilzad’s Optimistic Approach to Talks Carries no Significance

July 26,2020

Talking optimistically about the peace talks, US envoy Zalmay Khalilzad has said that Iran is unwilling to back the peace process. But Iranian officials asserted ...

Vulnerability of Afghan Women

July 25,2020

Following the collapse of the Taliban’s regime, Afghan women heaved a sigh of relief for being liberated from radical approach and being entitled equally to men on the basis ...

The Horrible Consequences of War on Human Rights

July 22,2020

The protracted war and violence have generated horrible consequences in human societies. People endured the scourge of war for many decades, which resulted in heavy casualties and mammoth ...

Human Rights – Afghans’ Red-Line at the Peace Table

July 21,2020

The war in Afghanistan was not just about extracting a vague promise from the Taliban that they would not allow terrorists from other countries to congregate in the country ...

Troop Pullout Needs to be Condition-based

July 20,2020

The longer the start of intra-Afghan dialogue is delayed the more challenges are likely to emerge. The peace process is being complicated and the Taliban trigger public hatred through ...

Russia Should Play Constructive Role in Afghanistan’s Political Affairs

July 19,2020

Amid the peace talks brokered by the United States, many ignored the role of Russia, which enthusiastically supported the agreement. Russia is one of the main stakeholders ...

Afghans Apprehensive about US-Taliban Peace Deal

July 18,2020

The United States and the Taliban signed peace agreement on February 29 in the Qatar’s capital, Doha, after their teams held 10 rounds of negotiations for 18 months...

Scuttling Intra-Afghan Dialogue Will Have Horrible Consequences

July 15,2020

The Taliban’s escalated militancy is likely to challenge the start of the intra-Afghan dialogue. There is still disagreement between the Taliban’s political leadership ...

Humanizing the Punishments

July 13,2020

Economic and military power can be developed under the spur of laws and appropriations. But moral power does not derive from any act of Congress. It depends on the relations ...

Peace Process Lacks Transparency

July 12,2020

The Taliban had to reduce violence and sit across the table from Afghan officials after signing peace deal with the United States. The issues seem complicated after the Taliban ...

Islamic Emirate VS. Democracy

July 11,2020

Democratic discourse will be challenged in the intra-Afghan dialogue, which yet to be brokered. The Taliban negotiators are likely to bargain over the establishment ...

Does Hekmatyar Carry Weight in Afghan Peace Process?

July 08,2020

The Kabul government has released a number of prisoners of the Hezb-e-Islami Party led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who signed a peace deal with the Ghani administration in 2016 ...

Committed Cabinet Can Meet the Public Expectations

July 07,2020

When nature fails to send rain crops devastate, people run for food, but when citizen fails to support a selected government, people run for state, crises appear. It is the ultimate ...

Neighboring Countries Interference as the Main Cause of Continued Conflicts

July 06,2020

Afghanistan may soon start Intra-Afghan peace talks to end one of the longest world conflicts. It is more than four decades that Afghanistan is struggling with the conflicts...

Afghans Demands from the Peace Negotiations Team

July 05,2020

Afghan citizens believe that there are certain principles, basic conditions and demands that the negotiations team shall consider them seriously during the talks. These include ...

Why Does Inclusion of Youth in Peace Talks Matter?

July 04,2020

Afghan youth have been the main victims of the war in Afghanistan. They have fought in both fronts; the front of the Afghan government and the Taliban. The international ...

Militancy Continues Unabated Despite US-Taliban Peace Deal

June 01,2020

There are still many ifs and buts regarding the peace talks despite the agreement signed between the United States and the Taliban leadership early this year...

Nation-building and Its Challenges in Afghanistan

April 01,2020

Though there is no specific definition about nation-building in political science, generally it refers to the process of making a common national identity using the power of state. . .