Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Members of Human Family Vulnerable to Common Threats

March 26,2020

The exponential spread of the novel coronavirus outbreak suggests that we live in the “global village” and all members of human family share common destiny. . .

Fear of Taliban’s Regime Haunt Afghan Women

March 25,2020

Afghan women were susceptible to social and political harms throughout the history. They underwent great sufferings in war and peace. Their rights and dignity were violated ...

Main Compelling Challenges Facing Afghan Government

March 24,2020

Afghanistan is experiencing one of the most difficult periods of its history; It is facing very tough challenges and it only can address them properly if it has a very coherent and strong government. . .

‘Good Words are Worth Much and Cost Little’

March 22,2020

Are you fed up with words? I don’t blame you. I am nauseated by them sometimes. I am also, to tell the truth, nauseated by ideals and with causes. This sounds like heresy, but I think you will understand what I mean...

Afghanistan’s Particular Susceptibility to COVID-19

March 19,2020

The upheaval caused by the novel coronavirus around the world is highly critical and needs a worldwide campaign against it. Peopled are highly worried about the threat the COVID-19 has ...

COVID-19 Likely to Take Large Toll on Afghans

March 18,2020

As Afghanistan waits for the coronavirus disease to peak in the coming weeks, the horrible consequences are predictable. Afghans have started to empty out stores and supermarkets as they ...

Concerns Grow over Women’s Rights and Liberties

March 17,2020

With the likely return of the Taliban militants, after reaching a peace agreement with their US interlocutors and the Afghan government, and potential for radicalism, concerns over ...

Emirate System Unacceptable to Afghans and Global Stakeholders

March 16,2020

Afghan officials and political leaders try to form a negotiating team to start peace talks with the Taliban leadership, which pledged to sit with the Afghan official representatives ...

My Xinjiang Uyghur Farmers And Herdsmen Friends Live A Happy Life

March 15,2020

I am a trader of farming and animal husbandry coming from Kazakhstan. I live mainly in the China-Kazakhstan border area and often trade in agricultural and animal husbandry products ...

Lawlessness – A Blow to Democracy

March 14,2020

Exercising one’s rights and freedom is highly essential in a democratic country. People’s natural and inviolable rights and dignity have to be protected on ...

Intra-Afghan Talks Likely to be Tough and Contentious

March 12,2020

The intra-Afghan dialogue was not ushered in, as scheduled in the US-Taliban peace agreement, in the wake of controversies between the Taliban and the Afghan government and escalation ...

Will the Strategic Partnership of Taliban and Al-Qaeda Shift?

March 11,2020

The US-Taliban agreement has been signed  aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan, America’s longest.
This deal could help President Donald ....

Challenges and Political Wrestling Continue

March 10,2020

The “war on terror” was ushered in following the 9/11 incident, to dismantle al-Qaeda and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban ...

Are We Able to Save the Republic System In Afghanistan?

March 08,2020

The recent peace agreement between the US and Taliban has created immense waves of fears and hopes in Afghanistan. These fears and hopes are raised through a series of questions such ...

Taliban Declare Jihad Against their Muslim Fellows After Peace Deal

March 05,2020

The Taliban group appears emboldened after signing the peace deal with the United States in Qatar as it has declared “jihad” against ...

Desensitization of Violence – The Ugly Face of Militancy

March 04,2020

The social reaction towards tragic incidents and lethal attacks has declined tremendously in Afghanistan. The constant violent practices and suicide bombings carried out by militant ...

Pessimism and optimism over the US-Taliban peace agreement

March 03,2020

The peace agreement between the US and Taliban has created many fears and hopes in Afghanistan, especially among political community. The hopes and optimisms are rooted in tiredness ...

The US-Taliban Peace Deal; Hope and Fear in Afghanistan

March 02,2020

The US and Taliban could reach a peace deal after 18 months of tough negotiations. Issues like the US troops withdrawal and preventing any threats from Afghanistan by Taliban and other ...

Why Civil Society Participation in Peace Building Matters

March 01,2020

Civil Society organizations play a vital role in peace building. The roles that civil society plays vary in the manner in which they participate in peace building across ...

Regional Concern Over US-Taliban Peace Deal

February 29,2020

India and other regional stakeholders appear to be concerned about the peace agreement to be signed between the United States and the Taliban group in presence of leaders of many ...

Poverty – A Chronic Problem

February 27,2020

One will be taken aback by seeing the vagrant and homeless, sleeping at nights in open space of Pole Sokhta in Kabul City. They live in social isolation, without homes or shelter ...

Concern over Vulnerability of Peace Talks

February 26,2020

With the declaration of “reduction in violence”, Afghans optimistically hopes that the United States and Taliban will hammer out a peace agreement at the end ...

Political Leaders Should Respect Law and Order

February 25,2020

The participation of less than 20 percent of the eligible population in the September election, indicates that Afghans have lost their trust in democracy. The current crisis emerged after the announcement ...

Coronavirus: the Most Dangerous Disease in Last 20 Centuries

February 24,2020

The Coronavirus seems to be one of the deadliest diseases in twenty first century. Though the modern world is equipped with advanced technologies, it shortly has infiltrated ...

Freedom of Expression Not Boundless

February 23,2020

Freedom of expression is a fundamental right of mankind in civil societies. In the post-Taliban administration, freedom of expression has been one of the highly controversial issues ...

Peace Deal and Roadblocks

February 22,2020

The US-Taliban talks, which continued for ten rounds, have ended and both sides are preparing to sign the agreement at the end of the month. The deal would begin with the withdrawal ...

Opposing Elections Result Likely to Generate National Crisis

February 20,2020

The result of the presidential election, as Ashraf Ghani was declared the winner, was proved contentious since the losing teams have refused the outcome saying the election ...

Withdrawal of Soviet Forces Left a Vacuum for Civil Unrest

February 19,2020

More than three decades ago, the former Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan, but the conflict was not ended. Following its withdrawal, civil unrest emerged in the country since ...

Fear of Obstacles Before Talks Amid Optimism

February 18,2020

Optimism has re-emerged regarding the US-Taliban talks after the US Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad said that the two sides had agreed on reduction in violence. However, it “cannot be ...

Two Withdrawals: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

February 17,2020

These days, it is common to hear that the United States and the Taliban have agreed to a temporary truce that, if successful, would open the way for a deal that would ...

Terrorism is the Biggest Threat to Our Religion and Civilization

February 16,2020

It is really difficult to ignore the severity of the disaster introduced by terrorism and panics today’s civilized, peaceful and modernized world. As a matter of fact, extremism ...

The Contours of Peace Talks

February 13,2020

There has been a rise and fall in the prospects of peace in Afghanistan with the ongoing negotiations between the US representatives and the Taliban in the Qatari capital of Doha...

Why Violent Crime is Soaring in Afghan Major Cities

February 12,2020

Rise of violent crime is one of the alarming issues in Afghanistan cities in General. Kabul has been the scene of surge of violent crimes recently.  Violent crime is a broad designation ...

Afghans Concerned about Ambiguity of Talks

February 11,2020

Afghans still fluctuate between fear and hope regarding the peace talks ongoing between the United States and Taliban in Qatar. But the ambiguity of the talks and the Taliban ...

Violence Against Women Remains as a Big Issue

February 10,2020

Living free from violence is a human right, yet millions of women and girls suffer disproportionately from violence both in peace and in war, at the hands of the state, in the home and community...