Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghan Police Casualties

July 02, 2013

Afghan National Police continues to bear the heaviest toll in the war against militants. The Interior Ministry in its latest figures has said Police casualties have increased by 22 percent during the ...

Afghan Aircrafts and Lack of Capacity!

July 01, 2013

In its latest report, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction office has warned that millions of dollars spent on purchase of aircrafts for Afghanistan’s military will ...

Quetta: the Story of Bloodshed

July 01, 2013

Seemingly there is no end to suffering of Hazara people. Every now and then, reports go on wire highlighting the murder and assassination of Hazaras somewhere on the surface of this ...

Child Labor, a Menace to the Future

July 01, 2013

According to estimates up to 30 percent of primary school-age children are engaged in some form of work and are often the sole source of income for their families. Children must be unbound and ...

AIHRC Appointments

June 30, 2013

The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner has urged the Karzai Administration to reconsider appointment of new members for the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights ...

Intentions of the West in View of the Afghan Govt.

June 30, 2013

Since the fall of Taliban government in 2001, the government has not been able to meet the minimum expectation of the people or the international community. The Taliban call the government as the ...

Deadlock in Doha Process

June 29, 2013

President Karzai once again has reiterated his criticism of the Taliban’s office inauguration in Doha, saying there is a ‘plot against Afghanistan’ launched by foreigners. Talking ...

Unemployment would be a Major Challenge

June 29, 2013

It is really necessary for a state to create job opportunities for its population. Job opportunities would definitely enable the residents of a state to make positive use of their capabilities for ...

Concerns over Economy Persist

June 29, 2013

Keeping in view the current economic standing of Afghanistan, one can easily say that Afghanistan in order to stand on its own would need a long term financial and technical support provided its ...

World Drug Report

June 27, 2013

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has issued its 2013 World Drug Report that shows the use of traditional drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, seems to be declining in some parts of the ...

The Doomed Promise of the Government

June 27, 2013

The promise of the government to social science faculty students who went on hunger strike for complete eight days once again doomed like hundreds of its kind made to Afghan people. On June 26, students ...

Corruption in Afghanistan

June 27, 2013

Corruption is commonly defined as the “abuse of entrusted power for illicit gains”. When someone is in a position of power that allows him or her to make certain decisions on behalf of ...

Taliban Insurgents Knock at President Karzai’s Door

June 26, 2013

Over the past few months, the Afghan capital has witnessed a number of sophisticated attacks from Taliban insurgents, deepening concerns among the masses over the already-looking-gloomy future. The ...

Safeguarding Women in War

June 26, 2013

In a meeting of United Nation’s Security Council, special envoy of UNHCR criticized the world powers for lack of action of wartime crimes against women. The meeting, which was presided over by ...

Afghanistan Joins Kyoto Protocol

June 25, 2013

This week marked the effectiveness of Afghanistan joining Kyoto Protocol. Signed in April, it came into effect. National Environmental Protection Agency says our country has become one step ...

Peaceful Provinces Deserve More Attention

June 25, 2013

If there had not been war, Afghanistan would have significantly developed in all important areas. Decades of war has resulted in mass destruction of Afghanistan’s economical infrastructure. USSR ...

Consequential Growing Animosity with President Assad

June 25, 2013

The Syrian opposition announced that they have received new weapons that can change the current process of their struggle to oust President Assad. They said that they received the weapon from Arab ...

Transparent Elections Should be Top Priority

June 24, 2013

The opposition grand alliance Cooperation Council of the Political Parties and Coalitions of Afghanistan (CCPPCA) has once again warned the circles inside Palace to avoid any adventurism ...

Basic Issues Should not be Ignored!

June 24, 2013

Dramatic changes in negotiations with Taliban in Doha have raised certain questions about the fate of these talks and also of the general peace and stability in the country. By the government ...

Afghans Who Are Considered Worse Than Infidels

June 24, 2013

With escalation of insecurity across Afghanistan, general threat to life of the people has also become manifold. More number of civilians fall prey to terror attacks while the insurgents never ...

Taliban’s Doha Office

June 23, 2013

“War doesn’t bring peace” the dictum stands credible subsequent to US’s decision to put an end to twelve years long combat mission launched against world number one terrorist ...


June 23, 2013

The term peace has is used in everyday life in so many different ways; as in war, in friendships, by doctors, by teachers, by students and many ...

EVAW Approval Urged

June 22, 2013

Participants of a conference about judicial process in Balkh have urged the parliament not to repeal the draft law on the Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW). Organized with the support of the ...

Mullah Omar to Topple Government within a Week after US Pull-out

June 22, 2013

Taliban’s spiritual leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, has recently told confidantes that his group will retake Kabul “in a week” once America pulls out. The news ...

Economic Thoughts

June 22, 2013

In today’s so called modern and capitalist society each man works for himself in the race for independent wealth. In this kind of society, progress is defined as the continual accumulation of ...

Transition and Taliban Office

June 20, 2013

Tuesday brought two important announcements and one annoying incident for the people of Afghanistan. Attack on Haji Muhammad Muhammad Muhaqiq was annoying for the nation as it established the fact ...

Forced Repatriation of Refugees

June 20, 2013

Pakistani Government once again plans to expel all Afghan refugees from July 01. They had imposed a deadline earlier warning more than 2 million Afghans refugees to leave the country by the ...

Our Attitude towards the Addicted

June 20, 2013

Over the past year, over two million men, women, and children were addicted. Addicted people face an intense struggle just to stay alive despite the fact that society turns its head from the ...

Security Transition Completed?

June 19, 2013

On Tuesday, the last phase of security transition was completed through a ceremony in Kabul. President Hamid Karzai announced the transfer of full security across the country from NATO to Afghan ...

Calculated Attack on Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq

June 19, 2013

Yesterday, June 18, a strong explosion shook hard the western part of the Kabul city. The explosion was strong enough that was heard almost over the entire western part of the city. Some Kabul ...

Mutasim Speaks Again

June 18, 2013

Mutasim Agha Jan, Taliban government’s finance minister and a prominent member of the so-called Quetta Shura has once again spoken to the media - this time to an Afghan local news ...

Pressure Tactics against Media Freedom

June 18, 2013

The Lower House debate about media freedom and comments by MP Khawasi has drawn criticism. During the speech of Information and Culture Minister Makhdoom Raheen on Saturday, Khawasi had said Jihad ...

Poppy and Insurgency

June 17, 2013

Helmand Police Chief Abdul Nabi has said that drug smugglers provide support to militants. Talking in a press conference in Lashkar Gah, Nabi said drug dealers fund insurgents in order to ...

Students and Politics

June 17, 2013

Recent crisis in the University of Kabul was alarming in a sense that it followed a series of activities that disparaged the classes and academia in the prime institute of higher education in the ...

When Will Suffering of Women End?

June 17, 2013

During the Taliban rule, women were punished and even executed in public for unjustifiable and minor reasons. Unfortunately, the practice has not ended, as the Taliban’s Shariah is still ...