Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

No Politicization of Public Protests

February 27, 2012

The recent events and happenings in the country show the high fragility here. Following news on burning the Holy Koran in Bagram Base, street protests began and violent reactions spread across Afghanistan. To prevent further violence, President Hamid Karzai launched a television appeal for calm. In a televised message, Karzai ...

The Ice has been Broken

February 27, 2012

After two foreign advisers were slain in Afghan Ministry of Interior Affairs, Western countries have either temporarily withdrawn their civilian personnel from Kabul or have instructed them to avoid attending their jobs in Afghan ministries and other government organizations. Incidents, where an Afghan soldier has opened fire and ...

Afghanistan cannot Endure in Isolation

February 27, 2012

Afghanistan is going through a critical time. Problems linger on. Poverty remains backbreaking and due to poor condition of life and the harsh and chilly winter, children are dying right in the capital of the country. The future prospect is gloomy as the Taliban and other insurgent outfits continue to use violence against those who hold a ...

Cabinet Nominees and Deadlock

February 26, 2012

The Government has after all introduced the cabinet nominees. Vice President Karim Khalili read the names of several nominees who have been serving as acting-ministers for more than two years. They include: Ismail Khan, Amirzai Sangin, Dr. Soraya Dalil, Dr. Hasan Banu Ghazanfar and Daud Ali Najafi for ministries of Water and Energy, Telecommunication ...

Continued Violent Protests do not Serve Any Purpose

February 26, 2012

Afghan government must take measures to calm the ongoing violent protests across the country. It is neither in the interest of the fragile situation of Afghanistan nor is it a way to protect the values of our conspicuous religion of Islam. It is the fifth day that the country witnesses violent demonstrations in different provinces. People ...

Two Violence-Generating Factors at Play

February 25, 2012

After the fall of Taliban regime in late 2001, Afghanistan with the help of international community embarked on a journey to a permanent political stability and multi-dimensional development. Afghanistan remains prone to interferences by unfriendly neighbors that have disruptive posturing towards our country. In order to emerge out of ...

Positive Approach to Get Positive Result

February 25, 2012

Since last couple of years, Afghan president Hamid Karzai trying hard to bring Taliban on the table of negotiation but lingering approach by Mr. President could not bring positive result to achieve desirable result and bring durable and lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan. It is because of failed strategy by Government and ...

People left to starve and die

February 25, 2012

With the billions of dollars of aids poured in Afghanistan, problems of Afghan people have only multiplied. The ten year international efforts have resulted in a dysfunctional government sinking in the rampant corruption. Against the hefty statements by NATO and Afghan government, security has deteriorated up to an extent that ...

Barbarism and Our Selective Outrage

February 23, 2012

25-year-old women Arifa is the latest example of the barbarism in Afghanistan. Her fingers were cut off by husband and eaten, an incident which is not getting as much public outrage as the Quran burning. It shows the collective conscience of our nation, where selective outrage at religious issues erupts as fire, but people ...

Dishonoring of the Holy Koran Would Harm Int’l Community’s Credibility

February 23, 2012

More than ten years of the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan have passed but it seems like they are still unaccustomed to customs, tradition and beliefs of the people of Afghanistan. From time to time, the NATO troops have been found guilty in acts of disgracing Islam or stepping over the honor of Afghans. Recently a ...

Would the Greek Economy be Restored?

February 23, 2012

Ultimately, after months of delays and discussions, euro zone finance ministers agreed on Tuesday morning for a second, 130 billion euro bailout for Europe homeless guy—Greece. The agreement will not only provide fresh financing for the debt-stricken government, but also so much-needed debt relief. This bailout also ...

Why the Stubbornness?

Febraury 22, 2012

The Government has once again reiterated its stubbornness continuing the ruining path. In a recent meeting with some US Senators, President Karzai prioritized the demands of end of night-raids and Afghan control of prisons as key conditions for the strategic partnership agreement with the US. On Sunday, a US congressional delegation ...

On Reactions to Reported Desecration

Febraury 22, 2012

People have the right to express their outrage at any act that constitutes a desecration of their belief, Holy Scripture, and holy places that they may hold high in sacredness. Afghan people are also entitled to protect the sanctity of what are sacred to them against any desecration. It is common in a civilized world not ...

An Approach That Rebounded on the Goal

Febraury 21, 2012

Violent political competition over scarce resources has been at the heart of the conflicts and wars over the last thirty years in Afghanistan. This in turn has originated from the exclusionary structures prevailing in the country. The Bonn Agreement in late 2001 laid the foundation for emergence of an inclusive and development-oriented ...

Record Snowfall Turns Deadly

Febraury 21, 2012

Snowfall in Afghanistan has been quite unusual this winter. According to anecdotal evidences, Afghanistan has had no such a winter in the past twenty years. At times when snow is perceived a blessing in countries like Afghanistan - where if there is no raining and snowing, there will be severe draught -, for Afghans living in camps and ...

Stoppage of Oil Shipment to France and Britain

Febraury 21, 2012

Iran's nuclear issue has got a new turn as the global pressure spirals up and it announced preparation to resume talks with western countries. The possibility of military attack on nuclear sites by Israel has still remained high. International community is worried about the consequence of such an attack on the regional and global ...

Lessons Remain Unlearnt

Febraury 20, 2012

Seeking to find Taliban leaders, in his meeting with Pakistani officials, President Karzai reportedly asked them to bring Mullah Omar to the negotiating table. The request caused both astonishment and anger at the Pakistani side. "Deliver Mullah Omar? If that is the expectation, then there's no reality check. Then they're not ...

Karzai’s Justification of Taliban’s Re-Growth

Febraury 20, 2012

Night raids have been a matter of dispute between President Hamid Karzai and NATO officials since long. NATO believes its night search and target operations have been quite pivotal in reaching figures linked to insurgents groups. According to NATO, these kinds of operations have been the safest with very little chance of ...

Cultural Dimensions of an Inhuman Phenomenon

Febraury 20, 2012

It has now become common to hear pieces of news about violence against women in Afghanistan. Since people in this country have been through more than thirty years of conflict and have seen and continue to see most gruesome cases of violence, a news item about self-immolation may not be shocking for them. Unfortunately, Afghanistan ...

Public Support in Exchange for Representation and Services

Febraury 19, 2012

LaniGuinier, in Tyranny of the Majority, argues that "The potential for instability exists when any significant group of people ends up as permanent losers." Over the last three decades, Afghanistan has been not only through political instability but also violent ups and downs. This chequered history of politics has affected ...

Taliban Notify US of USSR-like Defeat

Febraury 19, 2012

Amid all the fuss about peace and reconciliation process, the Taliban, on the 23rd anniversary of withdrawal of Red Army from Afghanistan issued a statement cautioning the US of the same fate. "Selfish Americans must learn a lesson from… the Russian defeat and no longer fight a meaningless battle with zealous Afghans and ...

Women Rights in Absence of Supporting Norms

Febraury 19, 2012

Of significant achievements that President Karzai government and the international community boasts of as result of the decade-long all-out efforts to change things in Afghanistan is the relatively improved human rights and new mechanisms and measures to promote and protect rights of women, children and vulnerable group. Beyond the ...

Karzai’s Failed Attempts to Cultivate Support among Taliban

Febraury 18, 2012

President Hamid Karzai has been trying to portray the Taliban as the children of Afghanistan that wish to work for peace in this land. The Taliban and other insurgent militants have been called by the president with most sacred names, such as brothers and children of this land. But the Taliban have betrayed these sacred names ...

No Stability with Drug Economy

Febraury 18, 2012

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has said Afghanistan cannot be a stable country while our economy depends heavily on drug trade.While talking at an international conference, he urged countries involved in Afghanistan to step up the fight to combat poppy cultivation and drug business. He said there cannot be sustainable ...

The Policy against Infiltrators

Febraury 18, 2012

One of the key issues, which have become the hotbed of political discussions and arguments is the capacity of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) to accomplish their task unilaterally without depending on the muscle of foreign security forces. Similar to the rest of social and political issues, the notion has also ...

Military Arrangements and Political Reforms

Febraury 16, 2012

Strategic agreement between Afghanistan and the US is under discussion. Leon Panetta, the United States Secretary of Defense said in the US senate session that the US is in negotiation with Afghan authorities to sign a security agreement that would allow his country to maintain its military presence in Afghanistan after ...

Lesson from History

Febraury 16, 2012

Events were held in Kabul and other cities celebrating the 'Mujahideen victory' and Soviet departure from Afghanistan. As a nation, which we have to be yet, we should ask ourselves was it really a victory? Those who are not tired of claiming the 'Afghan Jihad' caused the collapse of Soviet Union and take pride for the 'victory' is ...

We Have to be Realistic!

Febraury 16, 2012

Currently, Afghanistan has been highly dependent on international support to run its economic system. The international troops that have been in the country for almost a decade are preparing to withdraw from the country and that withdrawal is going to end till 2014. After the withdrawal is complete there are possibilities ...

A Makeup Code by the Ministry of Information

Febraury 14, 2012

The Ministry of Information and Culture has asked the female newscasters and presenters to observe Islamic ethics and national culture while appearing on televisions. In a notice, the ministry has asked all the television channels not to allow the newsreaders with unveiled heads and "thick make-up" to appear on the ...

Not to Pardon Again

Febraury 14, 2012

When last year, on the occasion of Eid ul Fiter, President Hamid Karzai pardoned 18 teenagers who were arrested because of having plans of terrorist attacks in mind, the President seemed quite excited thinking that his forgiveness would change the mindset of those young terrorists. In addition to gifts and monetary rewards, some ...

Civilian Casualty and Air Strikes

Febraury 14, 2012

Civilian casualties have constantly fuelled tension between Afghan government and foreign allies. And the main reason behind NATO-caused tolls is recognized to be aerial operations across the country. Last week, NATO air strikes left reportedly seven children dead in the remote Kapisa province, which angered President Karzai ...

The Need to Transform Politics in Afghanistan

Febraury 13, 2012

In the course of Afghan modern history, what have been ignored the most are the people. The totalitarian kingdoms and self-centered politicians have mostly assumed and practiced as if they personally owned the authority. The ruling families recognized almost no source of legitimacy for the power they exercised. Authority was ...

On The Diplomats’ Clash

Febraury 13, 2012

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that a physical battle has occurred among some staff of Afghan embassy based in Washington. A physical fighting is per secondemnable but it must be intolerable when it happens between the diplomats that have to represent our country's interests in other countries. This news is ...

Sports Can Change the Image of Afghanistan to ‘Positive’

Febraury 13, 2012

The performance of Afghan cricket team is being lauded inside and outside the country. Despite the lowest security level and absence of facilities not only in cricket but also in other sports, Afghans have showed that they are 'no less' than any other country. On Friday, February 10, the Afghan cricket team played its first-ever ...

De-democratization in Individual-based Politics

Febraury 12, 2012

Democracy without the presence of functioning political parties to compete in elections and elect their representatives to parliament and other elected bodies is abortive. Though Afghan government and international community are no longer attentive of democratic politics and development, and are mainly concentrating on ...