Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Changes in Notions Signal Peace Process’s Future

Febraury 12, 2012

Ultimately, the efforts to cajole Taliban into peace talks have trumpeted. But they have not simply acquiesced to start negotiations. What is evident is that the insurgent groups have demanded release of its five leaders in Guantanamo Bay at Cuba, albeit details of a series of meetings held between US officials and Taliban ...

Afghans Victims of Human Smuggling

Febraury 12, 2012

Besides the expanded drug trafficking in Afghanistan, the business of human smugglers around the world are also majorly running on Afghans. United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) defines migrants smuggling as "smuggling migrants involves the procurement for financial or other material benefit of ...

A Reformist Move against the Backdrop of a Treacherous Dream and a Dictatorial Behavior

Febraury 11, 2012

It is now a few years that the discourse, at international level, about the war in Afghanistan has changed from nation-building and state-building to an "honorable exit" of troop contributing nations. It is a catastrophic mistake being made by Afghanistan's international allies and backers. Due ...

Efforts to Break the Deadlock in Syria

Febraury 11, 2012

The situation in Syria has become unspeakably awful as violence and bloodsheds continue unabated. It has been almost a week that the Homs city has come under severe firings by security forces to get it back from army defectors and other rebellions. There are reports of high civilians' casualty stuck in the crossfire yet no comprehensive ...

Drug Addicts Increasing

Febraury 11, 2012

The number of drug addicts is increasing without a check or any effective program by the government to stop it. More than 70,000 drug addicts are only in Heart. Being a bordering province with Iran, Heart has large number of drug addicts because most of them are the Afghan refugee returnees. Afghanistan produces about 90 percent ...

His Overestimated Self-Confidence

Febraury 09, 2012

For Afghan President, it has turned a dream to embrace his upset Taliban brothers. However, they've so far rejected his calls for brotherhood. The exhausting and insufficiently resourced war against terrorism has badly affected not only Afghanistan but the region and the entire globalized world. At the diplomatic level, government ...

MoE’s Decision is Odd!

Febraury 09, 2012

Since the ouster of Taliban in 2001, one area that has seen significant progress, no matter quantitative, is the education sector of Afghanistan. Although millions of girls and boys are still out of school – most of who work as child laborers, according to Ministry of Education (MoE), approximately 8.2 million students are ...

A Presence with no Direct Impact on Poor Afghans

Febraury 09, 2012

International community is walking out of Afghanistan. They have had military, political, economic/financial and even cultural presence in this troubled part of the world for the last ten years after they got attacked by lunatic fringes harboring in this country. Afghan people would see security, peace, stability and ...

Special Operations and Strategic Agreement

Febraury 08, 2012

There are reports that the Obama Administration is planning to handover the operations in Afghanistan to US Special Forces, increasing the pace of withdrawal and transition of security to Afghan National Security Forces. Such statements from White House show that the accelerated withdrawal has been decided and it might be ...

Children Should Receive No less Attention than Taliban

Febraury 08, 2012

In today's modern world, politics and government cannot be separated from delivering services to the citizens of a given territory, called country. There are three main functions a government is supposed to do in a country: to provide security; to work as arbitrator to resolve disputes between and ...

How should Afghans be Confident?

Febraury 08, 2012

Development in the Afghanistan's various sectors over the last decade is laudable, although rampant corruption exists. With international community's financial and non-financial support, noteworthy improvements are observable in democracy, civil society activities, human rights, media, education and other important ...

The Uncertain Pledges

Febraury 07, 2012

There is an increasing sense of uncertainty among the Karzai Government and ordinary Afghans regarding the future of Afghanistan. The confusing statements from US officials and their NATO allies and absence of a concrete withdrawal plan of the US troops in Afghanistan has further left ordinary Afghans worry about the worst scenarios ...

A Feeling of Inclusion Matters

Febraury 07, 2012

Democracy can take root and become institutionalized in a given society when democratic institutions are strengthened and the rule of law is established there. In Afghanistan, democratic institutions remain weak and dysfunctional. Change is needed to take place to make democracy work and to ensure permanent peace in the ...

Afghanistan Moving towards Destruction at a Very Fast Pace

Febraury 07, 2012

The first decade of US invasion of Afghanistan has completed and the Afghan war has entered its second decade. Yet, it is not clear until when the war will last? Security in this country has deteriorated with each passing year and with all the blood and treasure invested. No one is hopeful. The international community, Afghan ...

Engaging in Qatar and Killing in Kandahar

Febraury 06, 2012

Earlier, the US vice-president Joe Biden awarded the Taliban a non-enemy status as He said: 'That's critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests.' The US and Afghan government have attempted to recognize ...

Muhammad (PBUH): The Prophet of Peace

Febraury 06, 2012

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last messenger of Allah Almighty. He was born in Rabi al Awwal - the third month of Islamic calendar. He was born on the 12 of Rabi al Awwal (February 4th), although celebrations continue throughout the week. The message of Mohammad is the message of peace. Islam is the religion of peace. About fourteen ...

Violence against Women

Febraury 06, 2012

Afghanistan is a country where gender equality is worst in the world. We have worst record of violence against women, with highest rate. The plight of Afghan women still persists with an increasing fear and serious concern that all the achievements of last decade would be in vain if the international community fail to leave behind a ...

Classified Information and Khar’s Visit

Febraury 02, 2012

New findings reported from NATO's classified information indicate that Taliban receive direct support from intelligence services in Pakistan. The document, which was reported on Wednesday, February 01, 2012 by Britain's Times newspaper and the BBC, said to have been produced based on the outcomes of interrogating ...

The Bewildered Eyes of Afghan government

Febraury 02, 2012

The bewildered politics in Afghanistan is, as always, progressing with more ambiguous happenings than clear, strategic and deliberate formulation. The exhausting war, rampant corruption and domestic clashes have continued deepening disappointment over the country's future. Instead of seeking practical and consensus-based ...

A Future Big Problem

Febraury 02, 2012

Since the US and its allies have announced to pull out their forces from Afghanistan, much resource is being directed towards bolstering the capacity of Afghan security forces. Extensive military training programs are being implemented. These trainings are undertaken both inside and outside Afghanistan in countries like Turkey ...

An Atrocious Cultural Attitude

Febraury 01, 2012

There are many events that take place in Afghanistan. Most of these events are rooted in primitive and violent minds, and in the general culture prevailing in the country. This affects the relations within families, communities and in the society. Unfortunately, Afghan government has been doing just some cosmetic ...

Problems of Teachers

Febraury 01, 2012

The plight of teachers, the guiders of our society, remains untold in media. In western world, teaching is a very honorable profession and teachers have great social reputation. But it's the opposite in our country. Teachers are paid the least. This is a profession when people are failed everywhere, they join teaching ...

Landslides in Bamyan

Febraury 01, 2012

Roads connecting Waras, Punjab and Seghan districts of Bamyan have been blocked and remained closed for weeks due to heavy snow fall in recent weeks. The National Disaster Management Authority office in the province and concerned authorities in Kabul have failed to launch an effective clearing operation. Dozens of families are ...

Peace, a Catchword Manipulated by the Government

January 31, 2012

Peace or making peace is the catchword used nowadays by both national and international officials. President Karzai was the first who initiated the process and began to call the Taliban militants that have killed many innocent people and continue to do so as his "unhappy brothers" who need to be ...

Strong Economies for Peaceful Politics

January 31, 2012

Coming closer to the end, the very generous aids poured in Afghanistan for the last one decade have affected things considerably. Certain promising changes are seen in Afghan economy, military, politics and social activities. However, things needed to change more tangibly and it was expected at the beginning of the new era in ...

Another Woman Victim

January 31, 2012

The violence against women increases in the country according to Afghan human Rights Commission. Time and again, there are astonishing reports released which are signs of prevalent inhuman behavior. The story of Sahar Gol has not yet gotten out of focus and media discussions, there is a new horrible report about an innocent ...

Deadlock in Parliament and Our Problems

January 30, 2012

MPs in lower house of the parliament have been failed to elect their deputy speaker for sixth time in the last four consecutive days of election rounds. Dozens of members are casting blank and invalid votes. The two contestants yesterday again failed to gain the 50+1 votes. MP Shah Gul Rezaye from Ghani and Ahmad Shah ...

French Decision Raises Concerns

January 30, 2012

There are real concerns over the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan as there is no guarantee the Afghan security forces can stand against the insurgents on their own after 2014. The concerns have raised further as France has, all at once, decided to withdraw all its combat troops in 2013 – a year before all the NATO ...

President’s Silence against Military Withdrawal

January 30, 2012

Lately this month four French soldiers were shot dead by an Afghan fellow who was arrested and suspected to be a Taliban infiltrator. As a result, French President, Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, suspended the Afghan military training in haste and announced a pre-planned military pullout. The action obviously differs from the Paris's ...

Drop in Insurgency and Current Guiding Principle

January 29, 2012

NATO has informed of 8% drop in insurgency in 2011. NATO, in its report published on Thursday, January 26, has related this decrease in terrorist activities to increased counter-insurgency operations carried out by the foreign forces in the country during 2011. It is to be said that the military pressure on Taliban and other ...

The Ambiguous Shots

January 29, 2012

With the ambiguous peace talks in process in Afghanistan and abroad, President Karzai's administration seems too weak to undertake an initiative. It has been always making passive reactions to what has mainly been decided overseas and the incidents happening inside the country. From Taliban's terrorist activities ...

Taliban are Taliban!

January 29, 2012

Now, it really seems like efforts are on to give a formal shape to Taliban's movement and present them as good people to the world. Some political circles maintain that the Taliban have undergone a positive change after their government was toppled, back in 2001. They are not the Taliban they used to be during the 90's. They have ...

Strategic Partnership Agreements with Italy, France

January 28, 2012

President Karzai has signed strategic parternship agreements with France and Italy during his visit of Europe. While addressing a press conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, he appreciated the French contribution in reconstruction of Afghanistan. President Sarkozy said French troops will resume operations from ...

Optimism about the Future!

January 28, 2012

Though the future of reconciliation process and the socio-political scenario of Afghanistan do not seem very much encouraging yet the Afghan government and the Western allies seem very much sure of their success and they do not seem to be disturbed much by the uncertainty of the scenario. In fact, there is an atmosphere of ...

How to Use Long-Term International Commitments Effectively?

January 26, 2012

President Hamid Karzai is out to visit Italy, France and Britain. His trip is aimed at signing strategic agreements with these countries. Many countries involved in Afghanistan have announced to continue to partner with and assist the country after 2014 when Afghan security forces are ...