Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

After Ten Long Years - A Look Within

September 04, 2011

Afghanistan's destiny seems to be in the hands of its political elite as how they manage and respond to the demanding pressures of today will script the tomorrow of the country and the nation. First and foremost, it is the behavior, performance and conduct of Afghanistan's elites which will largely determine whether or not Afghanistan would be ...

Eight New MP’s Sworn in

September 04, 2011

Finally, after one year of dispute and hue and cry, eight new members of parliament were sworn in under a tense security situation and heavy presence of police force around the so-called House of Nation or National Assembly. Under immense pressure by President Hamid Karzai, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) last month after almost one ...

Insurgency Begins to Grow in Bamyan

September 04, 2011

In Bamyan, which is considered the most peaceful province of Afghanistan, the footprints of insurgents have begun to appear. Bamyan falls among the seven provinces and cities handed over to Afghan security forces this summer. After spoiling the security of Herat and Lashkargah cities - that were also transitioned this year, the Taliban ...

Government Commitments towards Children, not Enough

September 04, 2011

Thirty two years of constant conflict and war in Afghanistan have left huge social and psychological scars in the country. In addition to going through traumas of bombings and gunfire, people of Afghanistan as a result of continued conflict have also been deprived of education and living standards. Women and children have remained the most ...

Israel to Go Devoid of Turkey's Friendship

September 03, 2011

Turkish-Israel diplomatic relations reached to it lowest level yester day, when Turkish Foreign Ministry expelled the Israeli Ambassador from Ankara after a year long escalated mutual diplomacy over the attack on "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" on its humanitarian mission to Gaza on May 31, 2010. In that attack nine were killed ...

Afghanistan - Common Home for All

September 03, 2011

The holy month of Ramadan – bloodier this year for Afghans - and Eid-ul-Fitr are over. Ramadan and Eid hold significant importance for the Muslim world, especially for Afghanistan where more than 99 percent of population is formed by Muslims. Throughout Ramadan and on Eid days, Afghans prayed for peace and solidarity in Afghanistan.

The Way Out for Our Economy

August 29, 2011

Many countries in the world have stable economies just because they are blessed with natural resources, oil rich countries for instances. At times when certain countries have flourished economically just because of properly utilizing their gifted resources, there are also countries that are quite rich in natural resources but fall in the list ...

Eid and Blessings of the Holy Month

August 29, 2011

Today is the last of the holy month of Ramadan. At the end of this holy month, all Muslims around the world celebrate three days of Eid, with happy events and celebrations. This is the biggest festival for Muslims. Three days of celebrations are to thank God for all blessings on humanity. After 30 days of fast, self-restraint from all sins, faithful around the world ...

Environmental Protection Awareness

August 28, 2011

From earlier 21st century up till now, social and environmental problems and poverty have become high concerning problems; add to them the inavailibilty of fresh air and fresh water. Actions are supposed to be taken immediately in or order to stop such crisis from further impacts they will have on our lives. As we all, very ...

On the Plight of Afghan Children

August 28, 2011

Children in Afghanistan live under extreme circumstances. Child labor, beggars, and sex abuse are so common. Three decades of war has affected children the worst. An entire generation was deprived of education.Even today, insurgency and poverty hit children the most. We hear reports of attacks on school children on routine basis. Large ...

In Afghanistan, Political Elite and Arrangements Have Failed, not Democracy

August 27, 2011

Afghan people exercised their right to vote in the first cycle of presidential and parliamentary elections in post-Taliban Afghanistan under the supervision of the United Nations and international community in 2004 and 2005. At that time the security situation was better and the UN directly supervised the ...

First Air Raid, Music in Afghans’ Ears

August 27, 2011

Amid so many pieces of bad news about Afghanistan – worst level of security, terrible political instability, massive corruption, uncontrolled drug trafficking etc. – finally there is good news too. According to reports, members of the Afghan Ministry of Interior's Air Interdiction Unit or AIU have recently reached a major milestone with the completion of its first ...

Need Not Bolster Business Activities in Afghanistan

August 27, 2011

The environment for business activities in Afghanistan after the Taliban were expelled in 2001 is not that feasible as it should have been - with insecurity remaining the biggest hurdle. According to Afghanistan Investment Support Agency AISA, doing business in Afghanistan can be very rewarding. Even smaller ...

End the Crisis, Time to Go Ahead

August 25, 2011

The Lower House of Parliament in its session on Wednesday rejected the decision of Independent Election Commission saying no changes in election results would be accepted. The Administrative Board of the House has issued seven resolutions ruling out any change by the IEC. The Election Commission had unseated nine sitting members of ...

The Harm of Taliban’s Anti-Education Discourse and Tradition

August 25, 2011

A nation should not be let down by hardships and difficulties. As the country is to transition to democracy and embrace modern values of citizenry and human rights, education comes to play an important role. An educated person can be a better citizen and share the burdens of the society. After the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan has ...

Afghanistan - the Worst Place for Mothers

August 25, 2011

The long term war and conflict in Afghanistan have left human beings living on this land deprived of their basic rights. Women form about half of the Afghan population. But even in the 21st century they are locked up behind the walls of their homes and are subject to the worst forms of physical and psychological ...

People Can be True Soldiers to Keep Militants at Bay

August 24, 2011

It is clear that Afghan people are not innately disposed to exercise violence. Violence is the way adopted by the Taliban militants and other insurgent groups. They continue to kill innocent people, destroy roads and burn schools. But Afghan people want to live in security and peace. They are tired of the way Taliban operate and explode. Local ...

Prospects of Longer US Stay

August 24, 2011

There are reports that thousands of US troops may remain in Afghanistan till 2024. Reports claim that an agreement is being considered between US and Afghan authorities for making such a stay possible and that US President Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai have agreed that negotiations in this regard must be intensified. Reports ...

Hope for Better Tomorrow Diminishes

August 23, 2011

The problems of political instability and bad security have worsened in Afghanistan, making country's future highly uncertain and vulnerable. This uncertainty has its negative impacts, which are never welcoming for a war-torn country, such as Afghanistan. This year the number of Afghan refugee families that have returned to their homeland is quite ...

How to Tackle Militancy

August 23, 2011

Strategies have changed slightly but not the results. More arrangements and planning are agreed upon but implemented hardly ever. Costs have been increasing while producing less desired outcomes. This is the case with the ongoing war in Afghanistan. In the course of past ten years, the international community involved in the process of fight against ...

A Bad Life

August 23, 2011

From the religious point of view, a bad life is one that is disconnected with virtue, piety, spirituality and other forms of relations and obedience to God. But there are other components as well that make a life bad. A bad life is also the one that is not in one's control; a life that is not accompanied with human's mastery of his/her ...

Time to Move Ahead

August 22, 2011

Finally the Independent Election Commission announced its decision to unseat nine MP's. In a press conference on Sunday, IEC Chief Fazal Ahmad Manawi revealed names of the MP's to be unseated and their replacements. This was the deal made a day before President Karzai issued the decree authorizing the IEC to finalize the deadlock and ...

Hard Times for the Global Economy

August 22, 2011

The strong volatility in global financial and commodity markets has been unprecedented since the official end of recession in 2009. These waves of volatility have seen stock markets the worked over tank as a result of which trillions of dollars in equity and stock wealth have been wiped out. The undercurrents in global commodity and financial ...

A Decision to Poison Democracy

August 21, 2011

Finally, the Independent Election Commission (IEC), which resisted huge pressure over the last eleven months, has decided to "drink poison" by bringing changes to the current composition of lower house (Wolesi Jirga) of the national assembly. Such a decision will definitely plunge the country into a new crisis that could be ...

Taliban, If Strong, Won’t Reconcile

August 21, 2011

>It is the fighting season in Afghanistan. The Taliban are successfully operating across of Afghanistan. No prominent efforts are in place to reverse or even slow down their momentum. In the beginning of this year the NATO authorities pronounced the summer in Afghanistan to be extremely tough. Tough in a sense that, there would be some major clashes ...

No Compromise on Women’s Rights Acceptable

August 21, 2011

There have been numerous concerns about the women right in Afghanistan, in the last ten years their condition has gradually increased. Afghan women today, besides participating in the political processes are also active in many other fields of life. In major cities of Afghanistan where the government has some-how grip over the security ...

Taliban Make Afghans Mourn on the Day of their Independence

August 20, 2011

>Last week, Gen. Carsten Jacobson, an ISAF spokesman, claimed that as a result of increased pressure by the alliance forces on the militants, their networks have been dismantled and their attacks have decreased as compared to the first six months of last year. He claimed a 20 percent decrease. On Thursday, August 18, the ISAF commander, Gen. John Allen, ...

Equipping Afghan National Security Forces

August 20, 2011

On the outset of a decade following the establishment of the new democratic system in Afghanistan, the country remains highly insecure and the military function is considered extremely significant for saving the achievements and meeting the goals. The government under president Karzai is trying to encourage its international backing allies to ...

Challenges to the Economic Development

August 18, 2011

On Tuesday, August 16, President Hamdi Karzai called on some lecturers of faculty of economy from universities to discuss ways to improve economic situation of the country as it is going through the process of transition of security responsibilities from international troops to Afghan security forces. There are many ...

Washington Has No Other Way

August 18, 2011

Pakistan itself is the victim of terrorism though; its role is being deemed vital for US in countering terrorism in Afghanistan. At the same time, Pakistan would need support from US and cooperation from Afghanistan to improve security in its cities by curbing terrorists' activities in its border regions with Afghanistan. Pakistan has, up to a great ...

Gender Inequality in Afghanistan

August 18, 2011

Statistics shows that Afghanistan is still a country where gender equality is worst! Afghanistan is the country with worst records of violence against women, with highest rate. The plight of Afghan women still persists yet after more ten years of democracy. The male dominated society with extreme socio-religious mindset is still a ...

Realities Run Against the Claim

August 17, 2011

Violent situations in many parts of the country have put more limitations on Afghan people's freedom of movement. The ability and liberty to travel, reside in and work in any parts of the country is a human rights concept and is universal but in Afghanistan the security situation has deteriorated and brought ...

Afghanistan is Turning into a Safe Haven for the Insurgents

August 17, 2011

After the announcement made by the US President Barack Obama on 22 June, 2011, Afghanistan is now turning to become a safe haven for the Taliban to proceed their tactical and planned attacks inside Kabul city and around. Their attacks are part of the Taliban's overall planned tactics to assassinate as many high profile officials as possible and ...

Taliban Can’t See Women Nurture

August 17, 2011

>Women are the most deprived section of Afghan society. Throughout the history of Afghanistan, women have been subjected to violence of various forms – sexual abuse, rape, physical and mental punishment and now being used in launching terror attacks. Violence has caused women commit acts such suicide and self-immolation. The Taliban era was the ...

Karzai’s Best Ever Decision

August 16, 2011

Here comes the best ever decision of President Hamid Karzai in the last ten years. Deeming the role of youth very vital for the future of Afghanistan, the Karzai government is sending youths from all thirty four provinces of Afghanistan for pursuing higher education abroad. This time, the ...