Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Kabul Bank ‘Bail Out’

September 19, 2011

There are different economic problems that Afghanistan is facing even after billion dollars of aid and assistance from international community. Though the entire amount has not been and can not be utilized for the economic sector alone, the amount that had to go to the sector has hardly made a satisfactory difference. The country has ...

Peace Process: Haqqani Network will do the Same as Taliban

September 19, 2011

The last week's terror attacks in Kabul created waves of fear among the public and concerns have multiplied over the functions and capacity of the government in securing lives of people. It is quite amazing that how the insurgents break the tightest security in Kabul, transfer their equipments and fight hours with the security forces.

No Plan to Make Afghan Independent of Aid

September 19, 2011

Over the last few years, Afghan government has been trying how to put an end to the violence. Violence is an integral part of the Taliban insurgency that may not cease until they reach their goals wholesale. The government has reached to the conclusion that this violence can be brought to an end by recognizing them as a legal entity and ...

Opening Societies or Islamic Awakening

September 18, 2011

After the Arab Spring that brought about huge political, social and economic changes in the Arab world and continues to shape a new prospect for new generations of Arab countries, there are efforts made to call it an "Islamic Awakening." In general, it was suppression and social deprivations that caused the Arab youths across the region to rise against their ...

Source of Gradual Deaths

September 18, 2011

Afghan people not only are getting killed in terrorist attacks and suicide bombings carried out by Taliban and other insurgent groups but are also suffering from many other evils. While Afghan children and women get killed or become deprived of the presence of their fathers and husbands at the dinner table almost on a daily basis, one can ...

Lack of Standard Health Services

September 18, 2011

Afghanistan falls among the countries where health facilities and services are almost negligible. As for everything, three decades of consistent war and conflict can be held responsible. Afghanistan not only lacks medical equipment and installation but also professional physicians. Therefore, every year thousands of Afghans have to travel ...

Changing Power Dynamics in Middle East

September 17, 2011

Much has been happening in Middle East lately. The political circumstances are changing rapidly and there are evident signs of many important developments in the region. The current conflict that seems to be rising between Israel and Turkey will definitely have considerable resonance in the power dynamics of the region. Turkey this month ...

Turkey’s Position in Arab World

September 17, 2011

What is called as Arab spring has brought about certain other outcomes. Some Arab nations have suffered from tyrant ruling over the past decades and thus feel happy about recent democratic changes. However, the wind of change in Arab world has proved blowing in interest of some other nations too. Turkey is well positioned to back public demands, search ...

Terrorists Hit Hard

September 15, 2011

The security situation in Afghanistan has been put to further scrutiny after the incident in the capital - Kabul on 13th September, 2011 that has resulted in the death of about 14 people and has wounded many others. The incidents took place in the heart of Kabul city and laid open the promises of the security forces and Afghan government ...

Kabul, a Theater of Suicide Assaults

September 15, 2011

Kabul has now turned into a major and interesting theater of suicide attacks and well-coordinated assaults for the terrorists and Taliban insurgents that attempt to create a role for themselves in controlling the country in the future. It is also a place of extreme fear for Kabul residents. It is now a place of uncertainty for Kabuli school...

The Euro Financial Crisis

September 15, 2011

It is an accepted theory among modern economists that people react quickly against any change in money-wage unlike in the case of real wage. Do some Euro-countries undergo the same economic nightmarish reality? The answer seemingly is positive. Last year, in G8 summit, president Obama remained isolated in pushing for further incentives and ...

‘Afghan Parliament’ out of Track

September 14, 2011

The Afghan parliamentary issue remains intact. Unfortunately, no considerable measures are taken towards the proper solution of the issue, as both 'the members of the parliament who are against the decision' and 'the Independent Election Commission (IEC)' do not seem ready to comprise at the moment.The IEC's decision (which was thought to ...

Ryan Crocker’s Statement is Promising

September 14, 2011

Months ago when the first round of military withdrawal process realized by transition of security responsibilities of five areas to Afghan security forces, the cacophony was rising from all military engaged countries that they were serious about withdrawal, even possibly without consideration of its outcomes in 2014. The project has ...

Security Personnel Are to Be Better than Evil Forces of Terrorism

September 13, 2011

Due to the continuation of war and war-like situation in Afghanistan, there has been a degradation and breakdown in the culture of accountability and moral fields. A violent spirit was developed throughout the periods of war and conflict beginning with Soviet occupation of the country and now with the ...

Sectarian Terrorism in Pakistan

September 13, 2011

Sectarian violence is a decades-long phenomenon in Pakistan. Religious minorities are under constant threat and discrimination. It is not just the non-Muslim communities who face threats from the fanatic religious extremist zealots, but also the Muslim 'minorities' like Shia and Ahmadis. According to latest reports, the fate of late Punjab ...

After 32 Years, Life Still at Great Stake

September 13, 2011

After 32 years of war and conflict, life in Afghanistan, is still at great stake. None of the three objectives of the international community – defeating insurgents, national building and bringing economic prosperity – has been achieved. Insurgents' planned attacks that include suicide/roadside bombings, target killings, direct clashes ...

After Ten Years, Afghanistan Still a Theater of Suicide Attacks

September 12, 2011

Afghan people do believe that September 11 events provided them with an opportunity to get rid of a brutal regime that had pushed the country to the dark ages. This regime was the hard-line Taliban that had harbored Al-Qaeda operatives and other terrorists from the region and beyond. These terrorists operated from Afghanistan to bring the ...

Taliban Call 9/11 “Ambiguous and Murky” Event

September 12, 2011

The people and government of the United States of America marked 10th anniversary of the 9/11 with alerts and threats of terrorist attacks in New York and other American cities. Security was on high-alert. Today after ten years, it shows how vulnerable the world is. Despite two wars followed by the events of 9/11, there are several facts that have not changed ...

ANA & ANP, Long Way to Go

September 12, 2011

In the seven areas that were handed over to Afghan security forces under first phase of security transition this summer, security is fragile and challenging. The Taliban are giving a very tough time to police and army in Hirat and Lashkargah cities of Afghanistan. Yet the Afghan ministries of Defense and ...

The 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2011

It can be claimed with certitude that concern about a possible terrorist attack on New York and Washington has somehow grasped two cities and prompted alteration in routine business as New York City police set up vehicle checkpoints and posted rifle-clad officers at train stations. According to creditable reports, calls for suspicious ...

The Multitalented Phenomenon

September 11, 2011

>As historic annals suggest, certain violent moves may bring about peaceful results, with horrible consequences may possibly coming out of apparently peaceful movements. So, socio-political phenomena are too interconnected and profound to be judged about easily. Grappling with predictions on possible consequences caused by the regime change ...

On Massoud’s 10th Anniversary

September 10, 2011

The nation marked 10th anniversary of the national hero martyred Ahmed Shah Massoud yester day across the country starting the Martyrs Weeks to commemorate the anti-Taliban resistance leaders like Abdul Ali Mazari, Abdul Haq and many other legends. The main event was held in Kabul, attended by senior Government officials including Vice ...

Bolstering Cooperation - Key to Curbing Afghan Drugs

September 10, 2011

Russia has once again pointed its finger towards NATO's role in fighting the Afghan drugs. This is not the first time. In the past too, we have heard such complaints from Russian side. The recent objection comes from the Russian Foreign Minister - Sergei Lavrov. Referring to the Collective Security ...

Not to Keep the Potential for Political Instability

September 10, 2011

Over the last one year Afghan people have been bearing the brunt of increased Taliban insurgency and political impasse in Kabul. The Taliban militants and other insurgent groups mounted their terrorist attacks in the spring when they announced their spring offensive. The political crisis or impasse began almost eight months ago after ...

International Literacy Day

September 08, 2011

Today, September 8, 2011 is the International Literacy Day. It was proclaimed as International Day of Literacy by UNESCO on November 17, 1965 with the aim to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. In the meanwhile, the period from 2003–2013 has been announced as the United Nations Literacy ...

The counter Narcotics Campaign is Not Successful

September 08, 2011

Absolutely, poppy cultivation has been a big challenge and there are various creditable reports about linkage between security crisis and the rising poppy cultivation, its processing and trafficking. It is the main source of Taliban-led militants' budget, and finances both militants and their Al-Qaeda ally to hold attacks on ...

Norway Stops Funds to Afghanistan

September 08, 2011

The money of the Western tax goes into the pockets of warlords, crooked government officials and the insurgents. Corruption is severe in Afghanistan. Although Afghan constitutional law and Islam define corruption as a very shameful act, Afghanistan falls in the list of the most corrupt countries of the world. Very unfortunately, the ...

Rabbani: Taliban Creates Disaster

September 07, 2011

>It is more than one and half decades since Taliban have been displaying their violent and disastrous nature. The phenomenon of Taliban in Afghan politics has been linked with massacres, destruction of cultural heritage and denial of basic human rights for those who could be different from them in terms of thinking and lifestyle. Taliban have been ...

Democracy – the Best form of Government

September 07, 2011

Men, in struggle to form a better state to live in, have been through different types of political systems. They have been through Monarchy, Oligarchy, Aristocracy, Fascism, Communism, heocracy, Democracy and some others.These different political setups have been formed in different parts of human history and in different parts of human history ...

QuettaArrest, Another Fatal Loss to Al-Qaeda

September 07, 2011

The al-Qaeda muststill be condoling and shedding tears in sorrow of its leader Osama bin Laden who was killed in Abbottabad of Pakistan on May 2, this year and his body thrown in the sea. Yet, there is another bad news for world's top terror network. Recently, the Pakistan military announced that it has, in cooperation from US ...

No Sigh of Relief for Afghans

September 06, 2011

The month of August, 2011 proved to be the deadliest month for the International Security Assistant Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan as it resulted in the death of around 82 soldiers. Out of these 82 soldiers, 66 were Americans, which is the largest number of American soldiers targeted in one month. Earlier the largest number of American soldiers ...

A trend, that Needs to be Encountered on Priority

September 06, 2011

Afghan army has appeared as the most creditable and reputable institution in the decade long international presence in Afghanistan. A strong army is not only a wish for Afghans but also the only hope for Afghanistan's stable security as the coalition troops are leaving the country. But being a soldier is not like a piece of cake in a country ...

The Blow to Income Resources of Afghan People

September 06, 2011

Afghanistan is hit by terrorism, warlordism, crimes and drugs. The government's lax approach to Taliban insurgents and terrorists has provided pretext for them to operate freely to do mass killing, mass destruction and mass disruption. When the Taliban militants carry out suicide attacks or roadside bombing, it often leads to mass ...

Release of Kidnapped

September 05, 2011

It is more than one and half decades since Taliban emerged to play a role in the political games in Afghanistan. Over this long period, the militants have been involved in some wicked terrorist acts and appallingly horrifying atrocities. They engaged in mass killing of Afghan people when they were trying to ...

Poverty - An Obstacle to Education

September 05, 2011

The prolonged political crisis and insecurity in Afghanistan destroyed the economic infrastructures and led the society towards a complete poverty. It destroyed the Afghan's life especially the new generation. During this devastating war families lost their financial security, displaced and lost their breadwinner. Afghan's traditional ...