Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

International Youth Day 2018

August 13, 2018

Today, i.e. August 12th is being celebrated as International Youth Day around the world. Basically, the day was endorsed by United Nations General Assembly on 17 December ...

Disqualifying the Candidates: an Act to Counter Criminals or Cover Up Fraud

August 12, 2018

Elections is one of the crucial issues in Afghanistan; though it is a democratic tool to strengthen democracy and ensure ethnic diversity in the country, in Afghanistan, the dominance ...

An Economic Approach to Deal with Elections (Public Choice)

August 11, 2018

Afghanistan is on the verge of parliament elections and it’s better to encourage people to participate in this important event but as Farid Zakaria, the famous, columnist ...

Political Instability in Afghanistan: The Root Cause and Alternatives

August 09, 2018

Political instability is one of the core problems of Afghanistan. There have been arguments about the main causes of continued political conflicts in Afghanistan. However, what ...

No Way to Defend Extremism

August 08, 2018

Most parts of the world, at the moment, suffer from the threats of extremism and terrorism. Humanitarian analysts even argue that extremism and terrorism are ...

Assessing the SNTV Electoral System

August 07, 2018

It is evident that the choice of Electoral System for any country is one of the most important institutional decisions for any democracy. And it has a profound effect on the future ...

Providing Food to All

August 06, 2018

Afghanistan is a country that has experienced years of insecurity and instability; therefore, the country has not been able to strengthen its basic infrastructure that can ...

Afghanistan’s Mining Sector: Fantasy and Reality

August 05, 2018

The mining sector in Afghanistan, if boomed properly, can serve as a hope to boost Afghan economy to a large extent. Many years of instability and wars have influenced Afghan ...

To Withdraw or not? It is the question

August 04, 2018

Donald Trump’s administration has asked the Afghan security forces to pull out from remote and low population areas. This issue was first reported by the New York Times...

Violence against Women Continues

August 02, 2018

Following the collapse of the Taliban’s regime, Afghan women heaved a sigh of relief for being liberated from radical approach and being entitled equally to men on the basis ...

Reintegration Prior to Reconciliation

August 01, 2018

The situation in Afghanistan seems to be getting serious again. Escalation in insecurity, political disorder and the upcoming elections have casted many doubts about the future...

The Scourge of Trafficking in Persons

July 31, 2018

July 30 was celebrated as World Day against Trafficking in Persons or Human Trafficking in many countries around the world. The day was adopted by United Nations General ...

Imran Khan’s Victory: An opportunity or Threat to Afghanistan

July 30, 2018

Pakistanis went to the polls on Wednesday, July 25, to elect another National Assembly for a five-year term. The general mood among observers seemed of great concern before...

Ethnic Politics: The Cause of Ethnic Violence

July 29, 2018

In Afghan Politics, ethnicity is a salient cleavage within the political spheres of the nation. In our politics, where ethnic parties dominate, this is the case...

Emerging Light at the End of the Tunnel for Peace Talks

July 28, 2018

With the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan, both countries seek to break the stalemate of peace process and nudge the Taliban fighters ...

Sports: A strategic Opportunity for Nation Building in Afghanistan

July 26, 2018

Afghanistan National Taekwondo Team won two Gold Medals in Korea Open Int’l Taekwondo Championships. Farzad Mansuri won the first gold medal and Nesar Ahmad abdulrahizay ...

Consciousness about Social Self

July 25, 2018

It is imperative for a human being to be well cognizant of the society in which he exists. He needs to have such cognizance since it would be likely for him to ...

Religious Peace Building: Could it break the Dead lock in Afghanistan Peace Process?

July 24, 2018

Historically religion has been used or mobilized to promote either conflict or peace building in different regions and countries. Religion may have not been the principal cause ...

Freedom of Choice

July 23, 2018

It is important to speak and to listen as these both actions are also a sort of virtue. So, every person must listen and listen carefully to what others have to say...

How to Learn Offering Services and Security from China?

July 22, 2018

If a state seeks to open wider to the outside world and build a strong economy through state-to-state and people-to-people exchanges, that will be China. There is a ...

Afghan Political Parties: Trapped in the Ethnic Interests

July 21, 2018

Establishment of political parties in Afghanistan dates back to the modernization policies of King Zahir Shah in 1940s that led to the formation of a number of parties in ...

Better Detentions Do Matter!

July 19, 2018

The law and order system in every country is meant to serve justice to its people. It is meant to stop crimes, decrease and discourage them. If the system is not able ...

Poverty: The Main Causes and Consequences

July 18, 2018

Historically, poverty has been related to income, which is one of the main concepts in terms of social welfare today. Nonetheless, income is as problematic as a concept as poverty...

Constructing a Security Community: Equality, Equity, and Justice

July 17, 2018

The issues of terrorism, political rivalries and regional turbulence, which have inflicted heavy casualties upon people and wreaked havoc on regional economy ...

Ethnic Politics: the Root Cause of Ethnic Conflicts

July 16, 2018

Ethnic politics is one of the political issues of Afghanistan. This type of governance approach has been one of the main causes of week governance system in Afghanistan in the past ...

Fighting Instability Through Reliable Economy

July 15, 2018

One of the ways Afghanistan would be able to face the serious challenges in different sectors is to strengthen its economy. A reliable economic system ...

NATO Military Support to Afghanistan Should Encompass Social, Political, Geographic and Economic Areas

July 14, 2018

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries met in Brussels on 11thand 12thof July 2018 as part of their annual routine gatherings. Apart from discussing ...

Tall Wall of Mistrust between State and Nation

July 12, 2018

Photos of men lying on the ground with their hands folded behind were widely shared on social media and sparked online anguish. Online commentators, including some officials ...

Opening New chapter of relations between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan

July 11, 2018

Uzbekistan gained its independence from Russia in 1991 and since then they have had peaceful and non-aggressive policies in the world particularly in regard to Afghanistan ....

Conflict Recurrence: Strategies to prevent it

July 10, 2018

Afghanistan is one of the most conflict prone countries of the world. The sings of conflict recurrence are more evident than any other time since 2001 in the country...

IEC Integrity Is the Corner Stone for Credible & Transparent Elections

July 09, 2018

Recently, IEC has announced preliminary list of candidates nominated for Parliament for all provinces.  This list included candidates who have been disqualified ...

Learning from Troubles

July 08, 2018

It is widely believed concept that the nations that go through difficult times ultimately gain a sense of admiration for peace, tranquility and progress and the members...

Main Causes of Ethnic Conflict in Afghanistan and Solutions

July 07, 2018

Afghanistan is witnessing growing ethnic tensions these days. Ethnic tensions on zone based election in Ghazni, decided as an ad hoc approach by the Afghanistan ...

Social Cohesion in Afghanistan: Challenges and opportunities

July 05, 2018

Afghanistan has witnessed major changes in the distribution of income in recent years. During the last one and half decade, it has enjoyed a relatively revival in its economic . . .

Attacks on Sikhs, Attacks on Diversity in Afghanistan

July 04, 2018

A suicide attack that targeted a convoy of Sikhs and Hindus minority traveling to meet the president Ghani in Jalalabad city left 19 people dead and 20 wounded on Sunday...