Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Managing Population in a State

July 03, 2018

There is no short cut to or any spontaneous method to decrease the number of people in a particular community and adjust them with the available sources and resources of the...

Government’s Unilateral Truce Ends Amid Heavy Clashes

July 02, 2018

President Ashraf Ghani has announced a formal end to the government’s ceasefire with the Taliban but called on the Taliban militants to agree to full peace ...

Caring for the Old

July 01, 2018

Aging is an inevitable natural and biological phenomenon. There are many perceptions of the old generation varying from one culture to another. Some people have the positive views ...

Why Elections Matter for Afghans

June 30, 2018

Elections matter for many reasons for the Afghan citizens. First, elections are not just elections: In fact, they are part of a vital process in the country. Second ...

No Option Other Than Peace

June 28, 2018

Peace is indispensable in today’s world, and since, the international politics is inclining towards power play and the use of military dominance, the slogans ...

Voting Along Ethnic Lines: A Democratic Practice Guided by Ethnic Patterns

June 27, 2018

On 20th October 2018, Afghanistan would hold its third elections of Wolsi Jirga and first elections of District Councils since the democratic opening in 2001...

Major Barriers of Peace Talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan

June 26, 2018

Afghanistan witnessed a short but promising 3 day ceasefire during the EidulFitr. Shortly, after the 3 day ceasefire ended, the Afghan government extended it to 10 more ...

“Listen First” for Prevention of Drug Abuse

June 25, 2018

Tomorrow, i.e. June 26 is going to be observed as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) set this day ...

Democracy in Jeopardy

June 24, 2018

Democracy and democratic traditions seem to be declining in the world, and this does not point at a better future for the people of the world as a whole; particularly...

Pak-Afghan Cumulative Interaction

June 21, 2018

Since more than a decade, the Afghan government, from time to time, approached international allies and neighboring countries to find a solution for permanent peace ...

The Rights of Refugees Must be Protected

June 20, 2018

Today, i.e. June 20 is celebrated as the World Refugee Day around the world. The Day was adopted in December 2000, when United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed resolution ...

Art Promotes Colors and Sounds of Peace

June 19, 2018

There are different aspects of life and existence. Human beings need to satisfy all those aspects of life to live a stable life. These are not only linked to physical reality ...

Extending the Ceasefire with the Taliban: Trying effortlessly to change Illusion to Reality

June 18, 2018

Afghan President extended the ceasefire with the Taliban without giving a time frame to it. He did so, while some bombings had been carried out by the insurgents in the ...

Root Causes of Conflict in Afghanistan

June 14, 2018

According to the recent studies eight out of 10 of the world’s poorest countries are suffering, or have recently suffered, from large scale violent conflict...

Who Wins and Loses From Eid Ceasefire Deal?

June 13, 2018

An unconditional cease-fire with the Taliban was announced by the Ashraf Ghan, the Afghan President, Thursday, July 7 last week and in a surprise move the Taliban ...

‘Ending All Forms of Child Labor’

June 12, 2018

June 12 is going to be observed as the International Day against Child Labor in different countries around the world. The day was basically launched by International ...

China Hosts SCO Summit to Contribute to Regional Security and Trade

June 11, 2018

The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit has been attended by world leaders on Saturday in Chinese Qingdao City, Shandong province. The two-day summit ...

Eid Ceasefire: an Opportunity for Diplomacy

June 10, 2018

The Afghan Taliban surprised the world with their three-day ceasefire over the Eid holiday in the middle of June. This announcement came after a ceasefire announced ...

Can the Ceasefire with Taliban succeed?

June 09, 2018

Afghan government has taken many initiatives to provide an opportunity to the Taliban insurgents to join to the peace negotiation table and stop the war in Afghanistan...

SCO Member States Media: The Pioneers of Shaping a New Shared Vision for Future

June 06, 2018

The first SCO media summit was held in Beijing on June 1, 2018 in Beijing. As the summit main theme was carrying on the “Shanghai Spirit” it called urgently the ...

“Innocent Children Victims of Aggression”

June 04, 2018

Today, i.e. June 4 is celebrated as International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. The purpose of the day is to highlight the sufferings of the children throughout ...

Xi’s ‘shared future’: The Light of Hope in the Darkest Moment

June 03, 2018

There is no doubt the world is facing different challenges in our date. Some of these challenges are such critical and threatening that put at risk all the world. . .

Violence against Women: A Culture to Be Abolished

June 02, 2018

Afghanistan is a country well known for its rich history, culture, literature and arts, hospitable people as well as its magnificent and unique landscape. On the other hand...

Democracy Ensures Minority Rights

May 31, 2018

Democracy government system requires holding free and fair elections, establishing functioning political parties, entrenching and independent judiciary...

Afghan Women Remain Distant from Justice

May 30, 2018

Women in Afghanistan are kept distant from their basic rights and from access to justice. As per a recent report, Injustice and Impunity: Mediation of Criminal Offences of ...

Political Disappointment: Causes and Consequences

May 29, 2018

Political disappointment is one of the features that the citizens relate to government. As the Afghan government is in the process of conducting the elections of Wolsi Jirga ...

Good Governance: Prosperous Nation

May 27, 2018

Being a true leader means putting people first; In other words a true leader considers the people supreme and ensuring the rights of the people is his ultimate goal...

Political Rivalries Will Jeopardize Regional Stability

May 26, 2018

The tension between Iran on the one side and Israel and the US on the other side will pose serious threat to regional stability. The Tehran-Washington emerging cold war following ...

It is the Governed Who Shapes the States

May 24, 2018

In every state, there are two visible groups: the government and the subjects or the governed.
Much of the discussions pertaining to...

Afghanistan Water Resources: The cause of Conflicts with Neighboring Countries

May 23, 2018

Water is a liquid nearly all beings need it. Indeed, it gives life to us but it can change to a means of death as well. As the number of world population increases, the amount...

We Need to Manage Diversity

May 22, 2018

Living within diversity requires that the inhabitants develop respect and broadmindedness for one another. Without these factors, it might be terribly troublesome ...

Illiteracy is more Perilous than Terrorism for Afghanistan

May 21, 2018

I am living in a society of which educational infrastructures have been repeatedly damaged during four decades of conflicts and civil wars; likewise, whose people need ...

Human Rights Violations Continue

May 20, 2018

The scourge of war and violence still inflict heavy casualties and indescribable sufferings upon nations. Political rivalries and regional tension, which generate violence and . . .

Extremism Will Lead to Terrorism

May 19, 2018

It is really difficult to ignore the severity of the disaster introduced by extremism and terrorism in today’s world. In fact, extremism and terrorism are...

National Identity: Ethnicity and Ethnocentrism as the Main Barriers

May 15, 2018

Identity is the state of having unique identifying characteristics that no other person or thing holds it. Identity is the individual characteristic which a person ...