Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Political Rhetoric

November 19, 2017

The mistrust between Afghan officials increased and some officials call for conducting Loya Jirga (Grand National Assembly) to mitigate the political syndrome. But Afghan Presidential Palace...

Facing Winter Challenges

November 18, 2017

In certain parts of Afghanistan, the winter season is very challenging. People living in such areas have to face different sorts of hardships and troubles. In certain cases, those hardships...

Uncontrolled Rise in Opium Production This Year

November 16, 2017

It appears that Afghanistan would require more time to set its fight against poppy cultivation and production on track. Rather, it should first control the negative influences poppy cultivation may...

Taking Advantage of Improving Optimism

November 15, 2017

Among prevailing insecurity and ambiguities about the future, survey shows that Afghan people are more optimistic about the future this year as compared to the previous year. As per the Asia...

Let Freedom of Speech Flourish

November 14, 2017

There is no doubt in the fact that freedom of speech has suffered in Afghanistan because of many reasons; among which parochial and short-sighted thinking of different authorities have been...

No Room for Talks

November 13, 2017

Despite the global campaign against terrorist networks, terrorism still remains a serious threat to the world and shed the blood of innocent individuals. Within the past decades, terrorist...

Unemployment Promotes Insecurity and Terrorism

November 12, 2017

Though insecurity and terrorism are considered as the most dominant problems of Afghanistan, they are dominated and in certain cases even caused by another major issue that has not received...

Saffron Production on Rise

November 11, 2017

Afghanistan’s saffron is considered to be the best in the world because of its taste and aroma. It is important that Afghanistan must take advantage of it as much as possible. The only...

Science Must Support Peace

November 09, 2017

No one can deny the fact that science has an indispensable role within human society. There is no human society in the world that does not use science in some way or the other. From the daily...

In Search for Truth

November 08, 2017

It is really vital for all human beings to search for truth. All human beings are equipped with thinking minds when they are born, but all of them do not reach to the truths in their lives...

Teachers can Guide the Nation Towards Progress

November 07, 2017

As education have gained ultimate importance in the lives of nations, the role of teachers has also become paramount. They are believed to have the vital role of transferring education and...

Do not We Live in a Dystopia?

November 06, 2017

We live in a real dystopia. The blood gushing from sliced throats, the tears rolling down the cheeks of rape victims, and the smell oozes from amputated limbs of war victims will fill one with...

The Insensitivity Towards the Wrath of Terrorism

November 05, 2017

Nothing has influenced Afghan society as much as insecurity and terrorism. The country was turned into a battle ground by super power to show their dominance in the region. Later the civil war...

“Afghanistan – 2nd Worst Country for Journalists”

November 04, 2017

Media and journalists in Afghanistan have been performing a very important role. They are the ones who can provide timely information to the people of the country and at the same time shape...

Looking Beyond Despair and Disappointment

November 02, 2017

There is no easy way to success. Those who achieve great milestones always strive harder than the others. The purpose and goals of life are not always easily attained and different people have...

Security Situation Remains Fragile

November 01, 2017

It seems like the security situation in Afghanistan does not seem to have calmed down with the start of the winter season. Neither there are evident hopes of peace negotiations, nor the offensive...

Ensuring the Rights of the People

October 31, 2017

Human beings are organized within societies. These societies have proved to be essential for human beings because they have been able to guarantee their survival and their certain requirements...

The Anguish of Afghan Women

October 30, 2017

Afghan women have been highly vulnerable throughout the history. Afghanistan’s patriarchal systems and cultural restrictions pressured women in one way or another. They were...

ISIL – A Stain on Human History

October 29, 2017

The warped mind and cruel practices of the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi were revealed to the world. The ISIL militants, both ideologues...

The Worth of Our Social Values

October 28, 2017

A society is recognized by its values and standards. Better societies have better standards in every facet of life; nonetheless, it is arguable what better standards really mean. The standards...

Media’s Role in War Against Terrorism

October 26, 2017

Media has a vital role in democratic countries. Its role and its influence have been so much tremendous that now it is considered as one of the pillars of the state. It is believed that in modern...

Community Development Must Serve All

October 25, 2017

In recent years there has been a fresh concern with life at the community level. This concern has arisen as a result of expression of social forces in the lives of groups and people throughout...

“Everyone Has the Right to Freedom of Expression”

October 24, 2017

In our world there have always been certain people who have tried to stop human beings from discussing and sharing their opinions freely. There are as many opinions as there are human beings...

The Continuation of Heartrending Episodes in Afghanistan

October 23, 2017

The recent successive attacks and suicide bombings carried out by militant fighters in many provinces, mainly in Kabul, indicate that the Taliban will continue their violence and bloodshed despite...

Insecurity is Running Rampant

October 22, 2017

The security situation in Afghanistan seems to be deteriorating with each passing day. It seems that the insurgents have turned more aggressive after the aggressive Afghan policy of the United...

Unemployment Has Done Great Damage

October 21, 2017

The menace of unemployment is influencing almost every province of Afghanistan. Though Afghanistan has a very young population, which means that it has great potentials that can support the...

Rudimentary Requirements Must Reach Everyone

October 19, 2017

Human beings depend highly on the environment where they live. Both the physical and socio-economic circumstances provide them the opportunity to fulfill their different sorts of requirements...

“Government Must Renew Focus to Ensure Girls Education”

October 18, 2017

Though there have been many claims of improvement, the education of the girls still faces serious problems in Afghanistan. In a report released on Tuesday, October 17, Human Rights Watch...

Time to Put the Governed First

October 17, 2017

In today’s modern world of ours, human beings live within states that do not only differentiate them from one another politically but also strive, at least in theory, to facilitate them to...

Obstacles before Polio Campaign

October 16, 2017

Afghanistan is one of the three countries, alongside Pakistan and Nigeria, in the world where polio remains endemic. The number of reported cases has been reduced significantly in recent years in the...

Ensuring Food Security

October 15, 2017

Tomorrow, i.e. October 16th will be celebrated around the world as the World Food Day. The day is celebrated to honor the date of the founding of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the...

Treating Every Faction of Society Equally

October 14, 2017

Aging is an inevitable natural and biological phenomenon. There are many perceptions of the old generation varying from one culture to another. Some people have the positive views like...

Uprooting the Real Issues

October 12, 2017

A cursory look at our society will depict the fact that it has given only a few people the opportunity to take advantage of all the facilities of life and live in light, and it has pushed...

No Easy Way to Achievements

October 11, 2017

Life is a continuous struggle. There are no easy earnings or achievements. In order to make an achievement in life it is necessary for an individual to have the urge and the iron will. Without having...

Schools Must Ensure Balanced Development

October 10, 2017

The aim of education is not only to impart some factual knowledge to the students but to ensure their overall and balanced development. Children do not need only mental development but also physical...