Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Qualification of Mullah Omar for Next Presidential Election

April 04, 2013

Since the beginning of his second term, President Hamid Karzai has kept a soft instance towards the Taliban insurgents, although they are blamed to have killed his father, Abdul Ahad Karzai in ...

Taliban Continue Terror

April 04, 2013

Terrorists continue slaughtering innocent civilians in bloodbath. About fifty people have been killed in the Taliban attack in Farah on Wednesday. Over 90 have been reportedly ...

Need to Encourage and Attract Investment

April 04, 2013

With the ouster of Taliban regime from Afghanistan in 2001, hopes for reconstruction and development of national infrastructures of Afghanistan including economy went high. But ...

Taliban’s Doha Office and Peace Talks

April 03, 2013

President Karzai’s Qatar visit has apparently assured guarantees of Qatari Amir that the Taliban office will only be used for the purpose of peace talks, not a center for fund-raising or ...

Allow ANSF More Time

April 03, 2013

The question that circulates in every one’s mind is that, will the Afghan security forces be able to defend Afghanistan on their own after the planned withdrawal of NATO troops from ...

Soaring Tensions in Korean Peninsula

April 03, 2013

Growing tensions in the Korean peninsula has raised serious concerns about the eruption of another war in the world, which might harm a lot both the Koreas and other nations in the ...

UN Arms Trade Treaty – A Bold Initiative Taken

April 02, 2013

War is necessary for peace. This saying seems true seeing the precarious trend in escalating international arm trade. It is estimated that yearly, over 1.5 trillion dollars are spent on ...

Women Are Traded under the Very Nose of Govt.

April 02, 2013

It can now be easily observed that the incidents violating women rights in Afghanistan have not been stopped though there have been many claims of developments. In fact the changes are prevalent only ...

Concerns on Election

April 01, 2013

Issues related to election remain unaddressed. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has delayed the voter registration process. The quagmire on elections complaint body remains ...

Investors Would See the Ground Realities

April 01, 2013

During his recent visit to Doha, President Hamid Karzai invited Qatari entrepreneurs to invest in Afghanistan with confidence. He assured them that security condition was not going to deteriorate ...

Syrian Opposition’s Embassy in Qatar

April 01, 2013

The first foreign embassy of the Syrian opposition was opened in Qatar and it was claimed that it was the true representative government of the people of Syria and due to the reason it was ...

Distrusts Continue to Disrupt Kabul-Islamabad Relation

March 31, 2013

These days, the bilateral relation between Kabul-Islamabad has once again encountered a sudden decline that will possibly leave officials of both countries distant from each other till it ...

Afghan Peace-Talks – Not to Linger

March 31, 2013

President Hamid Karzai heading a large delegation, left for Qatar on Saturday to discuss bilateral relations with his hosts. The head of two states are intended to talk on the opening of a ...

Kabul-Islamabad Swings

March 30, 2013

The turn and twist with Pakistan is on a downward spiral nowadays. Both sides have exchanged accusations and the Government is expressing it’s frustration in very clear words, for the ...

The Curse of Addiction

March 30, 2013

Afghan government is worried about the spiraling rate of opium cultivation and its trafficking which is partly fuelled by foreign military withdrawal. Baz Mohammad Ahmadi, deputy to ministry of ...

UN on 2014 Elections

March 28, 2013

The UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Mr. Kubis called on the Government for appointment of a widely-respected person for the position of Independent Election ...

Karzai’s Visit to Qatar

March 28, 2013

President Hamid Karzai will visit Doha this weekend along with a number of High Peace Council (HPC) members that might include its head Salahuddin Rabbani. During his travel to Doha President ...

Secretary John Kerry in Kabul

March 27, 2013

The US Secretary of State reiterated assurances of support for Afghanistan in “three very significant transitions: a security transition, a political transition, and an economic ...

Job Opportunities May Shrink Further

March 27, 2013

Today Afghanistan has a government elected through a democratic process, a growing economy, functional media, civil society, thousands of running educational institutes, women in offices and in ...

Ethnic Clashes in Burma

March 27, 2013

The ethnic clashes of Burma have spread to more areas in the country and hundreds of houses and mosques of Muslim minority have been burnt down. Similarly, dozens of Muslims have been ...

Handover of Bagram Prison

March 26, 2013

Finally, the US decided to handover Bagram prison to Afghan authorities. After walking on a long rocky road, it made its mind and handed over the responsibility of Bagram Prison to Afghan ...

Next Year Election Crucial for Afghanistan’s Future

March 26, 2013

In the last eleven years, Afghanistan had to lay down strong foundations for a sustainable future development. Nonetheless, this country continues to remain highly instable and its achievements ...

Eternal light must not faint

March 26, 2013

Education plays the most significant role in political and socio-economic development of a society. It is believed that educated and skilled human capital stands central to multifaceted ...

Transfer of Bagram Prison Soon

March 25, 2013

It seems like the US government is softening its stance towards the demands of President Hamid Karzai. President Karzai had called upon the US to withdraw its special forces from the key Maidan Wardak ...

A Decade of Democracy in Iraq

March 25, 2013

Last Wednesday was marked in Iraq as the completion of US-led invasion that was aimed to bring stability, peace and progress in the country but a day before this, media witnessed the deadliest ...

Healing Relations between Israel and Turkey

March 25, 2013

Before setting off for Jordan, President Obama heard that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Natanyahu apologized from Turkish people in a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart, Racep Tayyib Erdogan ...

Uprising against Taliban in their Heartland

March 24, 2013

Over the last two years or so, there have been a number of public uprisings against the Taliban militants in various provinces of Afghanistan. Last spring the people ...

Access to Information

March 24, 2013

Afghanistan is in the list of countries where there is no legislation about access to information. Freedom of information is one of the important keys of democracy and its success. Access ...

Flawed Cultural Practices Promote Violence against Women!

March 24, 2013

Formerly the UN special envoy to Afghanistan, Kubis linked the rising violence against women in Afghanistan to flawed cultural practices, revealing the statistic of a 20 percent rise in female ...

Radicals against Nawroz

March 23, 2013

One of the issues along with usual security and political issues was the Nawroz Eid celebration in the country. Indeed, its celebration goes far beyond written history; it is said that its ...

Nawroz Celebrated Across Afghanistan

March 23, 2013

The beginning of spring, the beginning of solar year 1392 and rebirth of nature called Nawroz or the ‘the new day’ was celebrated across Afghanistan on Thursday, March ...

Security Condition Hinders Investment

March 20, 2013

According to Afghanistan Investment Support Agency AISA, doing business in Afghanistan can be very rewarding. Even small investments may generate high profits in a short period ...

Sacrifices of Afghan Police

March 20, 2013

As more areas come under security control of Afghan forces with the process of transition, the percentage of casualties increases. According to Interior Ministry, during the past ...

Facebook Addicted Generation!

March 20, 2013

Initially, Facebook was launched as a social networking site in late 2004 with intention to connect the Harvard university graduate students to each other online, but soon expanded to ...

Transparent Poll –A Requisite to Prosperous Afghanistan

March 19, 2013

Heading towards challenging times of power transition ahead, we need radical electoral reforms ratified. The parliament should amend the existing draft of Electoral Law, with Independent ...