Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghans Trapped by Bad Security & Unemployment

April 18, 2013

Insignificant development in Afghanistan industrial and agriculture sectors is the major factor behind Afghanistan high dependency on neighboring and closely located countries for importing basic ...

Some Common Issues in Kabul

April 18, 2013

The very door towards social acceptance in the country is of course marriage. Young singles are looked with suspicion and face various challenges in the society regarding renting house or rooms ...

Bridging the Relationship

April 17, 2013

Pakistan and Afghanistan are neighbors sharing a common, 2,640 kilometers long disputed border, the Durand line. A new strain between the two countries surfaced subsequent to Pakistan’s ...

Remembering Polio Vaccine Developer

April 17, 2013

Polio is one of the fastest-spreading diseases that leave the person crippled for the rest of his life or in some serious cases, it may be fatal. The victim of polio then becomes a ...

Increase in Poppy Production

April 17, 2013

According to the latest UN Opium Risk Assessment report on Afghanistan, the poppy production has been on record high in third consecutive ...

The Prospects of Peace Talks

April 16, 2013

Relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan continue to remain tense. The condition has directly and indirectly affected the smooth running of the process to enter a peace deal with Taliban ...

The Lingering Issue of Civilian Casualties

April 16, 2013

Civilian casualties once again become controversial. Earlier this month when media and Facebook users posted several harsh and heart-wrenching photos of dead children, all wings voiced out criticism ...

Afghans are Required to be Observant

April 16, 2013

Afghan people are passing through a crucial juncture of their socio-political history. During this period they have to be very much thoughtful and sensible and must fulfill the responsibility of ...

AIHRC: Human Rights Violators be Declared Ineligible for Election

April 15, 2013

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has urged for formulation of a strategy based on which individuals that have been involved in violation of human rights could be barred from ...

Ghazni is Honored

April 15, 2013

Ghazni, a historic city of our country has been named as the capital of culture and civilization for the Muslim world for the year 2013. Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural ...

It is Important to Control Social Evils

April 15, 2013

Social evils are the factors that may disrupt the social life to a large extent. They have the capacity to introduce disturbances and troubles in the lives of the individuals inhabiting the society and ...

Another Boat Carrying Afghans Sinks

April 14, 2013

Another boat carrying 72 Afghan asylum seekers from Indonesia to Australia is said to have sunk when it hit rocks off the coast of West Java. A fisherman has been able to rescue around a dozen ...

Good Governance –Crucial To a Vibrant Democratic Afghanistan

April 14, 2013

Good governance is needed to make both the public and private sectors effective. A well governed country has also both these sectors well administered and in harmony with each other. When a ...

We Need to Rely on Ourselves

April 14, 2013

With the growing concerns in Afghanistan, the prospects of peace and tranquility do not seem very much clear; yet, there are possibilities to start afresh from this point and reach to a ...

ANSF Causality Graph Moving Higher

April 13, 2013

Transition of security responsibilities from NATO to ANSF is being seen as a very pivotal process both by Afghan and US authorities. The more successful the transition process, the easier it will be for US ...

What is the Kabul Municipality Doing?

April 13, 2013

Nowadays roads of the capital are presenting view of flood-hit ruins. Muddy water flows over streets due to the recent raining. The roads have no proper system for diverting rain water and it presents ...

Thatcher Will Be Remembered

April 13, 2013

It has been days that browsing news or social networks, we see a smiley with exuberant hair. That is no one other the Iron Lady – Margaret Thatcher, who died on Monday morning at the age of eighty ...

Long-term Stability Not Possible Without International Support

April 11, 2013

The last decade was the best ever opportunity for our worn-torn country Afghanistan to pave its path and strengthen its foundations for long term development. With international community’s financial ...

Distribution of Electronic IDs

April 11, 2013

The Interior Ministry has once again announced distribution of the electronic identification cards will begin by Thursday next week. Muhammad Farhad, Director of ID cards at Interior Ministry ...

Fighting Corruption from a New Perspective

April 11, 2013

Rampant corruption has always been a hot issue in the country. It is considered to be a huge obstacle in the way of progress in the country, has disappointed the general Afghan public and the ...

Palace Meeting about IEC Chief

April 10, 2013

The 22-party umbrella group of opposition Cooperation Council of Political Parties and Coalitions of Afghanistan (CCPPCA) boycotted the meeting called at Presidential Palace to discuss the new chief ...

Time is Running Out!

April 10, 2013

For the Afghan government and its international backers the time is running out. 2014 stands as the most crucial year for the stability of Afghanistan. In April, 2014 the next ...

Iron Lady Departs

April 10, 2013

The death of the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was announced on Monday. She was suffering from poor health from many years and yesterday’s stroke brought an end to the most ...

War Not Ending Neither Civilian Killings

April 09, 2013

In the period of less than a week, death toll from two terror attacks – let alone the others – has reached to sixty. The tears of families who lost their beloved ones on April-3 ...

Afghan Economy Requires Investment

April 09, 2013

With the ouster of Taliban regime from Afghanistan in 2001, hopes for reconstruction and development of national infrastructures of Afghanistan including economy went high. But today, after more ...

NPT’s Provisions on Nuclear Tests

April 09, 2013

The disposition of armed-nuclear states read – war brings peace – war is indispensable for peace. Conversely, the fact is otherwise. The prime requisites being respecting sovereignty and ...

Bleak Future Causing Afghans to Abandon their Country

April 08, 2013

Since the beginning of this year, Taliban have launched a number of well coordinated attacks in capital Kabul and other provinces of Afghanistan. Attacks over the last few days have taken lives of more ...

Afghan Ulema Gathering in Kabul

April 08, 2013

According to previous schedule, tomorrow more than hundred religious scholars, representatives of Afghanistan Ulema Council and civil activists will come together in Kabul city in order to ...

Water Supply Problems in Kabul

April 08, 2013

Although Kabul is the capital of country and in last ten years of peace and restoration, a number of development projects have changed the shape of the city and now it is in the shape good ...

Taliban – Not to Give up Violence

April 07, 2013

The inhumane incidence of September 11 changed the fate of Afghanistan; the presence of Al-Qaida’s number one leader Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan turned a blessing in disguise for ...

War Crimes

April 07, 2013

The Taliban proudly claimed responsibility for bloodshed of over 50 innocent Afghans in Farah. Most of the victims were civilians, including many judges. Detailed account of the attack is a gruesome ...

Persistence of Poverty and Joblessness

April 07, 2013

Over the last more than a decade, Afghanistan’s economy has had constant growth. Nonetheless, it has failed to benefit the poor section of the society. Our economy has been unable to create job ...

Opposition Concerned on Elections

April 06, 2013

Leader of an important opposition alliance National Coalition, Younas Qanooni has once again said there are elements around President Karzai who are plotting to create a situation of crisis ...

Nuclear Negotiation Between Iran and Six Powers

April 06, 2013

The United Nations’ and unilateral sanctions by Western powers have pummeled Iran’s economy, causing domestic companies and factories shut down, sending inflation high to a ...

Social Evils Disrupt Social Life

April 06, 2013

Social evils are the factors that may disrupt the social life to a large extent. They have the capacity to introduce disturbances and troubles in the lives of the individuals inhabiting the society and ...