Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Disqualification of Presidential Contestants

October 22, 2013

The democratic setup installed in 2004 in Afghanistan reaches to completion of its second term subsequent to Taliban’s despotic regime which was toppled in 2002. The two complete terms could not do away ...

Special Forces Commander Switched to Insurgency

October 22, 2013

Presence of people linked to insurgent groups such as Taliban and Hezb e Islam in the main system of the government and its security apparatus is an established and proven fact. These snakes ...

Dearth of Health Facilities Causes Death

October 22, 2013

In the last few decades, though there have been claims otherwise, the people of Afghanistan have not been able to get their rudimentary requirements of life easily. Since the birth of ...

Loya Jirga on BSA

October 21, 2013

The Afghan government has decided to hold another Loya Jirga or what can be called grant assembly of tribal elders from across Afghanistan on the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) ...

Increasing Traffic Accidents

October 21, 2013

It has been observed in Afghanistan that every day many people lose their lives or are severely injured because of traffic accidents. They have become a serious problem and tangible ...

Mess Up at Kabul Airport

October 21, 2013

Kabul airport has made remarkable improvement in the previous years. Number of passengers has increased remarkably and now, large number of flights either land or leave the airport. When the ...

Assassination inside the Mosque

October 20, 2013

The murder of Arsala Jamal, governor Logar province, while he was addressing the people inside a mosque on the occasion of Eid ul Azha on Tuesday indicates how the insurgents use ...

Controlling Harmful Energy Drinks!

October 20, 2013

The uncontrolled inflow of huge amount of money prospered a lot of people and thus the country and especially the capital city of Kabul became a market for very expensive imported products from around the ...

The Mounting Security Challenges

October 19, 2013

As Afghanistan is moving towards the end of so-called transition period, the security challenges are mounting. After 2014, most of the international forces would not be in the country to support ...

Threats to Media Personnel More Than Ever Before

October 19, 2013

When it comes to freedom of expression there is a difference of cheese and chalk between Afghanistan under Taliban and post-Taliban Afghanistan. Over the last 12 years, dozens of TV channels, hundreds ...

On the Road to Presidential Election

October 13, 2013

With approach of Presidential election, the political skirmishes are also on bud. Politicians and election runners who were trying their best to be cautious about their behaviors and statements in ...

Economy Needs Attention

October 13, 2013

Corruption, opium, insecurity and many other such national issues that the government has failed to address in the last 12 years pose serious threat to the future of Afghanistan. Until and ...

The Stalled BSA

October 12, 2013

It is important to see how the relations between Afghanistan and US move ahead, as Afghanistan is going through a very crucial phase of its history. The early years of post-withdrawal era will of utmost ...

2014 Elections: Women’s Participation

October 12, 2013

The deadline for submitting nomination papers for 2014 presidential and provincial councils’ election formally ended last week. However, it seems as though women’s participation in the spring ...

Space for Maneuvering Minorities in Political Power

October 10, 2013

Finally the period for registration of nominees for Presidential and Provincial elections has come to an end. The number of candidates for presidential election is visibly low in ...

Mineral Resources and Challenges

October 09, 2013

Afghanistan is one of the countries that have been gifted magnanimously with some of mineral resources. Afghanistan’s mineral resources, according to US estimates, are about a trillion ...

Personality-Centered Political System

October 08, 2013

The registration for the presidential candidacy ended and there are 27 candidates who have registered their names. The process was not controversial and ended without any dramatic ...

Free and Fair Election Strengthens Democracy

October 08, 2013

The 2014 presidential and parliamentary elections have turned into a dilemma seeing numerous problems Afghan government faces at present. Moreover, after decades of war and instability, a peaceful ...

Election Slogans and Plans to Address National Challenges

October 07, 2013

Twenty politicians have so far submitted their nomination papers to Independent Election Commission for April 5th presidential election. Some prominent names like ...

Permanent Solutions for Waste Materials

October 07, 2013

Problems of residents of Kabul with smell and suffocation due to the increasing heap of garbage and filth in different parts of city is increasing day by day and this problem seems to get worse with the ...

Safety of IEC Employees

October 06, 2013

Security of the next year presidential and provincial councils’ elections seems to be a tough challenge for Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) that took over security responsibility of ...

Elections and Accountability

October 06, 2013

Though there are many processes that are necessary for the political development in Afghanistan, the 2014 election, at the moment, is considered the top priority matter. What will be the ...

Afghanistan Qualifies of Cricket World Cup

October 05, 2013

Afghanistan has been doing very well in different sports recently and the different games that they win bring not only joy to the nation but also a sense of togetherness and patriotism. Last ...

Elections & Rising Civilian Killings

October 05, 2013

At times when the Afghan government boasts of betterment in security condition, there has been a remarkable rise in civilian casualties, automatically negating the statements of government ...

Controversy Regarding Girls’ Education

October 03, 2013

The radical and conservative elements in Afghan society have always been against modern education. They have always taken acute steps to stop its growth in this society. And when the ...

London Trilateral Summit: What Should be Expected?

October 02, 2013

Afghanistan, Pakistan and UK trilateral summit is due to be held this month. The summit will bring together President Hamid Karzai, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and British Premier David ...

Controlling Expensive Foreign Visits

October 02, 2013

On national television channel ‘Milli’, the visit of President Karzai to China was given extraordinary coverage. President and his huge delegation visited different Chinese ...

IEC Draws New Rule

October 01, 2013

Afghanistan Independent Election Commission (IEC) said on Monday, September 30, that based on its new guidelines no candidate would be allowed to seek foreign financial support for ...

Increasing Violation of Women’s Rights

September 30, 2013

Even after a number of reports about the violations of women’s rights in country, the situation doesn’t seem to be improving and every passing day adds to the severity of the situation. Every day, we hear about fresh ...

Peshawar under Terror Attacks

September 30, 2013

The last eight days have been extremely bloody for Pakistan’s northwestern city of Peshawar. In that span of time, at least 136 people have been killed in three separate incidents of ...

Need for Corruption Free Election

September 29, 2013

Corruption has penetrated deep within Afghan society and have influenced almost all fields of life. The institutional incapacity in political, social and economic spheres to exert to its maximum ...

Poverty Presses Afghans like Never Before

September 29, 2013

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries of the world. In the last decade poverty has only increased and there has been failure to counter the root causes contributing to poverty. The ...

World Tourism Day

September 28, 2013

It is in the nature of human beings to be attracted towards the places that are attractive and beautiful. Therefore, they make efforts to find out ways of visiting those places and have valuable ...

The Reward of Being Peaceful

September 28, 2013

With no significant attention from government and the international community, the problems faced by the peaceful and historical province of Bamiyan have gone multiplying. No electric power, rough and dirty ...

Afghanistan-China Relationship Entered a new Phase

September 26, 2013

A friend in need is worth thousands. President Hamid Karzai is paying an important four day visit to China, an emerging economic power of the world, to discuss a range of issues, including ...