Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Voters Discouraged

November 09, 2013

The deadline for registration of voters for next year’s presidential and provincial council elections finishes November 11. But Independent Election Commission (IEC) says the number of Afghans who have signed up ...

“No Question of Full US Withdrawal”

November 09, 2013

The future of peace and tranquility in Afghanistan would largely depend on the coming elections and the support of international troops regarding the security situation. United States is the ...

Muhurram & Its Security

November 07, 2013

Muharram, the month of mourning, is here once again. It is the first and one of the most sacred months in the Islamic calendar. Muharram is a month of remembrance that is often considered ...

Preventing Afghanistan from Reversing

November 06, 2013

Afghanistan is well-known as ‘graveyard of empires.’ The greatest massacre of British soldiers in the history of the British Empire happened in Afghanistan. No one could win power in Afghanistan ...

Police Must Act Responsibly

November 06, 2013

With every passing day, we witness more and more events or occasions when our police force deployed in the capital city crosses its limits and creates numerous problems for the fellow ...

Slogans against USA

November 05, 2013

Iranian protestors once again chanted death to America on anniversary of attack on the embassy of the United States at start of Islamic revolution. This day has been celebrated for decades by ...

Ill-practices Rampant, Under the Nose of Government

November 05, 2013

Social ill-practices are detrimental to social bond of enhancive interaction, receiving superfluous acceptance among masses, and are regarded as social evils. It is generally the ...

Same Taliban, Different Treatment

November 05, 2013

Since 2004, US drone strikes on tribal areas of Pakistan have killed nearly 2,500 militants including al-Qaida and Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leaders. Recent killing of ...

Broken Roads and Corruption

November 04, 2013

Majority of the residents and especially the drivers of capital city are in doubt if municipality of the city works for the betterment of the city or wants to bring more destruction ...

Resources Must Feed the People

November 04, 2013

Human beings are fortunate that they are blessed with variety of energy resources that have enabled them to live their lives on the planet Earth. It is because of these energy sources that human ...

Drug Remains a Threat

November 04, 2013

Afghanistan produces more than 90 percent of world opium. The drug that flows from Afghanistan to the rest of the world has turned into a headache for governments. But the first victim of the so-huge drug production is ...

Killing of TTP Leader - another Counter-terrorism Victory

November 03, 2013

On Friday, Hakimullah Mehsud, Chief of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was killed along with another TTP commander and his guard in a US drone attack in tribal areas of Pakistan. At times when ...

Surviving in Diversity

November 03, 2013

In order to live with cooperation in a diverse society it is necessary to develop respect and tolerance for others. Without these factors it would be very difficult to tighten the social bonds. The ...

Corruption Still a Huge Challenge

November 02, 2013

Corruption, nepotism, graft, bribery and embezzlement are all various forms, shapes and names of a single evil that have grasped almost all sectors in Afghanistan. It is simply the greatest ...

Job Opportunities are Vital

November 02, 2013

It is essential for a state to create job opportunities for its populace. Job opportunities would definitely enable the residents of a state to make positive use of their capabilities for betterment ...

London Summit Agrees on HPC-Baradar Meeting

October 31, 2013

President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif are in London for talks with British Premier David Cameron. This is the fourth trilateral summit between the leaders of three ...

The Vitality of Public Opinion

October 31, 2013

In the modern states of the world the governments and political institutions always have a close look at the public opinion and variations in it after major policies and political ...

Growing Graph of ANSF Casualties

October 30, 2013

Afghanistan National Security Force (ANSF) has the toughest job of keeping terrorists at bay. It is has grown from zero to a 352,000-strong force. Establishment of Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan ...

Maintaining Peace is Necessary

October 30, 2013

One of the most crucial requirements for a society to develop is peace and tranquility. Without sustainable peace, thinking of prosperity is nothing more than a figment of one’s ...

Concerns about Youth

October 30, 2013

Usually it is complained that our youth is involved in crimes and other improper activities and they waste their time a lot. At the same time, it is also a fact that our youngsters are having so ...

Inaccessibility to Quality Medicines

October 29, 2013

Though human beings have developed much in the field of health and medicine, yet it is very unfortunate to note that there are millions of people in the world who are not able to benefit from ...

Growing Risks to Afghans’ Lives

October 29, 2013

Every year, the graph of civilian casualties in Afghanistan reaches a new height. Taliban and their friend groups are responsible for continuing bloodshed in the ...

Chance of Taliban in Anti-Election Campaign

October 28, 2013

Reportedly Taliban militants have launched an anti-election campaign after the groups’ Supreme Leader Mullah Omar issued an appeal to his supporters on Friday. Allegedly in his latest ...

NSA and Spying

October 28, 2013

World politics is quite heated up these days with the revelations that an American spy agency, National Security Agency (NSA) was tracing the phone records of thousands of European ...

Policewomen Face Hard Days

October 28, 2013

Women who constitute about half of the Afghan population face numerous problems, the most significant of which is physical and psychological violence against them. Although since the fall of ...

Contradictory Interpretation of IEC’s Decision

October 27, 2013

After the release of preliminary list of candidates, it appeared that majority of presidential nominees could not complete the condition set by IEC. According to statements of IEC officials, 30 percent of ...

Afghanistan’s Political Issues

October 27, 2013

An emerging social fragmentation is possible in a country which has seen three decades of war and violence. The present social disorders, political crisis and economic stagnation are some vital ...

Maintaining Development, a Hard Challenge

October 27, 2013

International community’s creditable financial and non-financial support to Afghanistan since the fall of Taliban regime has caused notable improvements in areas like security, economy, democracy, civil society, human ...

BSA Will Define Afghanistan’s Future

October 26, 2013

The 90’s civil war in Afghanistan that erupted as a result of Soviet defeat paved the way for Taliban to overthrow the government in center and extend its rule over up to 90% of Afghan territory. And Taliban hosted al-Qaida.

Today, if the West leaves Afghanistan without having resolved the war in here through a proper strategy, there is no guarantee that the country would not fall into 90s-like chaos and Taliban would not grab more power. After all, this has been the main objective of Taliban’s almost 12-year long resistance to once again rule the Afghan people.

Fear of return of insurgents to power or even eruption of a bloody civil war is occupying more space in the minds and hearts of the people of Afghanistan. Up to a great extent this fear is due to expanding length and breadth of violence in the country. The lingering war has costed precious lives of thousands of military personnel and civilians and it still is taking toll.

As Afghanistan moves nearer to the crucial year – 2014 -, violence is expected to gain more momentum. Although winter is considered a period when the graph of insurgency traditionally goes down, last winter the Taliban launched a number of coordinated attacks in Kabul and other provinces of Afghanistan.

Indeed, in a large number of districts in Afghanistan, Taliban’s influence is growing. In such districts, this is the Taliban who start ruling from the sunset until the dawn. The Taliban have been making much bloody effort to keep their influence growing in various parts of Afghanistan.

Taliban’s influence in a large number of Afghan districts, growing operations and media statements are enough to clarify their intentions. Suicide attacks, targeted killings, unsafe highways and abductions that Afghans have to face on daily basis reduce their hope and add to their disappointments.

As maintained by US high military authorities, Afghanistan's future security will remain dependent on international troops for many years after most foreign combat forces leave by the end of 2014. The quantity of foreign forces that will remain in Afghanistan is still remains vague, although a Loya Jirga has been called by the government to decide upon the fate of the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between Afghanistan and the US.

The BSA, once finalized and approved, is expected to allow between 6,000-9,000 American troops in Afghanistan who will continue to support the Afghanistan National Security Forces. Presence of foreign forces would mean discouragement and disappointment of terrorists who are pursuing the strategy of destructing Afghanistan. BSA will define the future of Afghanistan.


The Blasphemous Acts of Taliban

October 26, 2013

The Afghan Ulema Council and High Peace Council bristled with anger and have condemned strongly the terrorist act which led to the death of Arsala Jamal, governor of Logar province, on Eid day. The ...

Rising Insecurity in Kajran District of Daikundi

October 24, 2013

Security is still a serious challenge for Afghan security forces and it is believed that it will remain so in the times to come. It is really important for Afghan concerned authorities and ...

People’s Trust in the Government

October 24, 2013

Longer term instability that still does not seem to be ending soon has kept Afghans deprived of a peaceful life. Instability has brought with itself a number of social, economic and political ...

Silence to Blasphemy of Militants

October 23, 2013

Last week, Arsala Jamal, the provincial governor of Logar province was killed in suicide bombing while he was about to deliver speech for worshipers gathered for Eid-ul-Adha prayer in ...

Institutions are to be Valued

October 23, 2013

In the modern world of ours the institutions have a very imperative role to play. The more human beings have become organized in their endeavors, the more they have been ...

Controlling Alcohol Drinking

October 23, 2013

According to some unofficial reports, the increasing trend of drinking wine and other alcoholic drinks in some northern cities and towns and among the members of elite and upper classes of ...