Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Our Attitude Towards Social Evils

April 22, 2015

There have been many evils in human societies that have been disrupting the smooth development and improvement. Though there have been efforts to overcome them, they have kept on existing ...

The Waning Tranquility

April 21, 2015

The tranquility in major provinces of Afghanistan is once again waning as insurgents have intensified their attacks. With the start of spring every year Taliban insurgents start their ...

Cabinet Owned Divine Responsibility, Should Sustain Rule of Business

April 20, 2015

The cabinet picks, rendered the difficult most undertaking left to discretion of National Unity Government provided the proponents of both President and Chief Executive had not only to ...

Jalalabad Mass Massacre Uncovers Government Preparedness

April 19, 2015

Saturday April 18, 2015 turned to be another unfortunate day for poor Afghans that claimed lives of scores of people. The heinous suicide blast jolted Jalalabad city killings 40 precious ...

Security must be Prioritized

April 18, 2015

The incident of the last week which resulted in the death of 30 Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers was really very tragic. Taliban insurgents ruthlessly targeted ANA soldiers in ...

The Spirit of Protest

April 16, 2015

Within a political system, the citizens can bring about changes both by political consciousness and political protests. Political consciousness backs them in comprehending the ...

Efforts to Discourage Modern Education

April 15, 2015

Taliban insurgents have always opposed the modern education system and in various ways they have tried to bring harm to schools and students and teachers in different parts of the ...

Narcotics Fuel Insurgency

April 14, 2015

Alongside terrorism, narcotics have been debasing Afghan society to a great extent. Both of them, as a matter of fact, have joined hands and basically support each other. It is ...

The Onset of Taliban Spring Offensive

April 13, 2015

Afghanistan has witnessed a spate of insurgent attacks in recent weeks as the Taliban are bracing for a fierce spring offensive. According to local officials in northeastern ...

The Nuisance of Corruption

April 12, 2015

There are many issues related to growing corruption in Afghanistan and unfortunately these seem to be getting out of control. It has proved to be a quagmire, getting out of which ...

Peace Talks without Conditions?

April 11, 2015

National Unity Government (NUG), since its inception, has strived to give the peace talks with Taliban a new momentum. President Ashraf Ghani is trying to rebuild ties with Pakistan ...

NUG Must Emphasize Human Rights

April 09, 2015

Human Rights is one of the most important areas where National Unity Government (NUG) requires diverting serious attention. Afghanistan needs to play an incredible role in the ...

Afghan Women Abandoned

April 08, 2015

Afghanistan is the land where women are treated as a third class citizen, and a household commodity, whose fate rests to parental sightless ruling. Women found exercising her ...

Investments must be Encouraged

April 07, 2015

The trade exhibition, last week, in Kabul has brought positive results for the country and as the result of the event, according to Afghanistan Investment Supporting Agency (AISA), around $2 million ...

Delayed Discovery of 31 Hazara Abductees Raises Apprehensions

April 06, 2015

Man most probably is created, getting the world transformed from a desolate land into a bejeweled and well designed dreamland where his fellowman could be provided with very ...

A Major Breakthrough in Iran-US Nuclear Deal

April 05, 2015

The disputed nuclear enrichment program, Iran had initiated, has long been a bone of discontent and escalating suspicion between Iran and US, over the past decade. The stalemate of ...

Poor Civilians Targeted Again

April 04, 2015

Most of the Afghans have the dream of having peace restored in their country. They want to see their country prosper and stand among the developed countries of the world. They, at the ...

Cabinet Formation Prompted; Empty Slots Likely to be Filled

April 02, 2015

Following the assumption office of presidency, Mr. Ashraf Ghani and chief executive Abdullah Abdullah, were destined to opt for convenient individuals in bid to carry forth government ...

Nurturing Peace and Brotherhood is a Crying Need

April 01, 2015

“It is true, political problems are not solved by love and mercy. But the world of politics is not the only world, and unless political decisions rest on a foundation of something ...

Government must Ensure Sufficient Job Opportunities

March 31, 2015

The situation of unemployment is haunting Afghanistan to a threatening extent. Different youngsters living in different parts of the country are suffering from its negative ...

A Credible Report Unearthed

March 30, 2015

Man undeniably is begotten to subsist and serve the interest of humanity; perhaps the underlining reason behind being entitled as a supreme creature. Man most probably is created in ...

Stupid Comedy Programs of Television Channels!

March 29, 2015

Some of the programs on our television channels are adding to the mental depression and deterioration of general humor. There are such programs on almost all the channels of our ...

Escalating Graph of Insecurity Requires Immediate Reversal

March 28, 2015

As the spring drew nearer amidst the rumors of peace talk, the magnitude of violence and insecurity practically soared. The consecutive attacks on public officials depict either ...

US-Afghanistan Relation Revitalized

March 26, 2015

Subsequent to resuming office of presidency, the two, head of state Ghani and the head of government Abdullah have made frequent visits to different countries in the bid to draw their ...

Farkhunda, We are Sorry!

March 25, 2015

Brutal and inhuman killing and burning of Farkhunda ashamed us all around the world. Both local and international media are repeatedly showing the painful scenes when a helpless woman was ...

The Ugly Face of Sectarianism will Disturb Peace Process

March 24, 2015

Men are born with inherent and inalienable rights, especially the rights to life, liberty and estate. The discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, belief, etc. is deprecated in the ...

Reforms in Public Offices; An Appreciable Stance

March 19, 2015

Afghanistan’s political culture, produced and reproduced during more than a century of failed attempts to build a strong centralized and often tribalized nation-state in ...

30 Hostages Wait for Serious Action From Govt.!

March 18, 2015

Now it is almost a month that 30 passengers hijacked on the Kabul-Kandahar highway are missing and the efforts made by government or their family members have not been much ...

Govt. Indifferent to Hasten Recovery of Hazara Abductees

March 17, 2015

We inhabit a society where falsehood beleaguered the underlying truth, might is deemed right, injustices considered righteousness and corruption, legal course to reach to so called ...

Violence – A Reason behind Criminal Tendency

March 16, 2015

A violent and unsavory milieu fills one with a strong sense of antipathy and human frailties. If you just watch horror movies twenty-four/seven, you will acquire violent attitudes. If you hear heresy, foul languages and vitriol, you will become ...

Syria’s Catastrophe Continues Unabated

March 15, 2015

The deadly conflagration going on in Syria is a matter of great concern. Millions of people have lost their lives or have their limbs amputated and many more have taken refuge to ...

Peace Talks Seems to Crystallize

March 14, 2015

Afghans have been longing eternal peace for decades. After years of infighting that have claimed awful toll, most Afghans appear to be supportive of a peace process. Formerly, a poll ...

Pardoning Photojournalist Earned President Applause

March 12, 2015

Najibullah Musafir, an Afghan photojournalist who was imprisoned for six months has been pardoned by the President. This certainly is an appreciable move by president taking a bold ...

The Inevitable Solution of Dumping Rain Water!

March 11, 2015

Just like last year, many areas of the city once again turned into lakes and rivers after the heavy rainfall. Thanks to the natural forces, the rains are not continuous and severe as it ...

Pros and Cons of Access to Information Law

March 10, 2015

Democracy ensures the rule of majority by preservation of its core value, keeping the masses informed about every single development in socio-political and economic affairs of the ...