Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

“Empowering Women means Empowering World”

March 08, 2015

It is one of the most unfortunate facts that the discriminatory behavior against women has always been there through most part of human history. Though women’s ...

The Vulnerability of Afghan Policewomen

March 05, 2015

The idea of confining woman within the four walls is deeply embedded in Afghans’ tradition. She is born to deal with domestic issues and household chores. Her dignity lies in ...

Increasing Number of Substandard Private Universities!

March 04, 2015

It is almost more than a year that Higher Education Commission started issuing authority to large number of Institutes of Higher Education to use the title of ...

Unknown Fate of Hazara Passengers

March 03, 2015

It is the responsibility of a government within a state to ensure peace and security of its citizens. However, the governments that suffer from administrative incapacities fail to ...

Our Vulnerable Energy Sector!

March 01, 2015

The breakdown of electricity in the country is now entering its second week and in just one week, it has almost crippled the overall functioning of the country. The functioning of ...

Avalanche turned Death Claimer amidst Government Negligence

February 26, 2015

Afghanistan recorded variant quantity of snow fall, this year. Nonetheless, Panjshir and Badakhshan are among the provinces that witnessed record snow fall, leading to blockade ...

No More Terrorists to be Released

February 25, 2015

The meeting of President Ghani with the officers of military was much important. The meeting was attended by a number of important officers of Afghan National Army and Police. President ...

Juvenile Delinquency

February 24, 2015

Among the different trends of crimes, Juvenile Delinquency is considered one of most concerning for the modern societies. Juvenile Delinquency is basically an anti-social, illegal or ...

Can Taliban Transform if Peace Talks Succeed?

February 23, 2015

Afghans have been longing for eternal peace for decades. After years of infighting that have claimed awful toll, most Afghans appear to be supportive of a peace process. Formerly, a ...

Positive Signals from Afghan-Pak Ties!

February 22, 2015

Last week, the visit of Pakistani military chief, General Raheel Sharif was one of the most important events in the country. This was the fourth visit of Kabul by Pakistani Chief ...

“Unremitting War Earns Countless Miseries for Masses”

February 21, 2015

Violence has been a dominant phenomenon browbeating every fabric of Afghan society. The fight between insurgents and government backed international allies seems unending. The ...

Afghan Youth: Capital Human Resource Left Neglected

February 19, 2015

The decade long conflict and war in Afghanistan jolted everything; ranging from infrastructural to socio-political downfall, bloody conflicts rendering countless people physically ...

Afghanistan and The Valentine’s Day Debate

February 18, 2015

With every passing year, the celebrations or in true sense, the useless discussion about Valentine’s Day is increasing in our country and it is gradually getting the shape of another ...

An International Backlash against Extremism is a Crying Need

February 17, 2015

The world is encountered with the deplorable prospect of extremism that can cause destruction of life and property on a scale far beyond our imagination. If the world does not adopt a ...

Government’s Efforts for Economic Expansion

February 16, 2015

On Monday last week, President Muhammad Ashraf Ghani visited the economically important copper-mines of Mes Aynak in Logar province. President went there to give message to the world that ...

Working Ground for Journalists: Afghanistan Six Degree Ahead of Former Year

February 14, 2015

Journalists across the globe enjoy great degree of freedom, financial safeguards and are guaranteed defense from politically, religiously and racially aroused extremists ...

Social Reforms Crucial to Collective Success

February 12, 2015

At present, nations pursue their goals to collective progress, social wellbeing and safeguards from possible incursion. The consolidation of a state primarily pivots on the ...

The Burning Issue of Electoral Reforms

February 11, 2015

The issue of reforms in the system of elections is resounding in both national and international media and after the resolution of the cabinet, this has emerged as the most important and ...

Grounds Barren for Afghan Refugees

February 10, 2015

The past three decades of war could bring nothing but miseries of homelessness, social insecurity and eternal state of desperation, to Afghan refugees who have been staying in various ...

Poverty and Unemployment – Afghans’ Twin Problems

February 09, 2015

An affluent and squeamish individual, who lives in a skyscraper and eats sumptuous meals, will never bother himself/herself to imagine the vicissitudes of the poor who ...

Afghanistan and Iran to Fight ISIS in the Region!

February 08, 2015

Afghanistan and Iran have reiterated their vow to join hands in fighting the menace of ISIS in the region. The Head Consul of Iran in Herat said that the heads of border security forces of ...

The Tragedies of War Victims Raise no Concern

February 07, 2015

We live in the frigid zone of inhumanity and men are afflicted with megalomania. Human rights and human dignity seem to be no more than mendacious claims. The oozing blood from the ...

Education is Central to Collective Progress

February 05, 2015

Education is a versatile tool guaranteeing stability, social cohesion and societal uplift whilst ensuring respect for human rights. Many societal problems get regulated after education ...

Clash between Government Organs

February 04, 2015

The strife between the parliament and the local bodies of government is worsening with every passing day, and we heard about the closure of some more local bodies in a number of ...

Women Issues must be Dealt Permanently

February 03, 2015

The rights and role of women in Afghanistan have been important issues that have attracted much discussion but, in fact, there have not been sincere and appropriate efforts ...

The Inappropriate Approaches of Media towards Violence Victims

February 02, 2015

Local and international media regularly choose to publish reports disclosing personal details of victims, including their name, their home district or even village and their face. The ...

Plans of New Ministers and Public Hope

February 01, 2015

The process of the verification of the new cabinet members is going on smoothly, exhibiting the actual power of democracy and a democratic government. In a condition that government is run by ...

Terrorists are not Terrorist?

January 31, 2015

One may argue that every human being has a common sense of what is good or bad instilled in them. It is this instinctive set of morals and ethics that has ensured humanity has always ...

Voting for Cabinet Nominees

January 29, 2015

After more than three months of delay, President Ashraf Ghani in concurrence with Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah and their deputies at last agreed on nominees for the cabinet and they ...

Ill-fated Afghan Refugees are Suffering Maltreatment!

January 28, 2015

The day Afghanistan welcomed great powers to exploit its land, furthering their innate interests, marks the beginning of Afghan dilemma and mass migration. Since then, Afghanistan is ...

The Poors’ Sufferings Increase in Cold Winter

January 27, 2015

The poor suffer the bitter cold without a beam of hope from the government. The homeless beggars search every nook and cranny for a safe haven to survive the excruciatingly cold ...

60 Years of Sino-Afghan Relations

January 26, 2015

After the withdrawal of US and NATO from Afghanistan, one of the countries that can play the most important supportive role is People’ Republic of China. China, being the strongest ...

The Incident of Yousuf Kargar must not be Forgotten

January 25, 2015

The head coach of national football team, Yousuf Kargar is still in India for his medical treatment. He was stabbed near his house more than two weeks ago. The criminals had intention of ...

Death of Saudi King Abdullah

January 24, 2015

Saudi state television revealed early Friday morning that Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz had passed away. He was 90 years old and was hospitalized for the treatment of ...

Afghanistan, Iran Reaffirm Resolve to Strengthen Mutual Ties

January 22, 2015

Afghanistan and Iran enjoy cordial, historic, cultural, ethno-lingual and neighborly ties. Both the countries share common strategic, historical, cultural and economic reasons to have ...22