Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Ball is in WJ Court

January 21, 2015

The long-awaited and desperately needed cabinet has been announced by the Unity Government which is a pleasing indication for all the masses of the country. As has been repeatedly ...

Political Will needed for the Prosperity of Afghanistan

January 20, 2015

On the outset of 2015, the increasing insurgencies around the globe, and fanatic approaches towards the domestic issues in the Islamic countries and international subjects serve as great ...

Public Support for Security Forces!

January 18, 2015

The task of our security forces can easily be termed as the most difficult in the world. There is not present any force that should be constantly in war for more than a decade. There is ...

Government Should Devise Policies to Restrain Social Ills

January 17, 2015

Social ill-practices, detrimental to the social bond of intensive interaction, receiving superfluous acceptance among masses, are regarded as social evils. It is generally the ...

Government’s Commitment for Peace Talks

January 14, 2015

The news about the efforts of present Afghan government to start talks with Taliban are still resounding in the media and according to the internal sources, the government has not ceased ...

Bill for Regulation of Marriages

January 13, 2015

On Wednesday last week, the lower house of Parliament or Wolesi Jirga passed a bill in order to regulate the worsening situation of marriages in different parts and especially the ...

Maltreating Women – An Unending Issue

January 12, 2015

A report has released that a teenage girl was found dead after being kidnapped in Nahor District of Ghazni province. Her parents said that the girl, who was engaged, received threats ...

Self-dependence via Self-reliance

January 11, 2015

The man is entitled to be the supreme creature given his superior mental capability owes a peculiar attribute in his inferior body. Deeds are executed in the light of perception ...

Peace is Wise, Hostility is Otherwise

January 10, 2015

Let us not use bombs and guns to overcome the world. Let us use love and compassion. Peace begins with a smile. Smile five times a day at someone you don’t really want to smile ...

Gains of NUG after First 100 Days

January 08, 2015

Tuesday marked the National Unity Government’s (NUG) first 100 days in the office. The first 100 days of performance of incumbent unity government was commemorated with a huge ...

Peshawar Incident and Difficulties of Afghans in Pakistan!

January 07, 2014

The massacre of children in Peshawar was no doubt one of the most shameful and heinous events of history. This barbarous act was criticized by people of all the walks. However, the instant ...

Incumbent Government Should Stand Firm to Awaiting Issues

January 06, 2014

Afghanistan is a nascent democratic state, governed by ruling elites, consisting of state institutions; judiciary, executive, legislative body, media and large standing army making it ...

Unemployment – A Major Challenge

January 05, 2015

Hundreds of men, some on crutches, all wearing tattered clothing, gather shortly before dawn at major intersections throughout Kabul and other Afghan cities. Displaying primitive ...

Let the World Rest in Peace

January 04, 2015

Can modernization of nuclear weapons bring us peace and stability? Perhaps, the consequences of nuclear weapons being used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki are an illustrative evidence ...

The Reasons behind Rise in Crime

January 01, 2015

There is no single cause to any disorder, including crime. While clearly we are all ultimately responsible for our own actions, it is wrong to hold an individual wholly responsible for ...

Perilous Delay in Cabinet Formation!

December 31, 2014

The delay in the formation and announcement of new cabinet is worsening the conditions of country more than the expected. The lengthy process of elections and deadlock in the formation of a ...

Forgotten Women

December 30, 2014

Gold jewelry, tights and expensive jeans are being sold in bright stores and luxury plazas. A large poster of a woman in a miniskirt hugging a man is plastered outside a shoe store while ...

Winter – The Hell for Destitute

December 29, 2014

The frigid winter aggravates the suffering and misery of the poor and changes the life into hell for them. The high and sudden inflation on one hand and the empty-handedness in this chilly ...

Life, Liberty and Property – Men’s Inalienable Rights

December 28, 2014

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a ...

Gross Violation of Rights

December 27, 2014

Human rights violations are rife in our society. For instance, a woman suffers from domestic violence, her daughter is harassed sexually on the street, her son loses his life in suicide bombing on ...

Coexistence or no Existence

December 25, 2014

So as to exist with cooperation in an exceedingly diverse society it's necessary to develop respect and broadmindedness for others. Without these factors, it might be terribly troublesome to ...

The Final Wakeup Call

December 24, 2014

For too long both the Pakistani and Afghan governments have been pursuing efforts of talks with the terrorists who have, in return, brought about unforgettable sorrows and miseries in the lives of ...

Youth – the Hope for a Bright Future

December 23, 2014

Young people form one of the most important strata of the society. The condition of the young people within a country basically predicts the future of the nation. If youngsters within a society are properly educated, have required skills and are properly compensated within the ...

Afghan President Vows to Curb Challenges

December 06, 2014

On December 4th, the London Conference on Afghanistan was jointly hosted by the British and Afghan governments. In total, 74 international delegations were invited, including 59 partner ...

Both Individuals and Institutions must Develop

December 03, 2014

Be it Afghanistan or some other countries of the world, some people are so much disappointed of the condition of people that they have a trademark sentence, ‘This nation will never ...

The Reign of Insecurity

December 02, 2014

The Taliban suicide bomb blasts have rocked Kabul with several explosions one after the other, hitting British diplomatic convoy, NGO office and guest house and a female ...

Children Need Fair Attention

November 29, 2014

Perhaps, Afghanistan has never been kind enough to its women and children, particularly under the rule of Taliban. They suffered the most and faced terrifying miseries in those periods ...

Terrifying Security Situation

November 30, 2014

The situation in Kabul does not seem to be getting calm. Every day there are terrorist attacks which kill international and national troops, government employees, NGO workers and many other innocent civilians. There is great concern about the security situation and the prospects of peace and security seem to be uncertain. It is difficult to have an optimistic approach about the future as the arrangements and measures to curb the situation seem to be nowhere.

Yesterday the insurgents were once again able to carry out a terrifying attack in Karte Seh locality of Kabul. Three insurgents attacked a foreign guesthouse in the evening, which lasted for several hours. According to the last report all three insurgents were killed and two NGO workers will also killed whose nationalities were not ascertained yet. However, the terror spread by the attack may last for many days to come. 

On Thursday, November 27, as well, a suicide bomber attacked a British Embassy ­vehicle on Kabul-Jalalabad Road, killing six, including a British citizen, and injuring more than 30.

Ten hours later on the same day, a suicide bomber and two gunmen attacked a foreign guesthouse near the compound of the International Relief and Development Organization, a humanitarian agency based in Arlington. The bomber detonated his explosives near the guesthouse as the gunmen tried to enter the compound in the affluent enclave of Wazir Akbar Khan, home to several embassies and nongovernmental and media organizations.

These incidents clearly show the fact that the situation is really getting very much concerning. From now onwards, if vigilant eyes are not kept on the state of affairs, the possibilities of a disordered and chaotic future will turn to reality. It is unfortunate to note that the situation is so worse even after so much insistence from the national and international authorities.

The national unity government has not proved to be very much efficient and at the moment seems to be entangled in the issue of formation of cabinet. As, there is a delay in the formation of cabinet, there is a power and administrative vacuum and the insurgents are taking full advantage of it. The need of time is that the government should be functional as soon as possible and must start taking responsibilities before it is too late.     

At the moment the withdrawal process is also being completed and after the withdrawal process is completed, Afghan society will face myriads of issues as far as the security is concerned. The Afghan security forces require preparing themselves for the challenge and the international community must not leave Afghanistan alone.

It can be observed that Afghanistan is standing at a very crucial juncture of its socio-political history. After more than a decade of international involvement, there has been a relative stability achieved; nonetheless, that is being threatened by Taliban insurgents who do not seem in the mood to start peace negotiations with Afghan government. All the warm invitations of the government for peace talks have been rejected by Taliban and after the new government has signed the strategic and security agreements with US and NATO, their terrorist activities have increased throughout the country.

There are two important sectors that Afghanistan must concentrate on and must make improvements in so as to make their journey swift and easy through the coming challenges. One of them is the peace process and the other is the political stability in the country. Unfortunately, various developments are required in both the sectors. The peace process, lead by High Peace Council (HPC), is not on the track and currently there are no dialogues underway between Taliban and Afghan government regarding this process. Moreover, Taliban have now and then targeted the members of the Council and have completely neglected their calls for peace. The support of the neighboring countries in this regard has not been very effective.

The other sector that Afghanistan needs to work on to a great extent is its political stability. It needs to strengthen its political institutions and must carry on the democratic processes and culture with consistent efforts. Definitely, the role and future of unity government is of utmost importance.

In the meanwhile, Afghanistan needs to play a very important role regarding administrative reforms. The prevalent corruption within the present administration and within the Afghan society must be curbed if success has to be achieved. There should be honest efforts to achieve good governance and corruption free society. There are margins of improvement in the areas like justice, rule of law and human rights. Nonetheless, one of the most important sectors would be the economic stability and prosperity. A shaky economic system would not assist much in gaining political stability and eradicating the root causes of terrorism. Therefore, Afghanistan, with the support of international community, must strengthen its economic infrastructure and must decide to stand on its own in this regard.


A Rise in Militancy and Civilian Casualties

November 29, 2014

After calling Taliban “political opponents” and signing Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), the security situation seems to be aggravated across the country. To the ...

Increasing Insecurity in the Country

November 27, 2014

The rise in Taliban suicide bombings with large casualties in the capital Kabul and other major provinces have raised serious ...

Meeting of Religious Scholars Against IS

November 26, 2014

According to media reports, Iran’s government is arranging a meeting of Islamic scholars from different corners of the world who would sit together to tell Muslims of the world ...

A New Leaf in Afghan-Pak Relations

November 24, 2014

Relations have long been strained over the presence of Taliban militants on both sides of the border. Afghan officials have accused the Pakistani military of aiding and directing the ...

Afghan Illicit Drugs

November 23, 2014

‘Better Security’ in Afghanistan has been a top priority of international community. But it would be like glossing over the fundamental facts pertaining to ...

World Students’ Day

November 22, 2014

International Students’ Day started with the tragic death of some students in 1939. Jan Opletal, a student of Charles University, was shot dead in cold blood – which caused ...

Education Situation in Afghanistan

November 20, 2014

Under the Taliban rule, which collapsed in late 2001, violence and intimidation were routinely used to prevent girls and women from ...