Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Initial Investigation of Attack on Kabul Police Chief Office?

November 19, 2014

Almost two weeks ago, a suicide bomber was able to enter the Police Headquarters in Kabul where he detonated himself, killing the office manager of Police Chief and injuring six ...

Terrorism, A Universal Threat

November 18, 2014

Terrorism, at present, is on its full swing in the world. Every now and then, the mind blowing news of atrocity and harassment are being heard or read worldwide. There isn’t any ...

Violence against Women and Children

November 17, 2014

The recent gang-rapes, which victimized two females, aged 12 and 3, in Takhar province and a 6-year-old boy in Kandahar province raised the concern of parliament representatives. The ...

Child and Decapitated Beggars

November 16, 2014

Afghanistan’s poor economy is a global fact and dilemma. Whereas the urban and rural population of the country are faced with innumerable problems, that is why country is not ...

Sexual Harassment is on Rise

November 15, 2014

Socially, we really want to listen to other people because we want to know who they are. We open ourselves to the morsel of knowledge and experience they can share with us. We relish ...

Fears of Political Deadlock in Unity Government!

November 12, 2014

As feared, the unity government is facing the problem in coming up with a mutually agreed upon cabinet. A lot has been said in the media about the absence of ministers as present ...

Growing Security Challenges

November 11, 2014

Security is going to be a very serious challenge for the new government and it would require dealing with it with iron hands in order to make real difference. As the security ...

Brutality Victimizes Innocence

November 10, 2014

Sometimes it seems that we still live in a state of nature. Thomas Hobbes aptly said that in the state of nature, human life would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and ...

Wars must be Shunned

November 09, 2014

Wars have given nothing to human beings except destruction and chaos and it is really unfortunate to note that they still exist and a lot human potential and energy are diverted towards ...

Cold Weather Aggravates Challenges

November 07, 2014

Seemingly, a bitterly cold winter is approaching, whilst many struggle to survive hunger. The persistent rain and sinister cloud is an alarm for the homeless and barefoot individuals who ...

Kabul Airport Needs Attention

November 06, 2014

In its present capacity, Kabul airport can be labeled as one of the busiest airports of the world. Its limited area and other facilities can never be compared to the grand airports of the ...

Kabul Airport Needs Attention

November 06, 2014

In its present capacity, Kabul airport can be labeled as one of the busiest airports of the world. Its limited area and other facilities can never be compared to the grand airports of the ...

The Ill-fated Afghan Refugees

November 05, 2014

A tragic piece of news revealed yesterday that around 24 Afghan illegal migrants drowned on Monday, November 03, near Istanbul while they were trying to reach to Europe. According to ...

True Efforts to Eradicate Discrimination against Women

November 04, 2014

Regarding the violence against women in Afghanistan, there is a bizarre situation that requires the genius of Einstein to be understood. Every passing day increases the number of reports in ...

The Philosophy of Imam Husain’s (A.S.) Revolution

November 02, 2014

Great spiritual leaders are known to make great sacrifices, and at Karbala, men and women with infants at their bosom, their hearts and souls aflame with righteousness, chose death rather ...

Taliban are Invited to Peace Process

November 01, 2014

It is important to see how the new Afghan government is going to handle the so-called peace negotiations with Taliban. The previous government tried a lot but was not able to attract ...

Cleanliness Problems in Kabul City

October 28, 2014

Problems of residents of Kabul with smell and suffocation due to the increasing heap of garbage and filth in different parts of city is increasing day by day and this problem seems to get ...

Historical War between Divine and Devil’s Parties

October 28, 2014

As a sacred religious movement and as a revolutionary political step the epic of Karbala is the most crucial religio-political uprising in the political culture of Muslim ...

Role of Common Public in Fighting Corruption

October 27, 2014

One of the most important and difficult tasks of new government is the fight against corruption. Both the president and the Chief Executive of country vowed in their election ...

Blood – The Starting Point of History

October 26, 2014

Sometimes a word evokes a particular memory or sense of feelings. For instance, “Florence” is not only a name for location but also tells a story and a ...

Religious Intolerance in Islamic Countries

October 25, 2014

When you allow someone to smoke cigarette, does it mean tolerating the smoke he puffs? You have not allowed him to harm you, have you? How do you ...

Extremism can Never be Justified

October 23, 2014

“We are the best; others are the worst. We are righteous and pious; others are sinful and are led astray. We are the blessed people while others are the cursed ones. This universe ...

Thinking the General Public First!

October 22, 2014

These days, the burning and the most repeated issues are the different acts of President Ahmadzai. Newspapers, television channels and common public at shops, taxis and many other places ...

Sexual Harassment Remains a Challenge for Afghan Women

October 20, 2014

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani described levels of sexual harassment in schools as “shocking.” He ordered the Ministry of Education to report every incident of ...

Optimism and Struggle must Continue

October 19, 2014

Be it Afghanistan or some other countries of the world, some people are so much disappointed of the condition of people that they have a trademark sentence, ‘This nation will never ...

Women Continue Facing Violence

October 18, 2014

A news report on Friday, October 17, revealed another incident of violence against women. According to the news report, the dead bodies of four women who had been missing for three ...

Teachers – Builders of a Nation

October 16, 2014

The teachers in a society can rightly be considered as the builders of a nation because of the important role that they play. They disseminate education and support the young ...

Security should be in the Priority List of New Government!

October 15, 2014

Two weeks’ performance of the new government has been quite satisfactory and given hope for people about the resolution of large numbers of problems which have engulfed their prosperity ...

Causes of Criminal Behavior

October 14, 2014

It can be easily observed in our society that whenever a person does something wrong, his parents are blamed for it, his family background is held responsible and the nourishment and ...

Malala – A Drop in the Ocean of Heroines

October 13, 2014

Violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men. Moreover, it is the manifestation of an ...

Gender Justice must be Ensured

October 12, 2014

One of the challenges for the new government is invigorating and supporting the efforts to protect women rights and women in our society. In the few beginning days of its tenure the new ...

Signing BSA – The New President’s one-day Achievement

October 11, 2014

Ashraf Ghani was inaugurated on Monday, September 29th, and called on the Taliban to join peace talks. He formed a unity government with election rival Abdullah Abdullah after a ...

Government Must Act Wisely

October 09, 2014

First few orders of the new government are really pleasing and they have resulted in the development of a sense among public that this government is going to be different than its ...

Long-delayed BSA Signed

October 02, 2014

Soon after the oath taking ceremony of the new president, the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between Afghanistan and United States was signed. During a ceremony in Kabul on ...

Investments and Donations should be Safeguarded

October 01, 2014

With the establishment of the new government, it is hoped that the clouds of hopelessness will fade away and every sector of life will start improving. The country faced one of the worst ...