Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Naïve Calculation

August 04, 2013

The Syrian civil war is turning too disastrous as the world is standing still and watching the carnage silently instead of holding practical steps. Pouring of weapons and combatants from the ...

Rise in Poppy Cultivation

August 03, 2013

A recent UN report had predicted rise of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan during the current year. According to the 2013 Assessment Report, the rise in production has been due to high prices for last ...

Rising Children Sexual Harassment

August 03, 2013

Residents took to the streets against the alleged molestation and murder of a child in northwestern Faryab province, officials said on ...

IEC Commissioners

August 01, 2013

The new commissioners of the Independent Election Commission took oath on Wednesday starting working officially. In a ceremony at the President Palace, all the newly appointed ...

Women: The Victims of Discrimination

August 01, 2013

Human history is replete with thousands of examples wherein there have been some sorts of discrimination against women. From the very first tribal society to today’s modern world, the ...

Civilian Casualties Continue

July 31, 2013

Over one hundred civilians have been killed in Panjwai District of Kandahar province alone during the past month. The deaths have been caused by bomb blasts, road side bombings, IEDs and ambush attacks by ...

Extension for Afghan Refugees in Pakistan!

July 31, 2013

At last, the fate of Afghan refugees residing in Pakistan has been decided and their stay in the country has been extended for two and a half years and now, they will be able to live in the country ...

Egypt’s Deepening Crisis

July 31, 2013

The tumultuous situation of countries that experienced the collapse of authoritarian regime has made many to reassess the previous promising assessments. Previously, civil uprisings across the Arab ...

Habiba Sarabi Earned Asian Nobel Prize

July 30, 2013

Formerly, the Manila-based Ramon Magsaysay Awards Foundation announced that it had selected three individuals and two organizations as this year's awardees, including a Filipino ...

Opium Cracking Afghanistan Silently

July 30, 2013

Thousands of Afghan youths who are addicted to drugs present heart-wrenching scenes when one roams inside the capital city of Kabul and other major cities of Afghanistan like Kandahar, Hirat and Mazar e ...

Role model

July 30, 2013

Different human beings living in today’s world have different personalities. It is almost impossible to find two persons having completely same personalities. Though there are possibilities that ...

Concerns on Deteriorating Women Rights

July 29, 2013

The Independent Human Rights Commission has released its latest statistics on violence against women. The Commission says it has registered over 2500 cases of violence against women in the first ...

Detrimental Effects of Taliban Prisoners’ Release

July 29, 2013

Based on the report of Tolo News, more than 500 Taliban elements have been released by direct decree of President Karzai. According to same source, the main reason behind their release was ...

Threat of low-quality Medicines

July 29, 2013

Regarding the medical facilities, we are living in the poorest circumstances. No doubt, there are some private hospitals which are having good buildings and external appearance, but their performance ...

Voter Registration Continues

July 28, 2013

There are concerns regarding the socio-political scenario in Afghanistan, especially after the withdrawal of US and other international troops. One of the basic factors that are going to ...

Violence against Journalists Now a Common Practice

July 28, 2013

After the ouster of Taliban, one of the main objectives of international community in Afghanistan has been boosting free media in Afghanistan. Up to a great extent, it has been successful. Nevertheless, ...

Harmful Energy Drinks in Market!

July 28, 2013

The uncontrolled inflow of huge amount of money prospered a lot of people and thus the country and especially the capital city of Kabul became a market for very expensive imported products from ...

The Social Media Week

July 27, 2013

Like in other countries of the world, the social media has been rapidly growing in Afghanistan too, allowing people to express them more than ever before. According to estimates, there are nearly a ...

Global Arms Trade and Threats for Peace

July 27, 2013

According to a study published by respected IHS Jane’ Defence and Security forecast, global arms trade has increased by 30% between 2008 and 2013 from 56.5 billion dollars to 76.5 billion ...

Conditions for BSA

July 25, 2013

In a meeting with President Karzai, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey has said the talks on the Bilateral Security Agreement should be accelerated and an agreement should be reached ...

Challenges for Development Works

July 25, 2013

Since the ouster of Taliban from power in 2001, Afghanistan is reconstructing and developing with the support from international community. Nevertheless, challenges remain solid that do not allow ...

Child Labor Has Turned into a Growing Concern

July 25, 2013

Child labor is an issue of growing concern in Afghanistan. Child labor includes working children who are below a certain minimum age. This practice is going on since long and is one of the worst forms ...

Youth Policy, a Step Forward

July 24, 2013

Youths, if educated in better way and provided with opportunities they require, can play a very effective role in development of our nation. They are energetic, zealous and motivated. Young people in ...

Dismissal of Interior Minister

July 24, 2013

On Monday, the tussle between the parliamentarians and the Interior Minister came to an end when he was sacked by a ‘vote of no-confidence’ by the house. This move of no-confidence ...

Eating healthy

July 24, 2013

The first step in starting to eat healthier is to determine what kind of diet one would want to follow, it needs to be one that one can stick to and includes favorite foods. The diet one chooses to follow ...

Patang’s Dismissal by the Parliament

July 23, 2013

On Monday, Walosi Jirga (lower house of the parliament) sacked Mujtaba Patang, Minister of Interior. Speaker of the house, Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, announcing his dismal said, “He’s lost the vote ...

Af-Pak Relations to Smoothen

July 23, 2013

Formerly, the relationship of Pakistan and Afghanistan suffered lengthened deadlock, subsequent to series of allegation and counter allegation from two sides. Nevertheless, with formation of new ...

Clash of Armed Groups in Parwan!

July 23, 2013

According to the media reports, nine people were killed in a clash between two armed groups in the Parwan province last week. This armed clash occurred between two armed groups who were adequately ...

Sartaj Aziz’s Visit to Kabul

July 22, 2013

First visit by a senior official from the new government formed in Pakistan was made on Sunday, July 21 among what is termed as the ‘tense phase of relations’ between the two ...

Protest against Taliban Brutality

July 22, 2013

A large number of people came out on streets in Pul Alam in a protest demonstration against the Taliban. They were chanting ‘death to Taliban’ and urged the Afghan National ...

Taliban’s Kid Bombers

July 22, 2013

Children and minors have been utilized for committing crimes of various kinds since long – robbery, selling drugs, sexual abuse etc. Countries of the world - mainly developing and under developed ...

The Fall of Rashidan District

July 21, 2013

According to some local newspapers, the Rashidan district of Ghazni province has fallen to hand of Taliban militants. Zabihullah Mojahed, the Taliban spokesman has said Taliban could capture the ...

The Curse of Poverty and Unemployment

July 21, 2013

Over the last more than a decade, Afghanistan’s economy has had constant growth. Nonetheless, it has failed to benefit the poor section of the society. Our economy has been unable to create job ...

Importance of education

July 21, 2013

Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education. Education is commonly ...

On Election Law

July 20, 2013

The President has signed the election law into approval. It’s a single welcoming step towards conduction of free, fair and transparent elections. Despite the long intentional delay, there ...