Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

A Revisit to Political Culture!

August 24, 2013

It is entirely tragic and unfortunate when one looks to corruption-infected Afghan administration where nepotism, discrimination and injustice prevail. When Afghan rulers and top officials chant ...

Growing Environment Problems

August 22, 2013

In Afghanistan, continued drought and protracted war added to the environmental problems. In just one generation, the Afghan people have seen many of their basic resources, such as water for ...

Bad Governance Behind Migration

August 22, 2013

The love of motherland is timeless and immortal. Its warmth is deeply realized when a person is expatriated temporarily or compellingly. The decade long bloody conflict has shaken the once sound ...

Feminity - Is it Inferior?

August 22, 2013

Femininity is not a word that people are encouraged to use these days. A lot of people would argue that femininity is the thing that keeps women obedient to men. However, there is a ...

Dismissal of Police Officers!

August 21, 2013

According to media reports, ministry of interior has dismissed more than forty high ranking police officials. According to the spokesperson of the ministry, Siddiq Siddiqi, these officials were ...

Afghan Drug is Killing the Afghans Themselves

August 21, 2013

In Afghanistan, a country with a population of 30 million, there are now more than 1m addicts of one drug or another. Afghan youths are increasingly moving astray by becoming addicted to drugs. Every ...

An Entertaining Program in Bamyan

August 21, 2013

On Thursday night, an entertaining program was held right in front of Bamyan statues destroyed by Taliban militants in 2001. According to reports around seven thousand people participated. Several popular ...

Know the Power of Public Support

August 20, 2013

After more than thirty years bloodshed of, the people of Afghanistan desire peace and stability in their country. Peace is what they wish to gift their coming generations. But hate-mongers, criminals, extremist ...

Growing Concerns Over Fair Elections!

August 20, 2013

Although there seems to be ‘ALL OKAY’ gesture from all the stakeholders but it looks very difficult that fair and free elections should be held according to the schedule. Those who ...

Egypt’s Political Anarchy Escalates

August 20, 2013

Nation suffers not because of their ill-fate but because of their fallacious unwise strategies. It is judicious celebrating the differences than glorifying them. The move for change brought ...

Killing: a Normal Part of Life in Afghanistan

August 18, 2013

Security has drastically deteriorated in Afghanistan. Insurgents’ planned attacks that include suicide/roadside bombings, target killings, direct clashes with security forces and kidnapping ...

Women and the Basic Rights

August 18, 2013

The Legal Rights of Women refers to the social and human rights of women. One of the first women’s rights declarations was the Declaration of Sentiments. From women’s involvement ...

Good Governance, Misgovernment and the Growing Taliban Insurgency

August 17, 2013

The issue of good governance and growing insurgencies in various provinces of Afghanistan has widely been discussed in Afghan print and electronic media since the beginning of the year ...

Presence of International Troops Crucial for Future Security

August 17, 2013

Fear of return of insurgents to power or even eruption of a bloody civil war is occupying more space in the minds and hearts of the people of Afghanistan. Up to a great extent this fear is due ...

The Problem of Governance, Peace and Stability in Afghanistan

August 15, 2013

The current political and military crisis in Afghanistan has endangered the state authority and invited civil war. For the past 12 years, Afghans, government and international community ...

Minority Plight Needs Redressal

August 15, 2013

One of the greatest outcome of democracy is the protection and promotion of human rights. It guarantees equal rights to all citizens irrespective of their cast, sect ...

The Missing True Political Will

August 14, 2013

With international community’s financial and non-financial support, noteworthy improvements are observable in democracy, civil society activities, human rights, media, education and other ...

Citizens Rights

August 14, 2013

The society consists of a large number of people whose mutual relations are conducted by certain well established rules of conduct. Unless people accept certain restraints and ...

Eid, Security and Flood-Affectees!

August 14, 2013

Eid is the occasion that comes once in a year and thus everyone wishes to spend it with his or her relatives and cherish every moment of it. Government usually announces the holidays of 3-4 days ...

President Karzai Visiting Pakistan

August 13, 2013

President Hamid Karzai will soon travel to Pakistan in order to discuss important issues to boost peace talks with Taliban. Afghan embassy has confirmed his upcoming visit of the president. "I ...

Flood Affectees Awaits Government Response

August 13, 2013

Natural calamities are inadvertent, unalterable and sometimes devastating- having adopted vigilant stratagem their devastating effects can be reduced to minimum. Water is found the most essential...

Hekmatyar Threatens to Exterminate Hazaras

August 12, 2013

Among the various ethnic groups residing in Afghanistan, the one that has faced extreme discrimination, genocide, deprivation and suppression throughout the history is the Hazaras. They form about ...

Heinous Activities of Militants

August 12, 2013

Seven people killed in an explosion in eastern Uruzgan Province. Police has said that all casualties were civilians, four of them children. Farid Aayel the spokesman of Uruzgan police said that ...

Upsurge in Attacks on Teachers and MoE Officials

August 11, 2013

Since the beginning of Afghan year 1392, the insurgents have killed about 100 teachers and education officials in Afghanistan. According to Ministry of Education (MoE), insurgents’ attacks on ...

Taliban’s Office Location is Not Important, Their Intention Is

August 07, 2013

With cooperation from Pakistan, the US is mulling over relocating Taliban’s Doha Office but to where and why? Time will answer. Taliban, US and the Afghan government have been playing ...

The Declining state of Law and Order Must be Improved

August 07, 2013

Law is implemented indiscriminately to ensure order in a state. In our beloved country, seemingly, the militants and anti-state elements have grown to an extent that easily evades the ...

Islamic Women

August 07, 2013

Many times when feminists looked at Islamic women they criticized the man for not treating women properly. However, according to many analysts, women of Islam are not really ...

Fate of Talks with Taliban

August 06, 2013

Talks with the Taliban and the Doha Process seem to have already become history. During the recent Islamabad visit of the US Secretary John Kerry, the issue of Taliban talks seems to have ...

Consequential Uncertainty over US-Afghan Relation

August 06, 2013

The veteran Afghan-American diplomat and the former US ambassador in Afghanistan, Zulmai Khalilzad has said that Afghanistan should not commit the mistake of Baghdad, hinting to disagreement ...

Jalalabad Attack

August 06, 2013

The suicide attack near the Indian Consulate in Jalalabad killed 11 people including eight civilians. 22 civilians were injured. Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid called Zalmai Rassoul and ...

Continued Bloodshed in Ramadan

August 05, 2013

Before the beginning of Ramadan, there were speculations that the Taliban might cease playing the game of blood in Afghanistan at least for this month keeping in view its sacredness. In ...

Police Casualties in US Air Attack!

August 05, 2013

According to media reports, five policemen were killed and two wounded when US air attack targeted them accidently in Nangarhar province. The sad incident took place in an operation when the air ...

Concept of Health

August 05, 2013

As humans remain different in nature, so are their perceptions and response towards certain issues of their lives and well-being. The concept of health assumes to be a typical example of this and ...

BSA Stalemate

August 04, 2013

Recent high-profile visits of top US officials have not made any difference on the deadlock of the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) talks. The US leaders have been emphasizing on early approval of the ...

Civilian Casualties: Another Report, No Solution

August 04, 2013

As compared to previous years, figures indicate a decline in death toll of foreign military personnel in Afghanistan in 2013. Contrarily, there has been an increase in the number of Afghan National Security ...