Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Goodbye 2012

January 01, 2013

The year 2012 has ended. For Afghanistan it was not a different year. Like many other years that ...

Democracy Ends Despondency

January 01, 2013

Subsequent to the collapse of the Taliban, Afghan representatives and the international community ...

Release of Taliban Prisoners

January 01, 2013

War and militancy in Afghanistan have created security problems for Afghanistan and its neighbors ...

Economy Might Also Suffer!

December 31, 2012

Today Afghanistan has a government elected through a democratic process, a growing economy, functional ...

Snowfall and Precautions

December 31, 2012

The heavy snowfall that started on Wednesday and continued till late at night on Thursday was the first ...

ANA Casualties on the Rise

December 31, 2012

According to statement of defense ministry, more than a thousand Afghan soldiers were killed in the war ...

For Stronger Defense, ANSF Needs Must be Fulfilled

December 30, 2012

The future of Afghanistan is still uncertain and there is no surety for long term peace and stability ...

Health Sector Awaits Government Attention!

December 30, 2012

A dozen of children aged between six months and four years lost their lives as pneumonia surged in ...

Torkham Closure and Inhumane Incidents

December 30, 2012

Pakistan opened Torkham border on Saturday, December 29, after a 24-hour closure. The one-day closure ...

Soviet Invasion and Lessons Learned

December 29, 2012

The Lower House of Parliament approved a resolution on Wednesday condemning the Soviet invasion of ...

Problems of Educational Sector!

December 29, 2012

Almost 11 years of democracy made possible the establishment and functioning of a number of institutes and ...

The Danger of Spiraling Social Misconduct

December 29, 2012

Few days ago, two people died because of alcohol overuse in the western Herat province. According to ...

Problems of Educational Sector!

December 27, 2012

Almost 11 years of democracy made possible the establishment and functioning of a number of institutes and ...

Afghans Die to Access Better Life

December 27, 2012

The Afghan government admits to the fact that Afghans do not feel safe and secure in their own country. More ...

Wed of Corruption and Pointing Finger

December 27, 2012

Last week, in a forum held due to international Anti-Corruption Day in Kabul, President Karzai once again ...

Christmas and Troops’ Withdrawal

December 26, 2012

Christmas and New Year is being celebrated across the globe including Afghanistan. Tens of thousands ...

Murder at Interior Ministry

December 26, 2012

The woman police who shot an American civilian adviser in the Interior Ministry has been identified ...

Electoral Reforms Should Guarantee Fair Transition

December 26, 2012

In the latest report surfaced by Congressional Research Service (CRS), the US has underscored the ...

A Threat to Future Stability of Afghanistan

December 25, 2012

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) are the hope for the government and people of Afghanistan. In ...

The Need for Effective Judiciary

December 25, 2012

No state in the world can maintain its integrity and order if it does not possess and guard justice. Justice ...

Hope Military Withdrawal Would not be Regretted

December 25, 2012

>In an unexpected trip, United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister, David Cameron, paid a visit to UK forces ...

Paris Conference Concluded!

December 24, 2012

The two-day Paris conference concluded on Friday, 21 December. It was the first conference of its kind since the ...

Peace Talk Demands Constitutional Change

December 24, 2012

A couple of days earlier a France's think tank – Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) deliberated a conference ...

Clashes in Egypt

December 24, 2012

The supporters of Muslim Brotherhood clashed with a group of oppositions in the Eskandaria city of Egypt ...

Parliament Rejects Budget

December 23, 2012

The Lower House of Parliament has rejected draft budget for the new fiscal year. Different committees of the house ...

Willingness to Fight Corruption, a Timely Need

December 23, 2012

Living in country that has fallen in the list of the most corrupt countries of the world makes one ...

Daughter of Eve & Afghan Society

December 23, 2012

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission reports that the majority of women in the country are ...

International Community’s Post-2014 Role

December 22, 2012

The UN Secretary General's Special Representative for Afghanistan Jan Kubis has said development achievements of ...

Troublesome Condition of Afghan Children

December 22, 2012

In 2000, when the control was under the Taliban only 21 percent of boys and less than 1 percent of girls ...

The Dark Clouds of Uncertainty!

December 22, 2012

Though throughout the last decade, billions of aid dollars have flowed into Afghanistan, and thousands of ...

Ulema Conference on Elections

December 20, 2012

In an important move on Wednesday, over 500 Mullahs and religious scholars participated in a conference organized by ...

Freedom of Expression has a Pivotal Role

December 20, 2012

“Freedom of Speech Day” was marked in Kabul on December 19. Over the last ten years, freedom to speak ...

New Businesses and Difficulties

December 20, 2012

China, Dubai, Singapore and many other countries or states of world prospered with ever-increasing ...

Progress and Challenges in Peace Talks

December 19, 2012

Latest development shows some realistic progress in the efforts of peace talks with insurgents. The United Nations ...

Insecurity the Biggest Obstacle to Development Projects

December 19, 2012

Decades of war has resulted in mass destruction of Afghanistan's economical infrastructure. If ...