Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Pakistani and British PM’s Visit Afghanistan

July 19, 2012

British Prime Minister, David Cameron, arrived in Afghanistan on Wednesday, July 18, on an unannounced trip. The main purpose of the visit is to discuss the withdrawal of the British troops and to ensure Britain's help for Afghanistan even after the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan. The British ...

Decreasing Investment and Fleeing Cash

July 19, 2012

Worsening security condition, political instability, deep-rooted corruption, NATO withdrawal and other such serious issues that remain unaddressed have already started impacting the nascent Afghan economy. Foreign and domestic investments are considered the lifeblood of an economy. Keeping the economic vulnerability of ...

Afghanistan’s Future, the Biggest Question of the Time

July 17, 2012

What will be Afghanistan’s future at a time when it is getting nearer to crucial processes such as presidential election and complete withdrawal of NATO forces? It is the biggest question of time. With the Afghan war in its eleventh year, the fate of Afghanistan is still ...

Afghan Children and Women are the Cheapest Labors

July 17, 2012

Afghan children and women are the victims of great game being played in the region. Since the Soviet invasion in 1979, Afghanistan has been suffering different sorts of instabilities such as poverty, fragile security, unemployment and illiteracy. It is for three decades that the country has turned to a race ground ...

Comprehensive Strategy Required to Curb Corruption

July 16, 2012

It is only after the international community has emphasized to a great extent in recent announcement of more than expected funds for Afghanistan in Tokyo Conference, that Afghan authorities have started depicting that they are committed to fight corruption. They need to realize that eradicating corruption is not only ...

Targeted Killings Continue…

July 16, 2012

Targeted killings continue unabated in Afghanistan, escalating waves of fear and terror across the country. A noteworthy number of high profile government officials and political figures have already been assassinated this year. On Friday 13 July, Hanifa Safi, Provincial Director of Ministry of Women Affairs in Laghman ...

Another Blow to Women Rights

July 15, 2012

It is hard to be an Afghan woman as Afghanistan is one of the worst places in world to be a woman. At the same time, standing to defend women's rights is even harder. It needs great daring for women to remain socially and politically active, run for elections or fulfill duties at public organizations. Social and security ...

The Quandary of Peace Talks

July 15, 2012

On Thursday July 12, 2012, in a press conference in Kabul, President Hamid Karzai once again appealed Taliban and like-minded groups to lay down arms and join peace process. He clearly put a step ahead this time and asked Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar to abandon violence to be able to have the chance of ...

Dreams of Afghan Children

July 15, 2012

There are dozens of Afghan families who have lost their family men during the civil war and do not have anyone to financially support their families. In order to overcome this matter, these families prefer their school age children to work rather than attending school. Orphan school age children and unsheltered ladies ...

Discreet Approach Required Towards Reconciliation

July 14, 2012

President Karzai has continued to welcome Taliban warmly for the peace talks. It is really important for the lasting peace in Afghanistan that Taliban must be brought to negotiation table and some sort of agreement should be reached with them. However, the ...

Karzai Vows Again

July 14, 2012

Addressing a press conference at his palace on Thursday 12 July, Mr. Karzai vowed to spend transparently the $16 billion aid pledged by the international community at the recently held Tokyo conference. That means the President is thinking of doing more against corruption that has greatly hampered Afghanistan's ...

Can Taliban Regain Power?

July 12, 2012

When it comes to peace negotiations, the Taliban have been cheating the West and Afghan government. Since the initiation of peace and reconciliation process, Afghan government says, thousands of Taliban fighters have joined it. They have renounced practicing violence and have started ...

Government Commitments towards Children, not Enough

July 12, 2012

Thirty two years of constant conflict and war in Afghanistan have left huge social and psychological scars in the country. In addition to going through traumas of bombings and gunfire, people of Afghanistan as a result of continued conflict have also been deprived of education and living ...

NATO Supply Route; Security Challenges

July 12, 2012

As a result of air strike in November 2011 by US-led international forces in Afghanistan, 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed and many others injured. The incident resulted in the closure of NATO supply route, evacuation of Salala air base and crash down of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and USA. Finally, ...

President’s Claim Rejected by Taliban

July 11, 2012

The Taliban have dismissed President Hamid Karzai's statements that they participated in a peace talk with the government representatives in Kyoto, Japan. Karzai's "brothers" belie him at the time while he told journalists in Tokyo, a day after the international conference on Afghanistan that Qari Din Mohammad, a ...

World Population Day

July 11, 2012

Today is the World Population Day which is celebrated annually on July 11 around the world. The celebration is mainly aimed to increase common awareness about population related issues. It was instituted in 1989 as an outgrowth of the Day of Five Billion, marked on July 11, 1987, the year in which possibly the earth residents ...

Opium, Afghan Society and Taliban

July 11, 2012

Opium has penetrated deeply into the Afghan society. Afghan youths are increasingly going astray by becoming addicted to drugs at a time when they should be getting education or contributing to their country's reconstruction. Every year thousands of deaths are caused in Afghanistan due to consumption of drugs. The drug from ...

Anti-Taliban Public Uprising

July 10, 2012

Public uprising against the Taliban is getting widespread as the Taliban continue to terrorize and close down schools and deprive children of education. The Taliban attacked a district in Paktia province but they were driven out of the area by Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) with the help of local people. According to Abdul Rahman Mangal ...

Insurgents Continue to Kill

July 10, 2012

In less than a week, eight NATO soldiers have been killed in various incidents across Afghanistan. That number includes six American soldiers who were killed by an improvised explosive device in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday July 08, 2012. Also over the past few days, dozens of innocent civilians have lost their lives in attacks launched by ...

Andar Uprising Against Militants

July 10, 2012

Last year, the residents of Garmser district of Helmand province chopped off the ears of a man accused of planting an IED or a roadside bomb that resulted in the deaths of two children and injury of 6 people including three other children. The move was appreciated and deemed important in defeating the Taliban and other groups of insurgents. This year ...

International Aid Money and Karzai’s Corrupt Government

July 09, 2012

International community has pledged to provide $16 billion to Afghanistan to help it strengthen its economic infrastructures. This aid money is mainly dedicated to the "decade of transformation" that begins after 2014 when international forces are slated to fully transition the security responsibility ...

Another Heart-Wrenching Incident of Brutality Against Women

July 09, 2012

Among the many areas where the Afghan government has pathetically failed to bring about any significant development one is the right of women and safeguarding them from brutal violence. For centuries the rights of women have been suppressed and Taliban's era 1996-2001 proved to be the worst for them ...

The Reason behind US Apology

July 09, 2012

On Thursday, July 5, 2012 many international news agencies reported in bold that "US apology opened up NATO supply routes" into Afghanistan which remained closed for eight consecutive months after the US drone attacks left 24 Pakistani soldiers dead last year in tribal agency area, bordering Afghanistan. Right ...

On Tokyo Conference

July 08, 2012

A conference of officials from around 70 countries and global agencies are underway in Tokyo Japan. There are expectations that the conference will make some very definite decisions regarding the future of Afghanistan. Two basic aims of the Conference are; 1) to strengthen the partnership between international community and Afghan government until 2014 and the Transformation Decade ...

Clinton’s Visit and Karzai’s Remarks

July 08, 2012

Afghanistan has been categorized as one of the main allies of the United States of America outside NATO member states. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the US secretary of state paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Saturday, July 07, 2012. During her visit, she declared Afghanistan as one of the US's main non-NATO allies. She was said to have ...

On President Karzai’s Criticism of the West

July 07, 2012

President Hamid Karzai has accused international community of psychological warfare against his country. He has said that the West's analyses and reports on the deterioration of situation of Afghanistan after 2014 are based on the fact that they do not want us to tell them to leave our country. The President was ...

Thinking Line Behind Restrictions for Loyal Oppositions

July 07, 2012

In modern politics, opposition is a common term and practice in different countries with democratic and open political system. Opposition can be one or a number of political parties or other organized political groups. It functions to highlight ineffectiveness of a government and its policies, and provide ...

Ranjbar Asks Karzai to Intervene in his Case

July 07, 2012

Abdul KabirRanjbar, the former MP was accused of rape and kidnapping last week. He was arrested on June 23, 2012 and had been in police custody for 48 hours; then, he was released off the custody. He claimed that the accusation case by Attorney General against him was illegal and no one officially headed to investigate him ...

Health Content of Afghan Media

July 07, 2012

Freedom of expression and development of the media have been one of the biggest achievements of Afghanistan in the past decade. At the same time, Afghanistan ranks one of the worst countries in the world in terms of the health of the population. In his masters' thesis, Maisam Najafizada has looked into the way Afghan televisions ...

Resumption of NATO Supply Route

July 05, 2012

The NATO supply route, after many controversies, was announced on Tuesday, July 03, to be resumed. Much of the supplies for the NATO throughout the war against terrorism have moved through Pakistan. The supply route was blocked by Pakistan after an airstrike from NATO, which was claimed to be a mistake, killed 24 ...

Trend of Shooting by Afghan Soldiers

July 05, 2012

A man with Afghan National Army (ANA) uniform wounded five foreign soldiers. The alleged Afghan soldier attacked foreign forces at a NATO base in Maidan Wardak province of Afghanistan. According to tallies from different news agencies and other institutions, more than 20 foreign soldiers have been killed by their Afghan ...

Growing Joblessness and Despair in Afghanistan

July 04, 2012

Based on the data from Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA), the number of unemployed people is over 800,000 in the country, although it is hard to get accurate figure in Afghanistan. Unofficial figures put the number of people with not employment at over a million. A big portion of that figure is formed by youth. The ...

Demonstration in Bamyan

July 04, 2012

Hundreds of people held demonstration in central Bamyan Province against what they called as discriminative statistic of Bamyan residents released by Afghanistan Central Statistics. According to report released by the center, the total number of the province's residents are only more than 350 thousands. Previously, the figure was ...

Youths’ Conference and Fundamental Issues to Be Considered

July 03, 2012

A three-day conference of Afghan youths was inaugurated on Monday, July 02, 2012 to discuss the issue of reconciliation with the Taliban and other insurgent groups. They will also discuss other important issues such as administrative corruption, establishment of the US military bases in Afghanistan, unemployment and ...

Poisoning School Girls

July 03, 2012

Girl's Schools in northern provinces, Sir-e-pul and Jawzjan, are being targeted with poison attacks for the last couple of weeks. According to media reports on Monday July 02, nearly 260 schoolgirls were poisoned in Shiberghan city, the capital of northern Jawzjan and on Saturday June 30, 2012, around 53 schoolgirls were poisoned in ...