Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Green on Blue Attacks Continue

July 03, 2012

Incidents where an Afghan soldier murders his NATO counterpart or mentor – a trend being called 'green on blue attack' by US authorities – have multiplied concerns over relationship and trust between Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and US led foreign troops in Afghanistan. After the IED attacks the trend can be ...

Save Children from Being Recruited as Suicide Attackers

July 02, 2012

There is no doubt that everyone knows about the evil nature of the Taliban. They have a destructive ideology that eliminates others. The Taliban do not believe in a dialogue among different political, social and cultural groups. They believe that all those who are unlike them must be eliminated. This ...

Afghan Refugees’ Problem Needs UrgentSolution

July 02, 2012

Pakistan has generously hosted huge number of Afghan refugees in the last three decades. Afghans and Pakistanis have a great number of commonalities such as, religion, culture, language and tradition. Meanwhile, Afghanistan's longest border is with Pakistan stretching to 2430 km. Such facts have allowed the ...

Civilian Bloodbath by Taliban

July 02, 2012

The bloodthirsty butchers of innocent Afghans continued terror on Saturday June 30, 2012, killing 16 civilians and 8 policemen across the country. Massacre of civilians by Taliban have increased in recent months. With the bloodshed and atrocities, Taliban want to give a message to the people of Afghanistan that the ...

Afghanistan’s Last Resort: Free, Fair& Transparent Election

July 01, 2012

The Karzai administration has awfully failed to render what the international communityand most importantly, the people of Afghanistan expected from it. Failure after failure has resulted in the public and international trust over Afghan government to fade away. With escalation of insecurity and political ...

Taliban’s Capability to Engage Afghan and Foreign Forces

July 01, 2012

The Taliban are often said to have lost their capability to fight Afghan and foreign forces face to face. The bitter fact is that the militants have launched their spring offensive and continue to cause problems for local people in different provinces. For instance, the Taliban have been closing schools in some districts ...

Rape Accusation against Abdul Kabir Ranjbar

July 01, 2012

The kidnapping and rape accusation case against former MP Abdul Kabir Ranjbar has made the top news headlines of the week. Mr. Ranjbar has been the leading political figure of Afghan government and an active member of Haq Wa Adalat political party. He was arrested and accused of rape case by the Attorney ...

Delhi Investment Summit

June 30, 2012

Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna inaugurated the Delhi Investment Summit on Afghanistan yesterday. He said India is making efforts to promote investment in Afghanistan. The Summit organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry and both governments. Representatives of firms from over 40 countries ...

Pak Govt. Turns Blind Eye over Hazara Genocide

June 30, 2012

Hazaras probably constitute one of the smallest minority groups in Pakistan, living mainly in its Baluchistan province. Nonetheless, this tiny minority faces the biggest challenge of militancy as terrorists continue to kill them by launching targeted killings, suicide bombings and firing rockets. It seems like, the ...

Afghanistan Should Do More on World Drug Problem

June 28, 2012

Foreign Minister ZalmaiRassoul has said the Government is strongly committed and has taken specific steps on the national, regional and international levels to combat the world drug problem. He was talking at the International Conference of Ministers of Foreign Relations and Heads of Specialized ...

The Taliban Turn More Revengeful in Ghazni

June 28, 2012

The Taliban now confront Afghan people. Over the last ten years, the militants have been killing school teachers and children, destroying roads and bridges, burning schools and kidnapping those who work with the government or international organizations. The people expected their government and international forces ...

On Karzai’s Discouragement of Students to Join Political Parties

June 28, 2012

President Hamid Karzai pretends to believe in democracy and democratic principles and values. But his speeches and statements show that he defines democracy in a completely different fashion. In modern-day democracies, political parties serve as a key pillar of democracy. Political parties aggregate ...

Precondition to Peace and Stability

June 27, 2012

Peace continues to remain a longing in Afghanistan. There are efforts going on by different political groups and civil society organizations to achieve peace in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the prospect of peace has, thus far, been bleak and efforts made have not produced any tangible results. Afghan government led by ...

Allen and Kayani Need to Break Deadlock

June 27, 2012

ISAF Commander in Afghanistan General John Allen is going to Islamabad today. He is meeting top military and civilian officials including Pakistan Army Chief General AshfaqPervaizKayani. The top US commander will discuss resumption of NATO supply routes from Pakistan, which has ...

Taliban Kill People Refusing to Lodge Them

June 26, 2012

There is no doubt that the Taliban's brutality over almost the last two decades has made them the most hated force among Afghan people. The Taliban not only confine women to home and do not accept any freedom for them but also burn schools and oppose modern education. The militants are also against a modern state that ...

The Political Mayhem in Egypt

June 26, 2012

The ruling military council warned protestors for disruption of peace and stability amidst anxiety over the strange and complicated political processes. The situation moves ahead in a way that increases the possibility of civil uprising and revolt in the country. Earlierthis month the constitutional ...

Indiscriminate Killing of Innocents in Quetta, Pakistan

June 26, 2012

Sectarianviolence is turning Baluchistan to the blood stream of innocent lives, On Saturday, 23, June, 2012 the city witnessed another target attack on innocent citizens. Eight people were shot death and four others injured in a recent attack on a laundry shop in Baluchistan, Pakistan. This is the second insurgents attack ...

Japan’s Support for the Upcoming Elections

June 25, 2012

One of the basic factors that are going to influence the post-2014 scenario in Afghanistan is the upcoming elections in 2014 and 2015. The nature and the outcome of both the presidential and parliamentary elections will, in fact, decide the future political stability. It is really important thatthe national ...

Taliban are Busy with Burning Holy Quran by Using Islamic Slogans

June 25, 2012

Following the recenttragedy in Behsood, it has been reported that Taliban have burned several volumes of Holy Quran in Ander district of Ghazni province. Thelocal people have reported that Taliban have recently burned many volumes of holy book in this district. According to DewichaWelah reports, "Around 40 people ...

Yet Another Attack on Schoolgirls!

June 24, 2012

It is really unfortunate to note that the evil movement to discourage the female education in the country has continued. In the most recent incident, about 100 school girls were poisoned in northern province of Sar-e-Pul. The incident took place in EmamYahya School on Saturday, June 23. The poisoned students were ...

Fundamental Education Reforms Needed

June 24, 2012

President Karzai has called for some fundamental reforms in our educational system. In a speech at a three-day seminar on reforms of education system on Saturday, he particularly emphasized on the expired methods of university entry-test Kankor. There are many problems with the education sector that need fundamental ...

Taliban Continue Terror

June 23, 2012

Taliban continue terror with deadlier attacks and more sinister tactics. The latest attack on Thursday night targeting a picnic resort at the Qargha Lake took lives of at least 18 people including 17 civilians and a policeman. Four suicide bombers were gunned down after hours-long gunfight ...

Ethnic Supremacists and Polarization of Society

June 23, 2012

After President Karzai ordered dismissal of Chief of Academy of Sciences and three of its other staffers on the publication of Ethnography Atlas which included contents extremely insulting and offending to a particular ethnic group, the Attorney General has launched an investigation and seized ...

International Model and Government’s Favors to the Taliban

June 21, 2012

After international community realized that this model was not working, Afghan presidential office presented reintegration and reconciliation plan. This also directly benefits the Taliban and other militants that continue to kill, injure, destroy and ...

Ineffectiveness of Political System and Penetration of Mafia

June 21, 2012

Legitimacy, governance, security and access to public services are the main features on the basis of which modern governments and states can be defined and characterized. Afghanistan embarked on the process of state-building after the fall of the Taliban in late 2001. International community has been helping ...

Promising Step of China and Russia

June 21, 2012

In the recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) conference in China, Afghanistan was given observer status, and its two key members—China and Russia—emphasized on economic commitment to the country. The two global giants' economic and financial support promise came amidst severe discussion over the aftermath ...

Afghanistan Ranked as Sixth Failed State

June 20, 2012

Afghanistan has been ranked as the sixth failed state in the world in the eighth edition of annual Failed States Index (FSI) 2012, released by Fund for Peace. Last year it was number seven, which shows that the situation has deteriorated in the country. The Index is used to determine the capacity of the countries to stand strong against the political, economic and ...

Taliban’s Reminder to India

June 20, 2012

In a rare statement about India, the Taliban have 'praised' India for "resisting US pressure" about increased involvement in Afghanistan. In a statement on their website, the Taliban have said they will not let Afghanistan to be used by any country against any other country. They said the US Defense ...

Afghan Govt. an Indirect Cause of Forced Migration

June 19, 2012

Most of world's refugees are Afghans. United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees has said that Afghan citizens continue to be most of the world's refugees. Violence and instability in Afghanistan are considered to be the main causes of forced migration of Afghan people. The Taliban and other insurgent groups have continued to cause ...

Do not Continue to Be Naïve

June 19, 2012

President Hamid Karzai has decided to call a meeting with members of national assembly and judiciary in order to explore ways to eliminate corruption and improve governance. Perhaps President Karzai's motive is to kill two birds with one stone- that is to say- to attempt to restore his reputation among Afghan people as a ...

Pak Terribly Fails to Secure its Hazara Community

June 19, 2012

Sectarianviolence continues unabated in Quetta city of Balochistan. In a recent incident,a university bus was attacked by a remote car bomb that resulted in death of five innocent students including two Afghan students and injury of more than seventy five people including about 20 women.Three of the ones killed and ...

On Election Commission’s Long-term Strategy

June 18, 2012

As the date for the complete withdrawal of the international security forces is getting nearer, the concerns are increasing, as well. Many accomplishments have to be made by the Afghan authorities during the ongoing transition period. One of them is guaranteeing free and fair election.The election is scheduled to ...

HPC Sending Delegation to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

June 18, 2012

The peace and reconciliation process initiated by Karzai administration and backed by the international community is deemed an appropriate way to end the conflict in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, even minor achievement in this ...

Promising Step of China and Russia

June 18, 2012

In the recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) conference in China, Afghanistan was given observer status, and its two key members—China and Russia—emphasized on economic commitment to the country. The two global giants' economic and financial support promises came amidst severe discussion over the aftermath of ...

How Concerns about Post-2014 are Legitimate?

June 17, 2012

Russian ambassador to Afghanistan has warned about the post-NATO withdrawal situation in Afghanistan. During a trip to Mazar-e-Sharif,AndreyAvetisyan has stated that there is no reason seen to indicate that the situation in Afghanistan will get better after the completion of NATO drawdown from ...