Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Beneficiary of Mistakes

May 22, 2011

Reportedly, the NATO officials believe that Afghan security forces will be competent, by the end of 2014, to defend Afghanistan on their own and the same is maintained by Afghan officials in Ministries of Defense and Interior. Should this be true, it is a music in the ears of Afghan people. But it seems like the gap between claims and ground...

Protests in Afghanistan Turning Violent

May 22, 2011

Protest is among the recognized rights of humans. This implies that, the people of Afghanistan have the right to protest too. But in Afghanistan protests are turning extremely violent. The protests, a month ago, in Mazar-e-Sharif and Kandahar against the burning of a copy of Quran by a US pastor took lives of tens of innocent people including...

No place for Construction in Taliban Line of Thinking

May 21, 2011

No doubt, currently things are going awry in Afghanistan and need to be addressed prudently, quickly and effectively. Horizons are getting closed as the people get killed in cruel acts of terrorists and the government fails to ensure security for its people and pave the way for economic development and...

Culture, Islamic Teachings and Indian Dramas

May 21, 2011

On Tuesday, May 17, members of Afghan senate or upper house of parliament censured government, in general, and Ministry of culture and information, in particular, for the so-called failing to protect Afghans' culture against foreign cultural invasion. Seemingly, our respective representatives are angry about Indian series, movies and...

Losing Influence Even before Establishing it across the Country

May 21, 2011

Afghanistan has experienced thirty years of war and conflict. The country continues to remain violent. It is important to emerge out of this appalling and terrible situation. But the government alone cannot solve the problems. On Wednesday, May 18, 2011, some 1,500 protesters poured into the streets of a northern Afghan city, shouting "Death to...

Violence in Takhar and Jalalabad

May 19, 2011

11 people are dead and 85 injured in the violent protests in Takhar province on Wednesday. Hundreds of people came out on roads protesting against the night raid by NATO troops who claimed killing 4 insurgents. Protesters were holding dead bodies of those killed, marching towards the center of the city. There are conflicting...

Senator John Kerry’s visit to South Asia

May 19, 2011

Senator John Kerry's visit to South Asia comes at the time when the rift in the relation between Pakistan and America is widening and the Pak-Afghan relation is also facing a state of ambiguity and dismay, which is not a piece of news that the proponents of War against Terrorism can really cherish. Rather, they must take it as an alarm...

Assad’s Last Choices

May 19, 2011

There is no certainty on next happenings in the Arab changing world. Uprisings have surprisingly smothered many Arab regimes that enjoyed dictatorial rule over the past decades. Before unrests erupted in Syria, the long time President Bashar al-Assad told reporters that the public opinion towards government in his country was different from...

Increased Pressure and Tension

May 18, 2011

Pakistan continues to receive warnings from international community, in particular the U.S. after the death of Osama Bin Laden on its soil. For years, Afghanistan has been claiming that terrorists are trained and brainwashed outside its borders and the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the world's most wanted top terrorist substantiated the claim. The...

Afghanistan Needs Int’l Presence for Longer Terms

May 18, 2011

It has been around a decade that the US and its allies are present in Afghanistan. Taliban are no more in power while Afghan National Army and Police have brought from nil to a force. There are serious objections on the outcomes of billions of dollars of international aid received in the last ten years but progress has been made in economy,...

Quetta on Radar Nowadays

May 18, 2011

According to latest reports from Quetta, Pakistan, more than five suicide bombers have been killed by paramilitary forces. The area is reportedly Kharotabad, which is marked with its dense population and close geography. Previously there were reports suggesting that members of Taliban's Quetta Shura were living there. But later it was clear...

Signing Strategic Cooperation

May 17, 2011

This year, the gradual military withdrawal will be started; while Taliban led militants have remained potentially dangerous to Afghan government. Many maintain Afghan security forces are still incapable to deal with armed anti-government opposition and overtake prevailing security crisis. They are still in due need of larger military...

Widening Gap is Vivid Demonstration of Distrust in Government

May 17, 2011

It is clear-cut that the continued support of the people is vital for any government. The government must not ignore to keep the people happy by implementing laws and providing services to them and any sort of discontent will lead to fall in the legitimacy of the government. The gap between the of...

Acting Ministers Completing Two Years!

May 17, 2011

The acting ministers have now completed almost two years remaining firm to their seats despite serious objections from various circles. Objections, because the President of Afghanistan can only appoint acting ministers when there is an emergency condition in the country or there is no parliament to approve the nominees as ministers or some...

Militants will not be Cajoled into Being Our “Brothers”

May 16, 2011

Is Afghanistan going on the right direction or wrong direction? This should be a common question asked by the Afghan people. But the answer to it may be a bit tricky. After ten years of international presence, this should have been easy to answer. But unfortunately the world of expectation is different from...

Tragic Stories of Afghans from Atrocious Indiscriminate Acts

May 16, 2011

>Afghan people continue to receive appallingly startling news stories, which are indicative of the violence of their situation and the tragedy of their lives; they also show the inability of their government to work to save the precious lives of its citizens. The tragic stories of Afghans getting killed on a day-to-day basis also...

Promoting Taliban Propaganda

May 16, 2011

Recently a prestigious British newspaper had a report about the online effectiveness of Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan. The report was about Taliban's new twitter account, being updated very regularly with news of glorifying the insurgent attacks and spreading hatred against foreign and Afghan security forces. Foreign journalists and...

Address All Contributive Factors or Expect No Win

May 15, 2011

Violence is at its worst in Afghanistan since 2001. Before the first May, for circles who assume that United States is facing failure in Afghanistan war, the life of Osama bin Laden and his vague location was a levelheaded point and for US a question for which it had no proper answer. The strong question these circles used to ask was, "if you...

Taliban to Avenge bin Laden’s Death

May 15, 2011

The deadly attack on a paramilitary training center in Pakistan has been claimed by Taliban, calling it a revenge for bin Laden, and warning that further such attacks are yet to come. The twin suicide blast killed more than 80 recruits who had just finished their training period.
Friday has been a bloody day for the recent history of Af-Pak region...

Better to Rein in Revengeful Militants

May 15, 2011

No doubt, on May 1, a good news travelled across the globe bringing relief to the much of the world. It apprised and informed of nothing but the killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, surprisingly near the capital city of Islamabad. There was a huge sense and show of jubilation in the capital cities and leaders of the political stage of the...

India is Anticipated to A Play Greater Role

May 15, 2011

The two-day visit of Indian premier to Afghanistan marks the profundity of relations based on mutual respect and a number of commonalities that both the countries have been enjoying since centuries. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India on Friday May 13, 2011 addressed the parliament of Afghanistan. This made him the...

Post-Osama Setting and Possible Regional Architecture

May 14, 2011

Afghanistan stands at a critical juncture, trying to reconcile with the enemy that has resurged and endured over the last ten years against Afghan and international forces that have been operating on the ground to help the country stand on its feet in terms of stability and development. The terrorists and extremists that have...

A Crucial Period in Strategic Relations

May 14, 2011

Pakistan was hit by a wave of terrorist bombings Friday. The assault killed and wounded dozens of Pakistani military trainees at a military compound. The Pakistani Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility for the attack and said it was the beginning of a series of avenging operations to be held in Pakistan following the death of Al Qaeda...

The Vicious Cycle

May 14, 2011

Taliban prisoners' escape from the central jail in Kandahar raised serious questions and criticism against president Karzai administration and his placating policies towards militants. Some of the escapees then launched a two-day operation against Kandahar provincial governor office and the NDS directorate. The blowing news came amid government's...

Prime Minister Singh’s Visit

May 12, 2011

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is coming to Kabul today. He will meet President Karzai and discuss on bilateral issues, terrorism and the so-called end-game situation in Afghanistan. The death of Osama bin Laden and its aftermath would also be discussed.
This trip was announced long ago, but PM Singh had to postpone it due...

Releasing Prisoners for Peace?

May 12, 2011

21 prisoners have been released from Nimruz jail and 73 got their terms cut short on Tuesday May 10, 2011 under a Presidential decree. This is a process that has been going on since last two years. Hundreds of prisoners, prosecuted and punished on criminal trials, have been released under the confidence building measures of President Karzai to...

Taliban Challenge Government in Nuristan

May 12, 2011

Taliban have become stronger. All has to admit this. Taliban have presence almost everywhere in thirty four provinces of Afghanistan. Even in many provincial capitals where the government is believed to have better grip, Taliban rule at nights. The problem is more severe in remote districts. In such districts the control of Afghan security...

Policemen are Also Sons of this Soil

May 11, 2011

Referring to civilian casualties by foreign forces, once, perhaps on the day Osama Bin Laden was killed, President Hamid Karzai said that he has never complained and would never complain about the killing of police and national army. He wanted to say to the world and international community that if the police personnel and army soldiers are killed by the insurgents, this is because they are in uniform...

Special Tribunal and Continuous Hullabaloo

May 11, 2011

Sept. 18, 2010, Afghan parliamentary election was riddled with vagueness and allegations about its legitimacy. And both the Afghan Independent Election Commission (IEC) and Electoral Complaint Commission (ECC) were severely criticized about the claimed inability to deal with electoral fraud and realize justice. But commissions...

Engagement of Minors in Terrorism has Horrifying Prospects

May 11, 2011

It is not new. Children and minors have been utilized for various crimes since long - bribery, selling drugs, sexual abuse etc and now increasingly for executing terror attacks mainly suicidal ones. Countries of the world - mainly developed and under developed nations - have set their feet on the rights...

Naïve Views, Unrealistic Policies

May 10, 2011

For more than a week, Bin Laden story has topped the world news events, analyses, and politics. As far as Afghanistan is concerned, President Karzai, soon after Obama's announcement, expressed happiness on his death and called upon Taliban fighters to learn their lessons from Osama's death. However, the victorious call didn't last long...

Underestimation of bin Ladenism is a Mistake

May 10, 2011

ince months ago, everybody engaged in Afghanistan's issue have been talking about growing violence after winter meltdown due to commencement of spring-offensive assaults of militants. And recently such warnings doubled due to assassination of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. In meantime, insurgents also have never come short of...

The Situation Could Spell an Irreversible Chaos

May 10, 2011

It may be strange for Afghan people to ask the government and international community to restore the security and peace in their country within a specific timeframe but they may have to come to a certain point to decide to ask the government and international forces when they will begin to feel secure in their neighborhood and...

From Hit-and-Run to More Organized Attacks

May 09, 2011

It has been often said by Afghan and international security officials that the Taliban militants have lost their ability to fight Afghan and foreign security forces face-to-face. These officials have tried to dispel public concerns about the resurgence of Taliban, saying that the militants and other insurgent groups are using hit-and-run...

Mandatory Military Service

May 09, 2011

With the security transition deadline of 2014 from international troops to Afghan forces getting close, the debate on Afghan control of security has given prominence to the previously discussed proposal of conscript military service. It gained public prominence particularly after the Munich Security Conference where President Karzai talked...